
Producción Científica



This study mapped and explored scientific production related to basketball in Brazilian theses and dissertations in the 21st century. The works were selected from the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, the Coordination for Improvement of Higher Education Personnel’s Bank of Theses and Dissertations, and Google Scholar, through the equation Basquete* OR Basket*. The search resulted in 79 articles, including 18 theses and 61 dissertations. The State University of Campinas and Brazil’s South and Southeast stood out as the HEI and the regions with the highest number of studies respectively. In addition, the study found that aspects related to the physiological and pedagogical axes received more attention in studies. and key words basquetebol (basketball) and capacidade/habilidade (ability/skill) were prominent. The information showed how incipient works on basketball sponsored by funding agencies are in Brazil.



Performance measurement indicators are widely used by organizations in order to assess, measure and classify organizational performance. As part of performance measurement systems, indicators are often shared or compared to different internal sectors of the organization, or even with other companies. However, some indicators are associated with vagueness and imprecision. In these cases, literature related to time representation can clarify the need for the semantic representation of indicators. This work seeks to analyse the studies available, selected after bibliometric review, on the semantic representation of time through ontologies. The purpose of this is to identify a knowledge model which best served the purpose of representing time in the performance indicators’ context. After applying the METHONTOLOGY methodology, it was concluded that the most suitable option is the SWRL Temporal Ontology, due to its ability to represent fine levels of granularity for points of time.



This paper questions meanings from a socio-pedagogical perspective on the concept of body in Educacion Fisica y Ciencia” journal, from its beginnings in 1995 to 2016. For this, first a bibliometric work was developed, building data and mapping this paradigmatic publication of the Argentinean academic field of physical education. Secondly, the quantitative and qualitative data obtained were interpreted. With these data a series of analytical categories were built, identifying a recurrence at the papers related to the concept of body with gender, cultural representations, biopower, epistemology, biology and schooling processes. This research intends to observe what senses about body circulated in the academic field of Argentine physical education, considering the contextual aspects in which the journal has been developed, the actors that produce and reproduce knowledge, and conceptualizations about the body.



The transition to a circular economy is gaining notoriety as society demands alternative forms of production and consumption. In this context, Product-Service Systems have the potential to reconcile economic and socio-environmental development. However, the implementation of Product-Service Systems has limitations, such as poor understanding of the system, difficulties in monitoring and establishing relationships with stakeholders. In order to guarantee guarantee a successful implementation of Product-Service Systems, there is a need to understand these organizational challenges and to present opportunities to mitigate these barriers. The goal of this paper is to identify facilitators and construct guidelines, capable of minimizing barriers in the implementation of a Product-Service System. To achieve this goal, a systematic literature review was conducted, contemplating bibliometric and content analysis (57 papers were read in full). The results of the bibliometric analysis point to the need to expand business proposals to different economic and cultural contexts, since they are mainly concentrated in developed countries. The content analysis presented a framework with guidelines, subguidelines, and facilitators, classified according to the PSS dimensions: provider, offer, and consumer. Thus, 111 facilitators were identified, and 26 subguidelines and 11 guidelines were built, demonstrating the contribution of the Circular Economy for the minimization of barriers in the implementation of the Product-Service System. The research highlights that approximately 73% of the facilitators correspond to the provider dimension, emphasizing the need to promote organizational changes and to adapt business proposals, adding value to the solution or to the results. However, the research highlights the need for the involvement of all stakeholders, where the customer must also promote changes in habits and an awareness of sustainable development. Finally, it is emphasized that this research provides a theoretical basis for the development of empirical studies, applying and expanding the knowledge of the interrelationship between Circular Economy and Product-Service Systems.



