
Producción Científica



Background: The outbreak of COVID-19 has created a landslide of publications, from different sources and unequal impact. We considered that the first 3 months are crucial to understand how knowledge has been generated by performing a bibliometric analysis, including the citations to these articles to guide researchers in exploring this field, and to evaluate the relationship between confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths with the number of papers per country. Methods: Scientific publications were obtained from PubMed (January-March 2020) and their citations during the first 6 months retrieved from the Scopus database. An analysis of the number of papers by country, approach (type and category of publication), and impact was made. A multiple linear regression model was implemented to analyze the correlation between the number of publications and confirmed cases and deaths. Results: A total of 2,530 publications were analyzed with 59,104 citations (23.4 citations/article), written by authors from 67 countries. China was the country with more publications (988, 39%) and more citations (36,416, 63%) followed by the United States with 423 articles (16.7%) and 7,458 citations (12.6%). The coauthorship network identified 10,756 authors. According to the multivariate analysis, both confirmed cases and deaths were significantly correlated with the number of publications per country (corrected by population size and gross domestic product). Conclusion: The correlation with the number of publications suggests that cases and deaths had some impact on the medical literature, reflecting how rapidly the scientific community has been on the frontline in the fight against COVID-19.



Purpose: This bibliometric analysis aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the characteristics, trends, and level of diagnostic efficacy of studies on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) published in Imaging Science in Dentistry (ISD) from 2011 to 2022.Materials and Methods: Publications related to CBCT identified in the electronic collection of ISD were selected according to eligibility criteria by 2 independent reviewers who collected data on the characteristics of the articles (year, authors, and country). The type and topic of studies were analyzed using VOSviewer v.1.6.18 (Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands). The research articles were classified according to the hierarchical scale of diagnostic efficacy.Results: Of the 236 articles included, most were from South Korea and Brazil. Bong-Hae Cho and Yun-Hoa Jung were the most prolific authors on the topic of CBCT. The most frequently published types of studies were cross-sectional and laboratory-based. The most popular topics WERE related to the diagnosis of pathologies and/ or alterations, as well as anatomical variations. On the diagnostic efficacy scale, most studies were rated level 1 (technical efficacy) or 2 (diagnostic accuracy efficacy).Conclusion: A steady increase was observed in publications related to CBCT, which are of both clinical and academic interest. The trends in these publications were analyzed, revealing that most are cross-sectional studies primarily exploring the capabilities of CBCT in diagnosing pathologies and/or changes in the oral and maxillofacial complex. These studies were typically classified as level 1 or 2 on the diagnostic efficacy scale.



Objectives: to analyze the effect of citations from Emerging Sources Citation Index collection journals on the Impact Factor value of Latin American journals included in the Journal Citation Reports.Methods: 241 journals from the 2020 edition were used, representing 2% of the total Journal Citation Reports Social and Exact Sciences collections. For the research development, information of each journal was systematized, collecting useful descriptive data for each of the phases of analysis. From citations provided by emerging journals, a new calculation of Impact Factor was made, eliminating citations from these journals from the formula, to establish conclusions that contribute to debate on real effect they represent and this collection relevance, comparing this result with the impact factor without self-citations. The literature related to bibliometric indicators was also reviewed, especially Impact Factor, its different calculation methodologies, implications and repercussions and how they contribute to debate on its use as an evaluation measure.Results: although the citations issued by Emerging Sources Citation Index journals generally affect the Impact Factor value in selected sample, no significant decreases are observed. The highest percentage of citations issued comes from Brazil, with the largest number of journals in Journal Citation Reports, and is observed in Exact Sciences fields, with the greatest effect in quartile journals.Conclusions: the situation generated by emerging journals and number of citations they provide, is an added value that can be exploited in future to improve the journals themselves and visibility of the region within a source as important as Web of Science, in addition to having a greater number of journals in the central collection for research evaluation.



This study aims to highlight the contribution made by different international institutions in the field of urban generation of renewable energy, as a key element to achieve sustainability. This has been possible through the use of the Scopus Elsevier database, and the application of bibliometric techniques through which the articles content published from 1977 to 2017 has been analysed. The results shown by Scopus (e.g., journal articles and conferences proceedings) have been taken into account for further analysis by using the following search pattern (TITLE-ABS-KEY ({Renewable energy} AND ({urban} OR ({cit*})). In order to carry out this study, key features of the publications have been taken into consideration, such as type of document, language, thematic area, type of publication, and keywords. As far as keywords are concerned, renewable energy, sustainability, sustainable development, urban areas, city, and energy efficiency, have been the most frequently used. The results found have been broken down both geographically and by institution, showing that China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany and India are the main research countries and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Education China and Tsinghua University the major contributing institutes. With regard to the categories, Energy, Environmental Sciences, and Engineering are positioned as the most active categories. The scientific community agrees that the study of the renewable energy generation in cities is of vital importance to achieve more sustainable cities, and for the welfare of a growing urban population. Moreover, this is in line with the energy policies adopted by most of developed countries in order to mitigate climate change effects.



