
Trends and Challenges of Video Games as an Educational Tool


The growth in the use of technologies has marked an evident evolution in different areas of society, being education one of the most impacted. Thanks to the incursion of technology, the use of tools has been proposed as teaching and learning strategies, one of which corresponds to video games, which have positioned themselves as an area of notable and growing research interest. The purpose of this study is to carry out a bibliometric review of the scientific articles associated with video games-education. The Scopus® database was used for this review, with an analysis window between 2010 and 2020. A descriptive analysis was carried out to determine the thematic trends, and likewise the main challenges in the area of video games, the levels of productivity, quantity and quality of the articles are also measured. The results show that the majority of articles are affiliated with institutions located in Spain, the Netherlands and the USA; that there is a growing interest and greater relevance in the use of ICT and video games in the framework of the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus (covid-19) and that most of the manuscripts are of a reflective nature and few of them have effective or applied proposals.
Ortiz-Clavijo, Luis Felipe (57219650176); Cardona-Valencia, Daniel (57199508918)
Trends and Challenges of Video Games as an Educational Tool; [Tendencias y desafíos de los videojuegos como herramienta educativa]
Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, Medellín, Colombia
All Open Access; Gold Open Access
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