Background: Over the past decade, the political movement called ‘Revolucion Ciudadana’ implemented a variety of policies and interventions (P&I) in Ecuador to improve higher education and strengthen local research capacity. We refer specifically to the ‘Mandato 14’ and the Higher Education Law (LOES, Spanish acronym) launched in 2008 and 2010, respectively. Objective: To assess the impact of these P&I (Mandato 14/LOES) on the production of health sciences-related articles (HSRA), and the relationship of these HSRA with the country’s health priorities. Methods: A Scopus search was performed to retrieve HSRA published from 1999 to 2017. Bivariate analysis was used to assess variation between the period I (1999-2008) and period II (2009-2017). Further, we examined the association between the top 10 causes of mortality and the total HSRA output. Results: The final study sample consisted of 2784 articles. After 2008, Ecuadorian production of HSRA increased steadily from 671 to 2133 publications (p<.001). Overall (1999-2017), the most common study design was cross-sectional (32.3%), the primary research focus was in the clinical-surgical area (49.3%), and the academic institutions were the primary drivers of scientific production during period II (56.9% vs. 29.5%, p<.001). Further, we found a decrease in the production of randomized controlled trials (6.7% vs. 1.8%, p.05). Conclusions: Ecuadorian HSRA output increased significantly after 2008. This larger volume of scientific output could be the result to the Mandato 14/LOES implemented in the last decade. However, a low percentage of HSRA are dedicated to addressing the country’s health priorities. Proper planning, execution and monitoring of national health research agendas would reduce the mismatch between health burden and the HSRA output in Ecuador and other low-and middle-income countries.



Background: The experience of pain has physical, cognitive, affective and behavioral manifestations; however, its evaluation is usually oriented to aspects such as intensity and location, leaving out other equally relevant attributes. Its evaluation is a complex task because of its nature and the few tools to make assessments, especially in the cancer population. Objective: To carry out a systematic review to identify the different ways of evaluating chronic/oncological pain in patients under 18 years of age. Material and methods: Following the PRISMA method (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses), the search was carried out in three databases. Results: 27 articles were analyzed. The most used instruments evaluate various aspects in the sensory/discriminative dimension, especially co-administered and, to a lesser extent, the others. Discussion: There is a need for instruments that evaluate the entire subjective experience of pain, considering their technological development convenient to improve the opportunity to access medical care.



This paper is part of the reflection initiated in 2016 following the 20th anniversary of the Public Understanding of Science Journal, analyzing both the thematic evolution of the journal itself and broader aspects of the evolution of the field. Here, we aim to analyze developments in PUS based on all the papers published in the field’s two major journals: Science Communication and Public Understanding of Science. We propose to study the field based on the epistemic relations established between texts resulting from the references they include. Thus, although the aforementioned journals constitute our source of information, by incorporating in the analysis the references of all the papers in these journals – which include books and other journals – we significantly expand the scope and build the epistemic links that are established by the texts analyzed in a very specific way.



The compensation in the form of benefits received at the beginning of retirement may be insufficient to support the retiree’s standard of living while they were active workers. Using a quantitative bibliometric methodology through systematic review, the problem of the lack of continuous actions to promote financial education as a means of building assets for retirement was identified. The importance of financial decisions for the worker’s retirement planning was investigated; the forms of investment for retirement planning used by the worker were mapped and the variables that influence the worker’s investment decision for retirement were identified. In the final considerations, it is observed that even in countries considered developed, financial illiteracy is high, nor was there a priority regarding financial planning for retirement. Despite constant changes to the retirement regime for greater worker involvement, policymakers and employers still strongly intervene in investment decisions for retirement purposes.



One of the main challenges for organizations today is to achieve an optimal integration of collaborators when considering the difficulties implicit in the generational diversity of teams with different motivations, work styles, expectations and behaviors. Objective. To review the taxonomy of generations in the workplace through a bibliometric analysis over time and from the perspective of different countries. Methodology. 293 documents collected from Web of Science and Scopus databases in the period from 1957 to 2020 were analyzed; for this purpose, the R software, Biblioshiny, with Bibliometrix interface, was used. Results. The main findings reveal a significant increase in studies overtime, as well as the fact that the generations and the periods that determine them have a heterogeneous definition according to the country in which they are studied. Conclusions. For the purpose of a better and more efficient design of human capital strategies, organizations should be aware of generational differences.



The tourism model was already showing signs of exhaustion even before the Covid-19 pandemic, and new research paradigms are being sought to support a more ethical and responsible tourism. One pos-sible path seems to be Hospitality in Tourism, whose scientific production is scarce. A bibliometric study focusing on articles was conducted to systematize the knowledge produced and identify guidelines on Hospi-tality in Tourism Studies. Using Spell Check and Web of Science, two research samples were composed. The journals with the highest frequency were Hospitality Journal, Rosa dos Ventos and Hospitality & Society. In the temporal evolution of the keywords, references to hospitality research in tourism emerged, with a focus on overtourism, accessibility, gift-giving, Airbnb, sharing economy, and emotional solidarity. It was possible to reinforce the trend of aligning hospitality in tourism with the social dimension of the economic dimension of sustainability.

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