The Research Group “Religion, Language and Culture” – listed in the CNPq Directory of Research Groups and certified by the PUC-Campinas – develops research in dialog with the range of themes of Teoliteraria, that completes 10 years of existence. We investigate the relationships among religion, language, and culture, analyzing, on one side, the polyphony of religion and its illimited power of creation of meaning in dialogue and tension with the sacred, and, on the other side, seek to understand its forms of domestication and its submission to power projects. Our article is organized in three sections that are at the same time descriptive and analytic: (1) the presentation of RELINC to the Teoliteraria community; (2) epistemological aspects of our research, highlighting the dialogue between religion and the arts (literature and film, in special) and religious mystic as social criticism; and (3) bibliometric data from RELINC, referring to the last four years period of CAPES evaluation.
- Autor/es: Breno Martins Campos, Ceci Maria Costa Baptista Mariani, Paulo Augusto de Souza Nogueira
- Año de publicación: 2021
- País: Brasil
- Idioma: Portugues
- Fuente de indexación: WOS