
Producción Científica



Sustainable Urban Drainage emerged and gained prominence during the late 90s. Despite this progress, there is little uniformity in subjects and definition of terms within the overall sustainability theme. This tends to create a duplication of objectives and confusion about the correct use of techniques and procedures. This paper seeks to identify, map and evaluate ‘Sustainable Urban Drainage’ as a scientific domain, using relationships between underlying subthemes. We analyzed 3,805 publications by 8,237 authors with relation to 11,957 citations using sociometric and bibliometric techniques. The results confirm the existence of the knowledge domain with one main nucleus and 20 independent networks. Core subthemes such as stormwater management, low impact development, integrated urban water management, bioretention, and best management practices are distinguishable as the main domain.



Sustainable entrepreneurship has received substantial recognition from academics and practitioners in the last decade, with a noticeable and rapidly increases of publications on the topic. Through bibliometric techniques and tools, this study allows mapping the main academic literature on sustainable entrepreneurship and analyzes the most substantial contributions to the advances of research in this field. The chronological analysis of literature from the Web of Science-Social Sciences Citation Index (WoS-SSCI) databaseuntil January 2018provides new insights not previously reviewed, such as the journals, authors and articles more influential so far. As a result, 282 articles were retrieved, which were published in 140 journals and written by 663 authors affiliated to 413 institutions, from 50 countries. The analysis allowed identifying publication evolution over time, and provides clues about the opportunities for future research.



This paper explores scientific literature related to academic entrepreneurship and spin-off in university settings with the aim of identifying how information in this study field is organized, which the theoretical and methodological approaches in the literature are, as well as detecting gaps for future research lines. A systematic review of 57 indexed papers was conducted, obtained from the Scopus database and published between January 2014 and October 2019. Firstly, a bibliometric analysis through the VOSviewer software was carried out, and subsequently, the content of the set of studies was analyzed to meet the aims of the research. The results confirm that there is growing literature related to academic entrepreneurship, but it is fragmented under heterogeneous theoretical approaches. In sum, quantitative methodologies are on the rise and future holistic research is suggested.



With the spread of the corona virus disease in the world, several initiatives began to emerge in order to understand how the virus works and the necessary measures to mitigate its transmission. It is worth mentioning that many projects developed by universities are not yet published in academia. The objective of the article is to identify the progress of Brazilian research, pointing out the main universities and thematic areas with publication. The methodology is bibliometric analysis, using keywords in online libraries CAPES and Scielo. As main results, the largest publications are concentrated at the University of Sao Paulo; in the state of Sao Paulo; and at the Arxiv Repository: Cornell University. The researches categories are Modelling and Governmental Analysis. It is concluded that universities are publishing works, and sharing relevant knowledge with society and researchers at the time of the all world pandemic.



Since 2009, Scopus database is regularly covering the Arabian Journal of Chemistry (AJC). Ten years of continuous and successful journey motivated us to celebrate its contribution through the 1st comprehensive bibliometric study. For simplicity we will divide the abstract in four (4) parts. In part 1, the publications and citations details are provided. From 2009 to 2019, the total number of publications (TP) were found to be 2134, majorly comprising of research articles (n = 2009/94.14%) and reviews (n = 119/5.57%). The relative per year growth rate (%) from 2009, one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the doubling time was calculated. The details of impact per publication (IPP), SNIP, % self cit, citation per document, external cites per document, self-citations and total cites are also provided. In part 2, the lists of top ten (10) authors, institutions and countries are described with total number of publications (TP), h-index, total citations (TC), h-index without selfcitations (WSC) and total WSC. We also discussed and provided the list of top ten (10) most cited documents with TC, WSC and other Scopus metrics like Crossref citation indexes, Mendeley reader and field-weighted citation impact. In 3rd part, various other parameters were presented as visualization map, using VOSviewer. Precisely, the co-authorship, citations and co-citations patterns were described in detail. While, based on the co-words analysis of titles, abstract and authors keywords, we proposed the overall trend of publications in AJC. In part 4, we will specifically mention that in 2019, SCImago journal rank has declared AJC in Q1 (1st Quartile) state while Scopus has ranked it at 22nd (in 281 general chemical engineering journals) and 45th position (in 398 chemistry journals). From Web of Science (after 2009), we also retrieved the data about the journal AJC impact factor, 5 year impact factor, immediacy index and average journal impact factor percentile. The data confirms that AJC showed a continuous growth in the number of publications, citations, impact factor and ranking.



