Producción Científica



Google Scholar (GS) has aroused a good deal of interest among the bibliometric and scientometric community, owing to its capacity for gathering publication data, tracking citations, and creating metrics. This has led to reflections on its potential value as a means of enhancing evaluative procedures. However, despite being a useful tool because of its wide coverage, it has been monitored by specialists. For this reason, we aimed to map out the publications in the areas of Information Science & Library Science and/or Computer Science that make use of GS through a bibliometric review. Comprising data retrieved from the WoS and Dimensions, the results drew the attention of the bibliometric and scientometric community to the range of research problems in studies using GS. They also made it possible to identify the most prolific countries and authors and their preferred sources for publication. The presence of non-Anglophone countries and those from Latin America highlights the importance of alternative information sources to bibliometric and scientometric studies.



This paper analyzes the scientific map of technostress and the scientific production on this topic between 1982 and 2017, highlighting its structure, evolution, and trends in this field. A literature review based on bibliometric analysis of 246 records indexed in Scopus database was conducted. These publications were analyzed according to bibliometric indicators and through science maps with SciMAT. Co-occurrence of terms by grouping techniques was implemented. In addition, elaboration of maps of science and performance analysis for periods was executed. The main contribution of this work is to provide the first scientific map of technostress and a detailed understanding of the scientific production that predicts the directions of future research. The bibliometric analyses permit an overview of the growth, extent and distribution of the scientific literature related to the technostress and the study of the scientific production of an institution, country, author or research group.



Recognize the relevant bibliography is important to researchers. It allows better research performance and the conjunction of academic knowledge. This study presents a bibliometric analysis of the main articles, on a worldwide scale, focusing on Enterprise Architecture in public administration. The method uses bibliometric indicators to show existing correlations, based on data from 82 articles cited in the world’s main journals between 2013 and 2018. A multidisciplinary approach has identified contributions in technology, science, and government programs. It is possible to acknowledge that research in corporate architecture in the public sector is correlated with e-government strategies and interoperability to achieving goals and solving problems in this area.



Bibliometric reviews, carried out from access to databases of scientific articles associated with software for data processing, can be helpful for qualitative and quantitative assessments of existing publications on a given topic. Several petroleum hydrocarbons are carcinogenic and immunotoxic agents, causing adverse effects on the biota, and the study of metabolites generated in bioremediation processes has been the object of current research. Therefore, in this work, the use of bibliometric analysis as a tool for surveying studies on the applied metabolomics bioremediation of areas impacted by hydrocarbons is presented. A bibliometric review was carried out in the Scopus Preview and Web of Science databases with data analysis using RStudio software with the bibliometrix package. The survey gathered the studies and prominent publications of the last seven years, making it possible to present gaps and opportunities in the area.



Groundwater is essential in the management of water resources globally. The water quality of aquifers is affected by climate change and population growth, aspects that can be addressed with stable isotope analysis. This study aims to carry out an analysis of the scientific information related to groundwater and stable isotopes (GSI) using scientific databases (Scopus and Web of Science) to evaluate the intellectual structure of the subject and the emerging research lines. The methodology includes: (i) topic search selection, (ii) tools in databases processing, (iii) bibliometric analysis, and (iv) review by clustering technique. The results showed that the scientific production of GSI can be addressed through three evolution periods: I (1969-1990), II (1991-2005), and III (2006-2021). Periods I and II did not significantly contribute to publications because, in the past, most of the student’s thesis (M.Sc. and Ph.D) consisted of writing a report that summarizes their works. Therefore, the researcher was not obliged to publish their results in a professional journal. Finally, the third period showed exponential growth, representing 82.34% of the total publications in this theme because, in the last years, institutions require at least one scientific article depending on the country and university, in order to graduate with an M.Sc. and PhD. Finally, the contribution of this study is reflected in the recognition of new research lines and their applicability by the knowledge of recharge sources, environmental aspects, infiltration, knowledge of the aquifer-meteoric water system, and groundwater-superficial water interaction. These aspects offer the possibility of analyzing integrated water resources management at the watershed or river-aquifer systems level.



In order to address Climate Change and energy dependency challenges, hydrogen (H-2) is emerging as a promising energy carrier. Studies related to its production have conceptualized it as green (GH(2)), clean, renewable (RH2), ecological, and sustainable (SH2). The aim of this research is to deepen the understanding of the GH(2) concept and to state boundaries between different terms. To reach this objective, a bibliometric analysis of publications indexed in SCOPUS is launched. Also, in order to assess the potential of renewable energy sources (RES) for GH(2) production, a review of the meta-analysis literature on the Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROI) ratio as regards these RES is performed. Additionally, an analysis of main national strategies on GH(2) is launched. Results indicate that the GH(2) concept is gaining remarkable relevance, while the keyword maps show no significant differences between SH2, RH2 and GH(2). EROI reveals low average values for the different biomass energy production processes. For their part, GH(2) national strategies focus mainly on solar and wind technologies, albeit leaving the door open to biomass, where EROI could become an adequate metric to guide these strategies towards a low carbon energy path. Although the role of biomass may become fundamental in this energy transition process, given its low EROI values and considering that it is not a totally clean RES, it should be indexed as RH2, but not always as GH(2). Finally, a proposal that guides a more appropriate use of the term GH(2) is made.



