Producción Científica



Objetive. To know some characteristics of the communication channels used by the Brazilian Archival community. Method. It’s a bibliometric study about the prestige of scientific journals in articles of Brazilians archival science journals in order. The study use analysis of citations, with a random sample of complete 116 references of journal articles, and select reference data from the ABCDM database, from the Universidade de Brasília, which were exported into MS-Excel and SPSS. Results. The results present rankings of document types, journal titles and their countries, as well as the most frequent languages of these references. 78 channel types were identified, specially books (32.42%) and journal articles (22.46%). Among the 180 identified journal titles (89 Brazilian and 91 from other countries), the Brazilian most cited were Estudos Históricos (7.66%), Ciência da Informação (7.48%), Arquivo & Administração (5.47%), DataGramaZero (3.65%), Acervo (3.47%) and Arquiví (3.47%). Among foreigners, the most cited journals were Archivaria (6.02%), Archival Science (4.20%), American Archivist (3.47%) and Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (2.19%). The countries with the most cited journals were Brazil (61.86%), United States (12.04%) and Canada (11.31%). The most mentioned language in the references were Portuguese (63.32%) and English (30.11%). Conclusions. The search to results point to a significant lack of specific current Brazilian journals and show that results resemble those of other research areas related to information areas in general, showing that Archival Science keep scientific communication features common to other areas of information in Brazil.



Introduction: this research presents the results of a systematic literature review, following the PRISMA statement, on financial education in the context of primary education. Objective: to analyze through bibliometric and qualitative indicators in the SCOPUS database the state of financial education in the first education. Materials and Methods: with a longitudinal and descriptive design, bibliometric indicators are analyzed complemented with a qualitative analysis of elements that we want to make known, due to the coverage they provide and their scope in social sciences and humanities, the SCOPUS database was analyzed until the year 2020, following the elements established in the PRISMA statement. Results: the initial search yielded 170 articles, where 16 were left for study. Once the articles were analyzed according to the 10 evaluation criteria, it was found that financial education programs have, on average, considerable impacts on financial knowledge, like educational interventions in other domains. Conclusion: the value of the study is to enhance the construction of existing knowledge on financial education in primary education, contributing to elucidate its complexity and application that transits from the multidisciplinary to the contextualized, together with the idea of increasing reinforcement in the first years of schooling, since it generates positive effects on financial behaviors among students after participating in intervention programs.



Orality is a fundamental communicative competence for human beings because personal, social, and work lives are crossed by it. This article shows the state of the art around the topic of teaching oral expression in the formal educational atmosphere. For this purpose, we search for expressions like “oral communication”, “development of orality”,”oral expression” and “teaching of oral communicative competence” both in Spanish and English in five international databases. In total, 221 articles were found (published 2014-2019), 123 of them presented pedagogical proposals aimed at developing orality. The data were analyzed through two perspectives: a quantitative bibliometric analysis (performed on the 221 initial articles) and another, more focused on the object of study, through documentary analysis of the 123 selected experiences. The first was sought to find out how the production of scientific literature on this topic has been in the last ten years, in which language this topic has been most investigated and in which journals the articles were published in. In all the 123 articles subjected to documentary analysis, it was searched who were the recipients and what was the focus of attention (mother tongue or foreign language), in addition to what was the object of research, the hypotheses validated, the methods used and the criteria were investigated, that were used to show if the proposal was effective or not, all with the aim to identify research trends on this object of study.



Objective: to carry out the bibliometric analysis on the applications of Data Science in the context of hospital associations. Methods: Through research in the Web of Science database, it was verified the existence of terms related to Data Science, such as, big data, data analysis, businesss intelligence, data mining, data warehouse, text mining and data science, relating them to hospitals. Data analysis was based on the social network analysis technique. The period considered was from 2015 to 2019. Results: Machine learning and electronic health records emerge as relevant issues. The most expressive interactions reflect the inclination of Medical Informatics in matters related to decision making, information systems for hospitals and intensive care units. Regarding the fields, it is noted the expected predominance of the Health area and of the domains belonging or bordering on Technology. In addition, it can be seen that the wide variety of areas found accuses the interdisciplinary nature of the subject, including, with an important participation of Information Science. Regarding the geography of knowledge, there is a reasonable degree of decentralization, with representative productions in North America, Europe and Asia. As for the publication vehicles, emphasis is given to Studies in Informatics and Health.



Workforce agility has been described as a management strategy that allows companies to respond quickly and effectively to threats and opportunities arising from a competitive and unstable business environment. In the current literature, there is still a lack of efforts to systematically review the state of the art on this subject. The aim of this paper is to address this gap by studying the academic progress on workforce agility. A systematic literature review was carried out to analyze the academic articles within the workforce agility topic that were published online until the end of June 2020 in three electronic databases: Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, and Science Direct. The bibliometric indicators present how the field has developed and which actors (authors, institutions, countries, journals) are the most relevant. Regarding the conceptual aspects, the findings allowed us to identify that an agile workforce consists of four interrelated and interdependent dimensions: proactivity, flexibility and adaptability, resilience, and competence. These attributes can be promoted through strategies related to i) learning and training, ii) forms of work organization, iii) human resource management; and iv) culture and organizational structure. Our findings also allowed us to propose an agenda for future studies on workforce agility and other related topics. This paper contributes by promoting a debate on a subject still incipient in the literature, especially in Latin America, and by highlighting the potential competitive advantage associated with workforce agility for companies.



