Producción Científica



Objective: The research analyzes, through an epistemological-historical perspective, statements that enable the metric discourse among authors in the context of a political economy of scientific production. More specifically, that speech that allows measuring and establishing a type of ranking among the authors. To propose that the notion of bio-bibliography, more than the general notion of bibliography, is directly linked to this discursive conformation. The research is focused on scientific authorship. Method: The methodological procedure adopted is defined by theoretical exploration applied to scientific literature. Greater relevance is given to the statements produced in the field of knowledge of Library and Information Science (LIS), although not restricted to this. The discursive unit, which allows describing, measuring and classifying scientific authors, is formed from the heterogeneous relationship between statements that deal with the notions of author and measurement. Therefore, we deal with these statements as events that build this knowledge. Result: The exploration demonstrates that measurement and classification ideas among authors were already possible in the early 20th century. However, from a historical perspective, we can assess some epistemic changes that influenced this practice. The quantitative character is present in the two discursive models studied. However, the formation of quantified objects differs. In the first case, there is a concern to measure the superiority of one author over the other on the discursive surface about them, a singular kind of moral order (a vertical ethos for establishing behavior patterns). In a second step, which we call the epistemic turn, we have that authorial productivity is the most relevant factor to classify scientific authorship. Thus, in capitalism, the work is converted into a product and the author into a producer. Conclusions: The notion of measure and author has long been present in the macro discourse of the bibliography, as a discourse of knowledge. However, we can say that these relationships are not static over time. Biobibliographical discourse supports the classifying practice between subjects. It went from a biographical pole to an episteme of the individual’s bibliographic production, crossed by metrical issues. If bibliometric is only possible by structuring a bibliographic practice, evaluation by the production criterion for subjects, endowed with the author function, also runs through a bio-biblical logic, being able to support a “bio-bibliometric” notion.



This article has as objective, to characterize the scien-tific production of researchers from the Autonomous University of Queretaro (UAQ) indexed in the data-bases as Science Citation Index Expanded, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Social Science Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index of the Web of Science, among the years 2010 and 2020. The analy-sis is to measure the production of articles based on unidimensional and multidimensional bibliometric indicators. The work retrieved a total of 2,343 publica-tions distributed in 199 journals. The results show the evolution of production, research areas, journals, cat-egories, language, authors, national and international collaboration, and ranking of the most cited works. It is concluded that the areas that produce the most sci-entific documents at the UAQ are engineering, tech-nology, chemistry and physics, signed in coauthorship in national and international networking.



Phase change slurries (PCSs) have great potential as both a heat transfer fluid and an energy storage medium for cooling processes, cold energy storage, and cold energy transportation due to desirable thermophysical properties. One of the major benefits of PCSs compared to pure phase change materials is their fluidity, thus making them cooled or heated by a heat exchanger, pumped through pipes, discharged, and stored directly in a thermal energy storage tank. The use of encapsulated phase change slurries and gas hydrate slurry has thus attracted considerable interest as reflected in the literature with a rising number of publications and institutions involved in the area. The use of bibliometric techniques has found a recent interest in the literature to define the progress of different scientific topics and inspire researchers to identify novelties. In this paper, bibliometric analysis and a detailed systematic review are carried out to show the state-of-the-art development of PCSs for cooling applications. Research gaps and hotspots are identified to help define future perspectives on this topic.



The objective of this article was to verify the panorama of competitiveness and the design and implementation of public policies in the agricultural sector in the face of the COVID-19 crisis in the country. For this, a literature review was carried out with the Bibliometrix software, in bibliometric bases and indices, as well as a review of FAO data and public policy documents related to the agricultural sector in Colombia. Among the findings, the main trends and developments in the agricultural sector are recognized, and the importance of implementing effective public policies to support and promote competitiveness in the sector. Some of these policies include strengthening research and innovation, supporting the marketing and export of products, improving infrastructure and technology, and strengthening education and training for the sector.



In Brazil, there are still barriers that prevent the accessibility of people with disabilities in education, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can be used as a means of expanding new possibilities for organizing the teaching and learning process. Most of these barriers stem from the lack of technological resources, non-compliance with current legislation, and the way society organizes itself, ignoring the diverse demands of its population. In this context, this article aims to identify the assistive technologies that have been used by people with disabilities. Therefore, the study is based on a methodology of an exploratory nature and a qualitative approach, conducted from a bibliometric research. The results show the existence of assistive technologies that aim to contribute to the accessibility of students with visual and hearing impairments in education, and that can help teachers in pedagogical practices.



