Producción Científica



Academic culture has a long tradition in higher education studies; nevertheless, only a few studies on this concept are available. This article aims to review the use of the concept of academic culture in higher education literature based on a bibliographic review, supported by bibliometric techniques, of studies on this topic in the last twenty years, paying special attention to state of the art in the Latin American context. The results show a growing use of the concept, which has not been yet linked to a clear definition that could conduce to the consolidation of a field of study of the cultural dimension of the sector. Specifically, there are four lines of research on academic culture: the impact of changes in the political economy on the traditional values of higher education institutions, the challenges of international exchange of students and academics, the recognition of implicit biases in the dominant academic culture, and the relationship between tacit regulations and organizational reform processes. This article also addresses how the fundamentally atheoretical character of academic culture studies mirrors the state of research in higher education, particularly in the Latin American context.



Much has been recently written about the possibilities and controversies of using video games in education. In order to know the research trends, through productivity, impact, collaboration and dissemination, a bibliometric analysis was performed on 226 documents available in the Scopus database. This was supplemented with a content analysis of 62 open-access articles. The results show the interest of studying this question and the boom of the past decade, the weight of countries like Spain, and the strong impact of almost half the articles. The expectations set by Lotka’s and Bradford’s laws were confirmed. Research confirms that video games have positive effects on learning, motivation and class dynamics, without forgetting the fundamental role of teachers, and the design and purpose of games. Finally, future research lines related to necessary teacher training or the evaluation of video games from a pedagogical perspective are indicated.



Studies on information technology and organizational agility has shown significant growth since the beginning of 2014, which may be an indicator that this theme is beginning to mature in the concerned literature, and increasingly has become the subject of researchers. In view of the presented scenario, the objective of this study is to introduce a synthesis of the literature panorama of the relation between the focused two constructs in the last years. The author (s) chose to employ a bibliometric analysis to understand the evolution of studies on that relation. We concluded that in the United States there is a great concentration of research on this subject, and the most recent publications, in general, occurred in relevant management and information management system journals. The identified studies mainly concentrate on the causal relationship between information technology (IT) and organizational agility from three perspectives: (1) the direct effect of IT capabilities on agility, (2) the moderating effect of IT capabilities on the relationship between other organizational capabilities and organizational agility, and (3) the indirect effect of IT on organizational agility mediated by other organizational capabilities. In addition, it was possible to identify organizational agility connected with three aspects: sensitivity, decision and responsiveness. Another contribution of the study is the construction of a framework based on the main study samples and the most recurrent keywords. It is possible to detect the three levels of analysis in the relation between the two previously mentioned constructs, besides bringing out the definitions used for each construct. An opportunity for future studies is to evaluate the taxonomy identified for organizational agility.



The presence of trees brings several health benefits to urban populations. However, wind damage is an important cause of falling trees, causing considerable damages. This study involved a bibliometric review on the use of Internet of Things technologies for monitoring trees. A research protocol was designed and implemented, involving a thorough search of the Scopus database. After applying the exclusion criteria and content filters, the abstracts and titles of the resulting 313 documents were analyzed. Two analyses were performed; (i) an analysis of the evolution of the area based on the study metadata; (ii) a cluster analysis of the words present in the abstracts and titles of the identified documents. The first analysis showed: (i) the current growth of this area of research; (ii) that the most important fields of study were agricultural, biological, environmental, and terrestrial and planetary sciences; (iii) that the most relevant journal was Ecology and Forest Management. The second analysis resulted in the identification of three clusters: (i) wind impact; (ii) variables and experiments; (iii) forest management. The main gap observed was that few studies have used IoT technologies as tools for preventive or corrective actions related to wind and storm impacts on trees and forests.



The study explores the internationalization of higher education from the bibliometrics of data collected in the Web of Science (WoS). The survey conducted on July 20, 2021, with the term “internationalization of higher education” in the document title, the research analyzes 430 texts, from 1945 to 2021. Considering Zupic & Cater (2014), it analyzed citation, co-citation, bibliographic coupling, co-authorship and co-occurrence of keywords, in addition to the 10 most cited texts and the most current ones. Van Damme (2001), Guo & Chase (2011), Seeber et al. (2016), Bennell & Pearce (2003), Byun & Kim (2011), Teichler (2004), are most referenced among the selected texts. From the keywords, it is observed the presence of: mobility, globalization, knowledge, culture, curriculum. It is highlighted references to Teichler (2004, 2009), Svenja Bendelier, Hans de Wit, Vidya Rajiv Yeravdekar, Shibao Guo. From the co-citation network, Knight (2003, 2004, 2008), Altbach (2004, 2007), De Wit (1995, 2002), Horta (2009), Teichler (2004) and Hudzik (2011) are the most cited. From the articles of 2021, we observe issues such as inequality, racism, coloniality, as important research agendas.