Over the last decade, the rapid expansion of hydroelectric power generation has required an intense collaboration process between stakeholders. These relationships between the primary stakeholders – governments and large energy corporations – contextualise the discussion regarding governance regimes from a territorial perspective. The different levels of intervention that companies can exercise at the local, regional and national levels influence the various territorially embedded scales, places and networks that enable large-scale energy production. Therefore, the evolving role of borders and boundaries across territorial social groups and material interests influences the reach and extent of conflict/collaboration dynamics. With the purpose of exploring the effects of territorial factors of governance regimes on hydropower sustainability, this study adopts a mixed-methods sequential design approach using content analysis preceded by bibliometric data recollection and processing with high-end visualisation of the similarities mapping technique. These territorial factors can be divided into three separate fields of enquiry: institutional arrangements and spatial fixes, which can be captured spatio-temporally, and the role of local culture; stakeholder interdependencies, which must be studied in terms of the diverse scales on which they must interact to understand territorial-level conflict/collaboration dynamics; and joint actions and adaptative mechanisms that help to explain why changes in hydropower business governance regimes are attached to the territorial context. If we can understand the evolution of corporate sustainability dimensions in certain contexts, we might be able to capture the structured coherence of governance regimes in terms of the action-impact-adaptation cycle in the hydropower industry.



This paper aims to verify the influence of independent platforms on the Government Accountability. With this purpose, we discuss the concept and application of accountability to analyse the tool named “Caring for My Neighborhood” (CMB), which is a social platform for onitoring and controlling town ‘ s public spending. Bibliometric research, literature review and uses analysis of the platform were carried out. It was verified that, despite the initial steps and the great difficulties that still remain, the platform has been contributing to the promotion of governmental accountability, being necessary to train and consolidate communities of developers and users for such purpose.



Goal: This study aims at bridging the stakeholder and sustainability literature, focusing on the project context. It aims at identifying the main challenges of mapping and dealing with the external stakeholders concerning the sustainability perspective during the project development.Design/Methodology/Approach: The research design is a literature review merging bibliometric and content analysis. The sampling process includes two primary databases, Web of Science and Scopus. We applied the data on the software VoSViewer for the first phase of bibliometric analysis and on software NVivo for better content analysis. Results: This article contributed to the literature with an in-depth analysis of 96 articles that bridge stakeholder and sustainability. It identifies the stakeholder influence on sustainability issues in projects and the main environmental challenges faced. Besides, there is a prominence of the environmental dimension of the triple bottom line; therefore, the social aspect is little considered in stakeholder management projects.Limitations of the investigation: This study presents limitations related to the research methods selected. First, the sampling strategy constrains the sample related to the search strings and logical operators applied. The application of the research’s exclusion criteria brings subjectivity to the analysis.Practical implications: The research highlights the significance of the identification and mapping of the critical stakeholders for alignment of the sustainability strategy for the project development, which helps to explore risks associated with the sustainability aspects.Originality/Value: We contribute by exploring the gap in research in the intersection between stakeholders and sustainability literature in project management.



This study used the meta-analysis to contrast research on sustainable development and its measurement within companies from different countries and Colombia. We used bibliographic selection criteria, proposing a conceptual classification scheme (ccs), with search equations applying Boolean operators, which allow reaching a conclusion by answering the five questions posed in the ccs. Articles from the last ten years and an analysis of the research trend on the topic raised were used, evidencing the agreement of the results and the selection criteria with the ccs. At the end of the study, it was possible to show that in the Asian and European countries, the leading researchers are concerned with environmental sustainability, social commitment and economic investment in technological development. Latin American countries show that companies only focus on financial growth rather than environmental or social impacts, which is detrimental to sustainable development.



Banana cultivation is a generator of large amounts of lignocellulosic residues. In Brazil, the fifth largest banana producer in the world, most of these residues are abandoned in plantations, being means of proliferation of vectors and sources of gases harmful to the environment. The cellulose extraction is an important alternative to allocate higher added value to these residues, promoting their reuse. The cellulose extraction process involves the removal of amorphous materials from lignocellulosic materials, especially the lignin. Thus, this study proposed to identify cellulose extraction processes, aiming to assist in the advancement of scientific research and projects that promote the use of cellulose present in these residues. For this purpose, a bibliometric research was conducted in the Science Direct and Springer databases. In the analysis of the material it was identified that the process used for the fragmentation of hemicellulose and lignin is hydrolysis (alkaline, acidic and enzymatic), under controlled conditions.



Objectives: to map the use of Nursing models and theories utilized as theoretical references in graduate academic Nursing research in Brazil. Methods: bibliometrics, performed in the Theses and Dissertations database of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, in November, 2020. Data analysis was performed using simple descriptive statistics and lexical analysis, performed using the software: IRAMUTEQ. Results: the 50 selected studies were from the field of Nursing, 15 (30%) of which were theses and 35 (70%) were dissertations. 13 Nursing theories and models were identified, used as theoretical references, highlighting Roy’s Adaptation Model in 10 (20%) of the researches. Final Considerations: the study found a great diversity in the use of nursing theories and models as a theoretical framework, which allowed us to identify the areas most researched by nurses and confirmed their application in different specialties and health contexts.

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