Producción Científica



Lean philosophy has shown successful results in the manufacturing industry since the eighties regarding efficiency, reducing cost and errors. However, the philosophy originated in the private sector, where the work rules are defined by business owners within the framework of some regulation. In the public sector, however, the picture is different. The way of working and carrying out operations and projects is directly defined by regulation, where the owner’s role-as in the private world-is embodied by the entire political system. This article aims to take a comprehensive look at the academic literature on how Lean has been applied in the public sector (LIPS) from a bibliometric perspective and then delve deeper into the concept of lean construction in the public sector (LCPS) through a systematic review. The results give a complete picture of the research in LIPS, revealing that research directions focus on implementing Lean, how it works in the public sector and the human factors involved in its practice and digitalization. Moreover, the advantages and challenges of LCPS have been presented, where again, the human factor is the central concern of researchers.



The journal, Higher Education (HE), was established in 1972 and is currently one of the leading international journals in higher education studies. By using bibliometric techniques, a systematic review, and a social network analysis, this review article provides an overview of the main patterns of publications in HE during its history. The findings show that (i) the volume of articles has been continuously increasing, with a particular marked uplift since 2007; (ii) while single-authored articles have dominated the publication pattern, collaborative articles have shown a particular growth over the last decade; (iii) the USA, the UK, and Australia have dominated the journal in terms of the number of articles, international collaboration, and the most prolific authors; (iv) while Chinese authors have become more evident, there has been a near-absence of contributions from Latin America, Eastern Europe, and most of Africa; (v) in the entire history of HE, there has been a gender imbalance (in favour of male authors) across the most cited articles, but this pattern has changed in the last decade and; (vi) both teaching and learning and system policy have been key research themes in the journal although internationalisation and the student experience have recently gained traction. These patterns of publication in HE, with their imbalances and absences, suggest several challenges ahead.



This paper analyzes the scientific progress of research on fiscal transparency of national governments over the past 20 years. We explored the inherent and content characteristics of the papers, through a scientometric analysis, and investigated the role of externalities in the general progress and impact of the research. The number of impactful papers published on this topic can be considered low and we noted the predominance quantitative studies using external database, predominantly written by American and Spanish authors. About the role of language on the topic, English-speaking authors published earlier and have the most impactful papers. Also, the increase of papers is correlated with the regulations of Freedom of Information worldwide, although a low number of papers have specifically analyzed these acts. Finally, the rise of Open Budget Index data increased the number of papers published, though with less scientific impact. Considering the relevance of the topic, we propose future research niches to the literature on fiscal transparency, with different research types and alternative approaches, such as using primary data collection, qualitative and critical methodologies, in-depth case studies on the internal situation of unexplored countries, and studies focused on developing countries, mainly from Africa, Asia and Latin America.



Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are heavily dependent on the use of imported fossil fuels to address their energy needs. This has a negative impact on the environment, SIDS budgets, and energy security. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the role of renewable energy (RE) as a tool for energy security in SIDS. In this regard, using VOSviewer, a widely known software tool, two bibliometric analyses were performed with a focus on the literature that explores two intertwined issues: (i) the links between RE and energy security; and (ii) the implications of RE and energy security in SIDS. The results from the study show that RE can help SIDS enhance their energy security and assure long-term energy sustainability. In addition, the results show that with the reduction in the cost of batteries in the future, they will eventually replace diesel generators. Moreover, the study showed that renewable energy may assist SIDS in their long-term efforts to achieve food security. The analysis discusses the major obstacles and the potential solutions for the integration of RES into the energy generation of SIDS. The paper concludes with useful recommendations to help island nations reduce their carbon footprint.



The negative impact of hydropower companies is cushioned frequently through compensation that is proportional neither to the needs of communities nor to the energy business. Considering the dependence of hydropower on the environment, it is unclear how the good living of communities can be combined with the long-term sustainability of power companies. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to establish a benefit sharing scheme between hydropower companies and local communities. We conducted a systematic literature review using a sequential mixed-method approach. In the first stage, we performed a quantitative bibliometric analysis, and its results, described in Model 1.0, were the basis of the second stage. Consequently, in the second stage, we conducted a content analysis of 40 documents to enrich the previous version of the model in Framework 2.0. After completing both the methodological stages, we prepared a theoretical operational framework for benefit sharing based on collaborative governance that assigned different specific weights for companies and local communities. Equal benefit sharing is the result of an adaptive process that depends on (1) the performance of companies, (2) the level of empowerment of communities and (3) the state’s capacity to intervene in setting rules of engagement that help reduce power asymmetries between companies and the society.



Nowadays, organizations are immersed in complex and variable but, above all, intense scenarios, in terms of production, demand and consumption of information. This, consequently, has led organizations to incorporate intelligence approaches into their strategy improving their competitiveness in an agile and flexible way through the definition, collection, analysis, exploitation and dissemination of information. Nevertheless, the complexity of scenarios and the diversity of the organizations themselves make it hard to have a unique intelligence model. This paper analyzes the documents hosted in Scopus from 1959 to 2017 about Business Intelligence and Competitive Intelligence -the most widespread intelligence approaches-, to identify the most representative thematic areas, their relationship, composition and evolution, with the aim of supporting researches and professionals on research, development with an hollistic intelligence approach. To this end, the performance of the main bibliometric indicators was evaluated and scientific maps of both intelligence approaches were produced.