This study aims to review, systematically, the literature that relates corporate governance with company performance in periods of economic crisis. For this purpose, through the bibliometric analysis, a sample of 755 articles extracted from the web of science and elsevier scopus databases were analyzed. The ten most relevant documents in terms of citation were analyzed in a qualitative manner. As results, it was observed that the economies developed concentrate the publications, as well as they are object of study in a great part of the articles. In addition, few studies explore a sample involving companies from under-developed or developing countries. Therefore, there is a need for studies that have as research objects developing economy companies and that consider the specific economic, social and environmental characteristics of these regions.



Background: Over the past decade, the political movement called ‘Revolucion Ciudadana’ implemented a variety of policies and interventions (P&I) in Ecuador to improve higher education and strengthen local research capacity. We refer specifically to the ‘Mandato 14’ and the Higher Education Law (LOES, Spanish acronym) launched in 2008 and 2010, respectively. Objective: To assess the impact of these P&I (Mandato 14/LOES) on the production of health sciences-related articles (HSRA), and the relationship of these HSRA with the country’s health priorities. Methods: A Scopus search was performed to retrieve HSRA published from 1999 to 2017. Bivariate analysis was used to assess variation between the period I (1999-2008) and period II (2009-2017). Further, we examined the association between the top 10 causes of mortality and the total HSRA output. Results: The final study sample consisted of 2784 articles. After 2008, Ecuadorian production of HSRA increased steadily from 671 to 2133 publications (p<.001). Overall (1999-2017), the most common study design was cross-sectional (32.3%), the primary research focus was in the clinical-surgical area (49.3%), and the academic institutions were the primary drivers of scientific production during period II (56.9% vs. 29.5%, p<.001). Further, we found a decrease in the production of randomized controlled trials (6.7% vs. 1.8%, p.05). Conclusions: Ecuadorian HSRA output increased significantly after 2008. This larger volume of scientific output could be the result to the Mandato 14/LOES implemented in the last decade. However, a low percentage of HSRA are dedicated to addressing the country’s health priorities. Proper planning, execution and monitoring of national health research agendas would reduce the mismatch between health burden and the HSRA output in Ecuador and other low-and middle-income countries.



The advent of New Public Management introduced the concept of project management until then exclusive to the private sector, paving the way for increased state efficiency. In this scenario, this article aims to locate, synthesize, and identify the theoretical proximity among studies on project management in the public context. The bibliometric methodological approach used relational analysis of citations and the methods of cocitation and coupling to reveal the connections among the studies published. Exploratory factor analysis of cocitation and coupling led to six factors, indicating the intellectual structure, and enabling the generation of a factor integration framework from the most frequent citations. The results indicated the prevalence of studies on project management and e-government competencies. It also amplifies discussions with the presentation of an agenda directed explicitly to the management of public projects.



This paper presents the line of research Religion, Language and Literature, which is part of the Research Group Religion, Pluralism and Dialogue (REPLUDI), linked to the Graduate Program in Religious Studies at PUC Minas. The text describes some activities of the group, and, more particularly, the academic production of the line, and the theoretical and methodological references that supports its research. The main objective of this report, reflecting what the journal Teoliteraria has accomplished in its 10 years of existence, is associated with the interest of sharing our research with other researchers and groups that debate the interfaces between Theology/Religion Studies and Literature. The historical and bibliometric data presented here were searched on the PPGCR website, and on the research group’s social networks and on the Lattes platform as well. The theoretical and methodological issues were extracted from the researchers’ academic productions.



The objective of this work is to study the relationship between the production of indexed documents in the area of environmental sciences in the SCOPUS database and the best evaluated countries within the Environmental Per-formance Index (EPI). To do this, the first three places in the EPI for the years 2014, 2016 and 2018, and three Latin American countries, Brazil, Costa Rica and Mexico are analyzed by bibliometric methods. Among the applied analyzes, a thematic categorization was carried out using the keywords of the environmental science production using the axes of the EPI as an identification variable, statistical comparison regarding the scientific production of each country and the type of access to it. It was found that countries with strong governance (countries better evaluated within the index) are not related to a greater production of environmental science publications.