Climate change is predicted to lead to increasingly intense and hotter droughts, causing physiological weakness followed by forest decline in many regions of the world. Long-and short-range remote sensing (satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly called drones) can sense drought-induced changes in vegetation. Although several studies have addressed forest decline events, none have analyzed the forest decline attributable to climate change using remote sensing in a concise manner. A bibliometric analysis was carried out to characterize the scientific production reported in the Web of Science repository. The search descriptors were a combination of keywords related to forest decline and remote sensing. The results showed 278 articles published between 1989 and 2021 in 92 journals, with an average annual increase of 31%. A total of 29 nodes and 220 scientific collaboration links were located, mainly led by researchers from USA, Germany and China. Keyword analysis using World-TreeMap reflected the association of different key forest decline phenomena such as drought stress and climate change. Although the use of satellite information to study and understand forest decline has been reported for just over three decades, the most notable feature of the present research was the limited role of drones with only 5 studies. This reveals an area of opportunity to take advantage of the main strengths of drones, i.e., spatial and temporal resolution, low cost compared to manned flights, and centimeter accuracy. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to increase studies to improve the use of multispectral sensors, thermal and LiDAR technology for long-term monitoring of forest decline related to climate change.



Socioeconomic and cultural factors coupled with an inability to control many endemic and emerging diseases have resulted in a growing incidence of epilepsy cases in Latin America. This study aimed to analyze and describe scientific research output trends in epilepsy research for the period 1989-2018. Publications were extracted from Scopus indexed journals. Bibliometric analysis was used to analyze scientific output including number of annual publications, documents, and publication characteristics. A mapping analysis using VOSviewer software visualized collaborative network analysis, co-citation analysis, and keyword co-occurrence analysis. SciVal quantitatively analyzed distribution of countries, institutions, citation counts, H-index, and research collaborative partnerships. A total of 176507 records were initially retrieved after which 5636 were analyzed. Overall, an increasing trend for publication output was observed from 19 articles in 1989 to 342 in 2018; the number of publications significantly increased over the past 20 years (p = 0.0065). The majority of publications were original articles (74.4%). Brazil had the most scientific production (55.2%), followed by Mexico (15.4%) and Argentina (10%). Extra-regional collaboration was primarily with the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada; intraregional collaboration was low. The most common area of investigation by co-occurrences was “diagnostic research” (37.2%), with studies based on electroencephalography and nuclear magnetic resonance. Epilepsy research in Latin America has seen a steady growth with significant increases over the past 20 years. Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina are the most productive countries in the field collaborating primarily with extra-regional countries of high-income.



Introduction: a descriptive bibliometric study was carried out. Objective: to analyze the scientific production on the effects of the workload on the health of workers and to identify research trends. Method: analysis of publications was carried out in the Scopus database and was complemented with network analysis using the Vosviwer tool. Results: two areas are observed in which research on workload predominates. The first is related to occupational risks and the second to the mental and physical health of workers, linked to jobs with shift rotation. Conclusion: These results indicate that the intensification of work has a strong association with the concepts of psychosocial and occupational risks.



Sustainable energy systems based on efficiency, low-carbon, and smart technologies are essential for the future energy transition. A new integrated sustainability assessment framework (ISAF) is required to evaluate cross-cutting subjects and future research. Sustainability analysis based on conventional dimensions and complementary categories is needed for a digital energy transition. Industry 4.0 created a new platform and technological portfolio to improve the efficiency and automation of cleaner energy systems (lower environmental and social impacts and high performance). To address these aspects, a new methodology based on bibliometric analysis, systematic literature review, and energy systems thinking was developed. From Scopus and Web of Science databases, 1521 and 959 documents were respectively compiled and merged to select 181 articles related to these research subjects between 2017 and 2021. Out of this total, 62 articles from industrial manufacturing were identified as the most representative energy consumption sub-sector. These articles were analysed from the ISAF using conventional dimensions (environmental, economic, and social) and complementary categories of sustainability (technological innovation, governance and life cycle). The main findings reveal that worldwide studies addressing the nexus between Industry 4.0, Energy and Sustainability have increased significantly in recent years, primaly in high-income countries. These studies have centred on the industrial manufacturing subsector, assessing sustainability unevenly by focusing mainly on technological and environmental issues. Research gaps indicate that a comprehensive assessment of social, governance, and life cycle aspects is still required.