This article focus on the topic of women in the Peruvian archaeological academy from a feminist perspective characterized by its disruptive and critical drive. In Peru, the archaeological community is distinguished by its breadth and diversity in terms of gender, ethnicity, origin, and socioeconomic position. However, research about about a comprehensive history of women in Peruvian archaeology is scarce. In this regard, and to study the level of participation that women archeologists have in local academic production, the authors raise the following question: What is the situation of women archaeologists in the Peruvian academic dissemination spaces? For this purpose, two of the journals with the highest impact at the national level, Arqueologia y Sociedad and the Boletin de Arqueologia PUCP, were analyzed. The analysis shows the lack of gender equality in these two spaces of scientific dissemination and the underrepresentation of women compared to their male peers, all this in contrast to the steady increase of women in this academic field.
- Autor/es: Carito Tavera Medina, Lady Santana Quispe
- Año de publicación: 2021
- País: Perú , Francia
- Idioma: Español
- Fuente de indexación: WOS