Producción Científica



The Research Group “Religion, Language and Culture” – listed in the CNPq Directory of Research Groups and certified by the PUC-Campinas – develops research in dialog with the range of themes of Teoliteraria, that completes 10 years of existence. We investigate the relationships among religion, language, and culture, analyzing, on one side, the polyphony of religion and its illimited power of creation of meaning in dialogue and tension with the sacred, and, on the other side, seek to understand its forms of domestication and its submission to power projects. Our article is organized in three sections that are at the same time descriptive and analytic: (1) the presentation of RELINC to the Teoliteraria community; (2) epistemological aspects of our research, highlighting the dialogue between religion and the arts (literature and film, in special) and religious mystic as social criticism; and (3) bibliometric data from RELINC, referring to the last four years period of CAPES evaluation.



This article aimed to analyze academic productions about digital entrepreneurship by women. There is the following research problem: how are approaches related to digital entrepreneurship by women being discussed in the academic literature? The study is qualitative and descriptive. Data were collected in April 2021, on the Web of Science, using the Proknow-C method. The initial search presented 637 articles and after applying the method, the final sample consisted of 17 articles, which were categorized and analyzed. Data were treated through systematic and bibliometric analysis, with the aid of the VOSviewer Software. The results obtained revealed that digital entrepreneurship by women has been driven by social inclusion, female empowerment, poverty reduction and stimulus to regional economic growth and development. The entrepreneurs in question, however, are still operating in an incipient way in the digital economy. Theoretical contributions indicate the urgency of developing and stimulating digital entrepreneurship by women, especially in marginalized contexts.



In response to the need to modernize the public machine in the face of the backward processes used by administrative managements that hindered the unfolding of their actions, the Public Administration began to adopt integrity programs as instruments of control and results. The primary function of integrity programs is to orient and guide the behavior of public officials so as to align them with the public interest, thereby promoting improvement and transparency in public management. In this sense, this study uses the concepts of bibliometrics as a tool to analyze the scientific publications developed between 2013 and 2022, based on the publication of Law 12.846/13. The searches for articles were conducted with the terms “Integrity Programs”, “Compliance” and “Public Administration” using the Web of Science and Scopus platforms, resulting in a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the studies directed to the keywords that were searched.



Objective: This work presents a proposal of fundamental categories, based on the work of Ranganathan and the Classification Research Group, to be used to construct a faceted navigation interface for a digital library of thesis and dissertations. Methods: A research of applied nature, qualitative approach and exploratory type was carried out, which uses as methods the literature review, the documentary research and a domain analysis combining the bibliometric study and terminological study approaches. Results: Based on the domain analysis, as well as on the consulted theoretical framework, the following fundamental categories were created: Thing, Kind, Process, Operation, Product, By-product, Space and Time. Conclusions: The fundamental categories proposed in this work can contribute significantly to building a faceted search engine for retrieving theses and dissertations in a digital library. Thus, it is expected to eliminate the difficulties currently encountered by users when using a textual search field.



The study aims to identify whether, from the promulgation of the 1988 Federal Constitution, there was the emergence and consolidation of the Public Administration paradigm as a public interest in scientific production in the country. To achieve this objective, 1229 articles from the SPELL database were selected, which contained in the title, abstract or keyword, the expression “public administration” or “public management”. After preliminary analysis, the articles were reduced to 911, which formed the corpus of the present study. The analysis was made using bibliometric techniques and content analysis. The most cited authors were identified, the locus and focus of the articles and the paradigm of each study. The consolidation of a Public Administration paradigm as a public interest has not been confirmed. The study contributes to the identification of the stage of maturity in which the studies in the area are, as well as its historical evolution and possible trends in the field.



Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) is a critical process in the petroleum-refining industry, designed to break down large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller, more valuable products. Fluid-cracking catalyst accessibility dramatically influences the efficiency of the FCC process. Accessibility is a catalyst feature related to the ease with which large feedstock molecules can penetrate the catalyst particle to reach the internal active sites where reactions occur-and the ease with which products desorb and leave the catalyst. Accessibility plays a vital role in the activity, selectivity, and life of the catalyst, and various techniques can be applied during the manufacturing process to accomplish its increase. This work reviews FCC catalyst accessibility, its characterization, and the ways to increase it, covering the past three decades of technical paper and patent literature. Bibliometric results of a literature search are presented, and a search strategy is described, encompassing database identification, keyword selection, refinement terms, search criteria, and result evaluation.



The objective of this research is to describe and analyze the policies adopted by some Latin American countries aimed at promoting and strengthening scientific production. This research corresponds to a descriptive and analytical work of a bibliometric order. The study uses the method of descriptive statistical analysis of data obtained from the World Bank, Scimago Journal & Country Rank and the National Directory of Researchers and Innovators. The results indicate that the research culture has been encouraged and established in most of the countries. In the case of Peru, the application of the research incentive methodology has been shown to be insufficient, the Scopus scientific indexing platform has only 8 journals considered high impact distributed between quartiles Q3 and Q4. These publications include the biomedical, veterinary, humanities, literature, psychology, philosophy, and communication disciplines. The mastery of the biomedical and veterinary thematic areas is an indicator of the local demand for indexed multidisciplinary journals that make Peruvian research visible within the national and international scientific community.



The demand for innovative approaches applied to productive sectors is a reality present in the circular economy and open innovation is a relatively new concept that has revolutionized the literature about innovation management. Since the concept appeared in 2003, many articles have focused on its development and application. Although some studies have connected open innovation with sustainability, the relevance of this current on the global literature about open innovation is still unidentified. In this context, this paper tries to cover this gap with a bibliometric analysis focused on the evolution of the open innovation paradigm and the relevance of sustainability in this field of research. A sample of 3087 papers published between 2003 and 2019 in the Scopus database was obtained. The analysis revealed the main topics and the most prolific journals, authors, institutions, and countries, in terms of productivity, citations, and h-indexes. Besides of these contributions, keywords analysis reveals that, in recent years, sustainability and ecosystems are decisive variables in open innovation research.



This article analyzes different bibliometric indicators on research papers which examine the issue of economic integration in the Latin American region. The documents have been obtained from the Scopus bibliographic database; a total of 564 papers published in the time span from 2000 to 2020 have been identified, processed, and analyzed using the open-source software Bibliometrix and Vos Viewer. The results achieved allow identifying elements such as volume and relevance in scientific publications by country, H-G-M index of researchers with the greatest impact, estimation of Lotka’s Law, the analysis of co-occurrence between keywords, the dynamics in publication of the main sources, and finally, the thematic evolution in the last two decades. The findings provide a better understanding of the research processes as well as a comprehensive analysis of authors, their impact and the relevant sources in the economic integration of Latin America.



Cultivating in greenhouses constitutes a fundamental tool for the development of high-quality crops with a high degree of profitability. Prediction and control models guarantee the correct management of environment variables, for which fuzzy inference systems have been successfully implemented. The purpose of this review is determining the various relationships in fuzzy inference systems currently used for the modelling, prediction, and control of humidity in greenhouses and how they have changed over time to be able to develop more robust and easier to understand models. The methodology follows the PRISMA work guide. A total of 93 investigations in 4 academic databases were reviewed; their bibliometric aspects, which contribute to the objective of the investigation, were extracted and analysed. It was finally concluded that the development of models based in Mamdani fuzzy inference systems, integrated with optimization and fuzzy clustering techniques, and following strategies such as model-based predictive control guarantee high levels of precision and interpretability.