Producción Científica



This paper aims to systematically summarize the literature on gender and consumer research to evaluate its foundations and the state of the art of those studies. The literature review used the Scopus database applying bibliometric and content analysis. The content analysis of the most cited papers showed a predominance of quantitative studies. Despite the growing interest in the topic, researchers are still focusing on gender as an independent variable and not a category of analysis. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the complexity and particularities of this phenomenon. Consumer researchers need to focus on gender in a broader perspective, investigating how marketplace practices help create gendered environments that help perpetuate gender disparities. We discussed further new directions for future research and challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic brought to consumer’s life regarding gender.



Limonene is the main component of citrus essential oils, and can reach a concentration of up to 96%. Popularly known for its potential therapeutic effects on the body, among these we point out its broad antimicrobial activity against various types of pathogens. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to address the antimicrobial and antifungal properties of limonene compared to microorganisms of interest in dentistry, based on a bibliometric study and literature review. The following databases were analyzed: PubMed, Google Scholar, SciELO and Science Direct, from which ten articles published between 2011-2021 were selected. Most of results indicate a satisfactory antimicrobial potential, besides providing important data and perspectives regarding the indication and clinical use, in addition to innovative therapeutic modalities for diseases that affect the oral cavity, such as tooth decay, periodontal disease and candidosis.



Objective: Describing the current panorama on the production of experimental studies related to the gestational period. Method: A bibliometric descriptive study using a quantitative approach. The data collection was performed in the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform in the month of October 2016. A descriptive statistical analysis was conducted after reading the abstracts and summarizing the material. Results: The sample consisted of 33 studies registered in the period from 2007 to 2016. The Southeast Region concentrated 48.5% of the studies. Regarding the subjects covered, 33.1% of the total refer to physical activities during pregnancy and to perineal exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor musculature. Conclusion: The study showed us the panorama of the experimental studies focused on the gestational period, serving as support and incentive for performing further studies with a high level of evidence, which can impact the care provided to this population.



From the 1990s onwards, studies on entrepreneurship increased significantly. Currently, the field has many scientific publications, journals, specialized events and is present in undergraduate and graduate courses. Over time different approaches, definitions, concepts, theories and ramifications have emerged. Therefore, it is possible to carry out a review to analyze and understand the evolution of the field in different periods. Given this, this work aimed to analyze an evolution of entrepreneurship while the research field through themes that marked different periods. A bibliometric literature review was carried out with a focus on cluster analysis. It was possible to observe that in the last decades the field has gained breadth, with the introduction of new concepts and research themes. In addition, the maintenance of some themes indicates that these important ones continue and seek theoretical / methodological density.



The h-index, proposed in 2005, is very popular in the literature and in real-world applications, due to its simplicity and to the importance of measuring scientific impact. Many studies have proposed new indexes with similar characteristics, known as h-type indexes, whose purpose is to overcome certain disadvantages of the original index. This paper studies a few of these indexes that increase the h-index’s sensitivity to frequently cited publications, namely the g, A, R and the recently proposed ‘P-index. First, we compare the indexes’ responses to increases in the level of academic production, considering a real case study. Moreover, we analyze the indexes’ stability, when the citation distribution varies. For a better understanding of the indexes’ reactions to such changes, we compare them to the p and z indexes.



Growing social inequality, environmental problems and frequent economic crises have made society, and especially companies, change their behavior and become increasingly aware of their role in terms of sustainability, all of this, without neglecting their economic interests. Due to the growing academic interest in these issues, this research aims to carry out a literature review based on scientific mapping, on the relationship between corporate finance and sustainability. For this, a survey of the scientific production registered in the Web of Science and Scopus in the last two decades was carried out, later, with bibliometric tools, the current structure of the subject was exposed. Two predominant lines of research were identified. The first is Corporate Social Responsibility and the second is Sustainability and Financial Performance Reports.