Setting research agendas requires a substantial allocation of resources. Non – hegemonic countries lack the means to influence global trends in knowledge production. Still, some margin is available. By selecting specific topics to focus on, these countries build a national approach to global issues. This paper examines how two Latin American countries, namely Mexico and Argentina, have tackled the global challenge of developing new and renewable forms of energy through their research activities between 1992 and 2016. It stresses the historical and national specificities of global quests in a Latin-American setting by choosing two countries with central roles in the region and research systems of similar size and distinctive traditions. This research utilizes textual data from bibliometric sources. More precisely, the fields title, abstract, and keywords from the energy collection at the Scopus database. Text is processed using natural language detection techniques (NPL) to find a complex and relevant set of describing terms. The query line was built to grasp the discussion in detail, drawing on literature reviews and technology briefs. Findings show threads and rhythms bounded to the national dimension. Continual and harmonious evolution of research efforts stands out for Mexico. In Argentina, a distinctive set of preoccupations emerges in different moments during the studied period. The article provides relevant evidence that enables a reflection on how strategic-oriented efforts effectively unfold in a particular set of time and spatial coordinates. It also brings forward a methodological take to assess local competencies and trajectories on issues of global public concern.



The purpose of this research is to analyse the evolution and trends of research into digital pedagogy in higher education through the application of bibliometric analysis and systematic review of scientific output. For the bibliometric analysis, the built-in functions of WoS were used, including Analyze results and Citation report. The VOSviewer software was employed to construct bibliometric maps. The analysis focuses on studies about digitalisation, university education and education quality, three categories that are grouped around digital pedagogies and methodologies. The sample contains 242 scientific publications, including articles (65.7%), publications published in the United States (17.7%) and publications financed by the European Commission (3.71%). Barber, W., and Lewin, C., are the authors with the greatest impact. The scientific output forms three networks: the “social network” (2000–2010), the “digitalisation network” (2011–2015) and the “network of the expansion of digital pedagogy” (2016–2023). The most-mature research (2005–2009) concerns the integration of technologies in education. The research with the greatest impact (2020–2022) looks at digital pedagogy and its implementation during the situation created by COVID-19. This research shows that digital pedagogy has come a long way over the last twenty years, but it is at the same time a topical area today. The paper opens up future paths for research such as the development of more-flexible pedagogies that can be adapted to different pedagogical scenarios.



Big data launches a modern way of producing science and research around the world. Due to an explosion of data available in scientific databases, combined with recent advances in information technology, the researcher has at his disposal new methods and technologies that facilitate scientific development. Considering the challenges of producing science in a dynamic and complex scenario, the main objective of this article is to present a method aligned with tools recently developed to support scientific production, based on steps and technologies that will help researchers to materialize their objectives efficiently and effectively. Applying this method, the researcher can apply science mapping and bibliometric techniques with agility, taking advantage of an easy-to-use solution with cloud computing capabilities. From the application of the “Scientific Mapping Process”, the researcher will be able to generate strategic information for a result-oriented scientific production, assertively going through the main steps of research and boosting scientific discovery in the most diverse fields of investigation. • The Scientific Mapping Process provides a method and a system to boost scientific development. • It automates Science Mapping and bibliometric analysis from scientific datasets. • It facilitates the researcher’s work, increasing the assertiveness in scientific production.



Structural systems built from raw bamboo have been used for years due to its highly renewable characteristics, versatility, and abundance in various countries, e.g., China, Indonesia, all over South America, and especially Brazil. It is also considered a low specific weight material, which means it is easy to handle and transport. These characteristics make it a low-cost material for building construction. The objective of this systematic bibliometric review is to identify innovations in bamboo culms structural connections in order to contribute to the advancement of technology applied to civil construction by seeking joints that consider the use of industrialized or standardized products. This review revealed there is still no ideal connection capable of solving the great problem of this subject, which points out the need for more studies on the topic. This investigation also allows for the classification of the connections into 5 categories: Bolted connections; Steel member and Steel plate connections; Reinforced Connections with filler; Parameterized connections, and; Connections with the use of wooden dowels.



The article addresses the sport 4.0 trend from a bibliometric perspective. This type of sport emerging in contemporary sports culture uses information and communication technologies to enhance the sporting experience for athletes, coaches, fans, and other stakeholders in the sport. The objective was to analyze the characteristics, technologies and designs with lines of innovation in sport 4.0 from the bibliographic reviews and their practical implementation. The results highlight the importance of Big Data, the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence applied to sport 4.0. A systematic literature review was carried out in the Scopus database, examining 585 articles published from January 2012 to June 2022. The implementation stage of a sport 4.0 event with students from the Sports Administration and Management research hotbed was based on the pedagogical strategy of formative research, an initiative that allowed applying the knowledge acquired in the classroom in a real and practical environment. It required a careful and planned process on the part of the principal investigators, who made sure to involve all relevant stakeholders, both students and teachers. The sample consisted of 24 students in the role of athletes divided into 12 teams, 12 students in the role of Staff (organizing committee) and 100 students in the role of spectators. It is concluded that this trend addresses the complexity of contemporary sports culture with a holistic and interdisciplinary approach, which leads to changes in good sports practices.