Gender inequality has not been oblivious to science, where the under-representation of women in the academic scope is a concern. This is a problem that requires in-depth study, especially in careers with high percentages of women such as psychology and regions such as Latin America where there is a considerable proportion of female scientific psychologists. Despite this scene, the feminine production is known to present an increase; however, it is still lower than the masculine one. This shows that women are under-represented in leadership positions, hiring and applying for grants, and financing of research projects in public health and epidemiology. Likewise, review studies on female production in psychology are scarce in Peru and Latin America. The objective of this research is to characterize the production of women researchers in psychology by type of research, area of application, leadership and subject matter. For such objectives, a total of 149 papers published by 14 women researchers recorded in Peru’s National Registry of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (RENACYT) were analyzed. Four psychologists were excluded because they did not have their scientific production declared; in addition, repeated documents and those which did not correspond to scientific documents, such as congress summaries, papers in non-indexed journals and those excluded from any database were also excluded under the PRISMA’s recommendations. The results show a greater quantity of co-authorships (60.4 %), studies with empirical designs (79.2 %), of associative objective (36.2 %), correlational strategy (21.5 %) and a greater quantity of papers in the clinical and health subfield (38.9 %) and education (38.3 %). As for the subject matter, clinical disorders (23.5 %) and cognitive processes (16.8 %) appear with greater frequency. Regarding these findings, there is scientific information evidencing that empirical designs are the most usual form of research, while the theoretical ones are the opposite; at least in Latin American. Furthermore, a ranking of the 100 most eminent psychologists of the 20th century only includes two women: Mary Ainsworth and Anna Freud, ranked 98th and 100th respectively. As for the fact of finding that more than 50 % of researchers occupy the position of co-author, previous studies show similar percentages in the health field indicating an increase from 50.3 % to 55.6 % in co-authorship. Finally, there is little scientific literature about the frequent topics studied by psychologists; therefore, these results are unprecedented; however, a search in Scopus by keywords reveals that HIV is the most studied topic in Peru; a variable located in the clinical and health subfield. Likewise, another variable that appears in the search is depression, that can be included in the topic of clinical disorders. Despite these results, the study has the following limitations: firstly, feminine scientific production can be studied from diverse sources such as review of publications in a journal, presentations at a congress, production in Scopus, which can cause difficulties in contrasting results. Secondly, there are no studies on thematic analysis, which does not allow comparison with previous research and suggests taking the findings with caution because it has a more exploratory connotation, so it is recommended to continue with this type of study. In conclusion, research psychologists carry out empirical studies framed in the analysis of the relationship between variables with a lesser predominance of theoretical and manipulative, quasi-experimental or single case studies. To a greater extent, the research is clinical and based on health. The women appear as co-authors in a large percentage of studies where the most frequent subject is clinical disorder.



Objective. In the present work, the bibliographical production referring to smart contracts is reviewed from the business, academic and scientific points of view. The aim is to analyze precisely how the relationship between smart contracts and blockchain occurs to establish a context in both developments. Design/Methodology/Approach. The Scopus database was consulted using the keyword: “smart con-tract”. It was decided to use the SciMAT bibliometric tool for the bibliometric study with the approach based on a joint analysis of words and the h-index to visualize diagrams and thematic areas relatively simply for two periods: 2010-2018 and 2019-2021. Results/Discussion. It was necessary to know the concept of smart contracts for the future of contract law and the digital economy. Some institutions and people will be against considering them as autho-rized legal alternatives; However, due to the technological advance currently being presented, their development will only be a matter of time. Conclusions. Smart contracts are a technological innovation that, through blockchain technology, carry out transactions safely, quickly and with almost no risk of non-compliance.



Purpose: Based on the context of digital transformation and the evolution of digital technologies, this research sought to understand how artificial intelligence (AI) and internet of things (IoT) collaborate to improve the efficiency of operations management (OM). Originality/value: Digital transformation and the use of new technologies, such as AI and IoT, have impacted the management of the companies’ operation. A preliminary survey carried out in the Web of Science (WoS) database, analyzing data through the VOSviewer bibliometric software, identified an important relationship between AI, IoT, and OM through industry 4.0 (i4.0), which has as one of its main objectives the improvement in OM. The results of this research bring a practical contribution to business managers, such as the identification of the main barriers and expected benefits when adopting AI and IoT in their operations. For researchers, this study differs from studies already published by conducting a systematic review of the literature that investigates the relationship of OM with technological tools, such as AI and IoT. Design/methodology/approach: A systematic review of the literature was carried out with the objective of analyzing all articles that brought some contribution to a better understanding of how AI and IoT collaborate to improve the efficiency of operations. Findings: The results demonstrated how AI and IoT were being incorporated into OM, identifying the main barriers of its use, as well as indications of research gaps that may lead to further investigations to advance on this topic.



The growth in the use of technologies has marked an evident evolution in different areas of society, being education one of the most impacted. Thanks to the incursion of technology, the use of tools has been proposed as teaching and learning strategies, one of which corresponds to video games, which have positioned themselves as an area of notable and growing research interest. The purpose of this study is to carry out a bibliometric review of the scientific articles associated with video games-education. The Scopus® database was used for this review, with an analysis window between 2010 and 2020. A descriptive analysis was carried out to determine the thematic trends, and likewise the main challenges in the area of video games, the levels of productivity, quantity and quality of the articles are also measured. The results show that the majority of articles are affiliated with institutions located in Spain, the Netherlands and the USA; that there is a growing interest and greater relevance in the use of ICT and video games in the framework of the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus (covid-19) and that most of the manuscripts are of a reflective nature and few of them have effective or applied proposals.