Groundwater is an important water resource that accounts for 30% of the world’s freshwater. 97% of this extracted groundwater is for drinking and human use. Due to anthropogenic activities, this resource is affected and, consequently, its life cycle is modified, changing its natural state. This paper aims to analyse the scientific production that deals with the study of groundwater’s Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), using bibliometric methods. Thus, it contributes to the evolution of knowledge of this resource in terms of its use (environmental, economic and social). The methodological process includes: (i) selection and analysis of search topics in the Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases; (ii) application of Bibliometrix and Visualisation of Similarity Viewer (VOSviewer) software to the data collected; (iii) scientific structure of the relation of the topics groundwater and life cycle, considering programme lines and relations in their sub-themes; (iv) literature review of Author keywords. A total of 780 papers were selected, 306 being from Scopus, 158 from WoS and 316 published in both databases. The time evolution of the analysed data (publications) indicates that groundwater LCA studies have seen exponential growth (between 1983 and 2021). In addition, it has three development periods: introduction (years between 1983 and 2001), growth (between 2002 and 2011) and maturation (between 2012 and 2021). At the country level (origin of contributions authors), the USA dominates the total scientific production with 24.7%, followed by Denmark with 12.8% and 10.3% for China. Among the main topics of study associated with LCA are those focused on: the proposal of remediation methods, the application and development of technologies and the use of water resources by the urban community. This study allows establishing new trends in agricultural development issues about irrigation efficiency, wastewater reuse, mining and treatment, climate change in a circular economy scheme related to sustainability and life cycle assessment.



This essay poses a philosophical question conducted as an historical investigation that end up in a sociological explanation around the measurement of science. Measuring, etymologically related to a praecisio (a closure, a mutilation) acquires its deepest meaning in a postontological era for describing the cultural implications of a world deprived of metaphysics. Based on a succinct account of the emergence of bibliometric thought framed by the early-twentieth-century historiographic debate between serial historians and historians of the event (histoire evenementielle), this essay join both postontological meaning and historical evidence into a sociological analysis of science and technology policies at the turn of the century Colombia which have led to a radical transformation of the university as a social institution, of the status of knowledge in contemporary society, and the identity of we scholars who inhabit that space.



Traffic accidents are of worldwide concern, as they are one of the leading causes of death globally. One policy designed to cope with them is the design and deployment of road safety systems. These aim to predict crashes based on historical records, provided by new Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, to enhance traffic flow management and promote safer roads. Increasing data availability has helped machine learning (ML) to address the prediction of crashes and their severity. The literature reports numerous contributions regarding survey papers, experimental comparisons of various techniques, and the design of new methods at the point where crash severity prediction (CSP) and ML converge. Despite such progress, and as far as we know, there are no comprehensive research articles that theoretically and practically approach the model selection problem (MSP) in CSP. Thus, this paper introduces a bibliometric analysis and experimental benchmark of ML and automated machine learning (AutoML) as a suitable approach to automatically address the MSP in CSP. Firstly, 2318 bibliographic references were consulted to identify relevant authors, trending topics, keywords evolution, and the most common ML methods used in related-case studies, which revealed an opportunity for the use AutoML in the transportation field. Then, we compared AutoML (AutoGluon, Auto-sklearn, TPOT) and ML (CatBoost, Decision Tree, Extra Trees, Gradient Boosting, Gaussian Naive Bayes, Light Gradient Boosting Machine, Random Forest) methods in three case studies using open data portals belonging to the cities of Medellin, Bogota, and Bucaramanga in Colombia. Our experimentation reveals that AutoGluon and CatBoost are competitive and robust ML approaches to deal with various CSP problems. In addition, we concluded that general-purpose AutoML effectively supports the MSP in CSP without developing domain-focused AutoML methods for this supervised learning problem. Finally, based on the results obtained, we introduce challenges and research opportunities that the community should explore to enhance the contributions that ML and AutoML can bring to CSP and other transportation areas.



The Product-service system (PSS) concept has been heavily discussed within the literature, emphasizing its refinement, barriers to implementation and design methodologies. In this sense, the role of public policies and governments has been overlooked, being discussed by very few articles. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the public policy and regulation discussions within the product-service system literature in order to extract the main themes and characteristics. The research methods combined bibliometric and content analysis. Public policies are required in order to overcome barriers to implementation and diffusion of PSS such as corporate, cultural and regulatory barriers, through PSS-directed policies or indirectly linked to PSS policies.