This paper analyses Uruguayan historiography on agrarian and rural themes from 1970 to the present. It is not a directory of authors or contributions, nor does it present bibliometric indicators to describe the agrarian historiography of Uruguay.The main point of this article is that the rise and fall of Uruguayan rural historiography depict the life cycle of what Imre Lakatos called a research programme (Lakatos, 1983).This research programme was born in the 1950s and had its progressive stage between 1960-89. From then to the beginning of the new century, the programme underwent what is called the regressive stage in Lakatos’s terms.This article closes with some references to the main lines of what may be an emerging research programme. I hope that the Uruguayan case may contribute to a broader reflection on Latin American rural historiography during the last five decades.



The present work aims to characterize the scientific production regarding the thematic of the role played by the organizational teams in programs of redesign of processes. Methodologically, the study is of an exploratory nature, adopting the bibliographic review of the articles published in the databases Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar. The period of analysis was between 2006 and 2016. The bibliometric technique was used to examine the selected articles. The studies of production, authorship, content and references of the articles of the sample were carried out. As some of the results, the limited number of articles published on the relationship of the process redesigning projects with their organizational teams, as well as the identification of new research possibilities within the scope of this theme.



Background: The Journal of Infection and Public Health published its first issue in 2008. The fact that the journal has been published uninterruptedly as well as its editorial content and the application of a peer-review process to select manuscripts, made the journal eligible to be indexed by databases such as Scopus. This study presents a general overview of the journal from 2008 until 2016 using bibliometric indicators to assess its performance. Methods: The data for this study, dating between 2008 and 2016, was extracted from Scopus database. All the information was exported in CSV format to the Sequel Pro software for data analysis. Additionally, collaboration and word co-occurrence networks were generated using VOSviewer. Results: The total number of documents published between 2008-2016 was 586, of which local authorship (Saudi Arabia) constituted a small share, accounting only for 19.3% (113 documents). Those with foreign authorship (other countries excluding Saudi Arabia) represented 80.7% (473) of the total. Furthermore, the three countries that co-author documents with researchers from Saudi Arabia are Egypt, the United States and the United Kingdom. Likewise, these three countries serve as nodes connecting researchers from other countries located in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America. An analysis of the top-five journals that cited the research published revealed that that 90.2% of them belonged to the first and second quartiles confirms the quality of the research being published. Word co-occurrence analysis established a slight shift of focus in the research topics published during the last four years studied, as a new cluster was formed with terms related to “education”, “intervention” and “implementation”. Conclusion: The journal has managed, in very few years, to be considered by researchers worldwide. Furthermore, throughout the years, the journal showed an evolution in the main topics covered, providing a contemporary overview of public health. (C) 2018 Published by Elsevier Limited on behalf of King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.



Introduction: Robotic assisted surgery (RAS) is one of the most recent surgical approaches that has quickly been adopted by the pediatric urology community. Over the last decade, a vast amount of manuscripts has been published, supporting the safety and applicability of RAS in the pediatric population. The quality of published literature about this innovative technology remains supported by case-reports and retrospective case-series. Historical behavior of literature productivity and implementation of laparoscopy followed a similar trend. We present the historical publication uptake of RAS in pediatric urology and other surgical disciplines using a bibliometric comparison of the most cited manuscripts. Materials and Methods: A systematic search and review of the literature was undertaken by the authors. Literature search was performed in OVID, PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. The search period included all publications between 1985 and June 2018. All languages were included. Data analysis for graphical representation was performed using VOSviewer (R) version 1.6.8 and Impact Index Analysis was used to adjust the citations by the time since publication. Results: A total of 1,014 titles were identified. After applying exclusion criteria, 200 papers were included for the RAS arm and 402 for the laparoscopic one. Case-series was the most common type of publication. Average citations for laparoscopic manuscripts was 23 (SD +/- 31) and for RAS was 20 (SD +/- 31.5). The impact index analysis showed an average of 95 (SD +/- 167) for laparoscopic manuscripts vs. 66 (SD +/- 101) for RAS. The laparoscopic manuscript with the highest citation count had 199 citations with an impact index of 12.1. And the RAS manuscript with the highest citation count had 280 citations and an impact index of 4.3. Conclusion: Literature productivity in pediatric laparoscopic and RAS has quickly grown. Pediatric Urologists play a key role in the introduction of this innovative tool. Literature supporting its implementation and future consolidation requires to focus on increasing the level of evidence.



This work aims to analyze the evolution of the researches in netnography, from the application of a bibliometric analysis in the scientific productions in the area. For this analysis, we opted for the use of the Web of Science (TM) database, mainly due to its wide range of scientific areas. The main results of the analyzes were the number of articles in evolution reaching their apex in the year 2015, the top journals, countries and authors of the subject and the most cited articles that presents different empirical objects, without problematizing the use and adaptation of the method to online communities. At the conclusion of the work, the study proposes a research agenda to discuss the method and its implications for the studies of organizations and the area that is mostly the field of netnographic research: marketing.

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