The civil construction sector is under pressure to make construction processes more sustainable, that is, aligned with economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Thus, the research question considers: How do Industry 4.0 Technologies help civil construction face challenges and identify new opportunities to become sustainable? The general objective of this work is to offer a current overview of publications that associate the civil construction sector; Industry 4.0 Technologies and sustainability, and identify the challenges and opportunities of the Industry 4.0 Technologies set to contribute to sustainability achievement. The research method was a bibliographic review combined with bibliometric analysis in SCOPUS databases. The results show that civil construction faces the challenge of reducing the consumption of natural resources, ensuring safe work, and optimizing processes, especially handwork. However, the insertion of Industry 4.0 Technologies into civil construction has allowed sensors, robots, modelling and simulation systems, artificial intelligence, and drones to have their productivity, efficiency, safety, strategic and environmental management enhanced. Furthermore, Industry 4.0 Technologies can contribute to civil construction through innovative, sustainable, and technological solutions focused on the flow of work, which can provide growth through the balance of costs/benefits in the management of projects and works. Thus, it is expected that this article will contribute to discussions around the possibility of construction becoming sustainable with the support of Industry 4.0 Technologies.



Introduction: Epigraphs are language phenomena that occur in various areas of knowledge and in the scientific field they are a fundamental part of the language and historical culture of science. Theoretically based on Information Science, Sociology of Science, Literature and Linguistics, this article defends the idea that epigraphs in scientific texts can be part of the science reward system because, like citations, they signal the importance and contribution of epigraphed authors to the field of knowledge in which they belong. Objectives: To scrutinize theories and methodologies about the meaning of epigraphs in scientific texts; develop and apply a model for the analysis of epigraphs inserted in doctoral theses in the field of Information Science. Method: Exploratory and descriptive research based on bibliometric and content analysis. Results: The theoretical notes addressed the origin and functions of epigraphs; the analysis model included information related to the epigraph, the epigraphed and the epigrapher. The types (authentic, inexact, apocryphal, autograph and anonymous), genre (prose, poetry), functions (direct, oblique and epigraph-effect), implicit scientific, literary, religious, political and institutional discourses of the epigraphs and the authors most epigraphed were identified. Conclusion: The analysis of the epigraphs demonstrated strategies of legitimation, affiliation and intellectual influences of the epigraphers and the scientific recognition of the epigraphed for the field of knowledge in which they belong



Medical education refers to education and training delivered to medical students in order to become a practitioner. In recent decades, medicine has been radically transformed by scientific and computational/digital advances—including the introduction of new information and communication technologies, the discovery of DNA, and the birth of genomics and post-genomics super-specialties (transcriptomics, proteomics, interactomics, and metabolomics/metabonomics, among others)—which contribute to the generation of an unprecedented amount of data, so-called ‘big data’. While these are well-studied in fields such as medical research and methodology, translational medicine, and clinical practice, they remain overlooked and understudied in the field of medical education. For this purpose, we carried out an integrative review of the literature. Twenty-nine studies were retrieved and synthesized in the present review. Included studies were published between 2012 and 2021. Eleven studies were performed in North America: specifically, nine were conducted in the USA and two studies in Canada. Six studies were carried out in Europe: two in France, two in Germany, one in Italy, and one in several European countries. One additional study was conducted in China. Eight papers were commentaries/theoretical or perspective articles, while five were designed as a case study. Five investigations exploited large databases and datasets, while five additional studies were surveys. Two papers employed visual data analytical/data mining tech-niques. Finally, other two papers were technical papers, describing the development of software, computational tools and/or learning environments/platforms, while two additional studies were literature reviews (one of which being systematic and bibliometric).The following nine sub-topics could be identified: (I) knowledge and awareness of big data among medical students; (II) difficul-ties and challenges in integrating and implementing big data teaching into the medical syllabus; (III) exploiting big data to review, improve and enhance medical school curriculum; (IV) exploiting big data to monitor the effectiveness of web-based learning environments among medical students; (V) exploiting big data to capture the determinants and signatures of successful academic performance and counteract/prevent drop-out; (VI) exploiting big data to promote equity, inclusion, and diversity; (VII) exploiting big data to enhance integrity and ethics, avoiding plagiarism and dupli-cation rate; (VIII) empowering medical students, improving and enhancing medical practice; and, (IX) exploiting big data in continuous medical education and learning. These sub-themes were sub-sequently grouped in the following four major themes/topics: namely, (I) big data and medical cur-ricula; (II) big data and medical academic performance; (III) big data and societal/bioethical issues in biomedical education; and (IV) big data and medical career. Despite the increasing importance of big data in biomedicine, current medical curricula and syllabuses appear inadequate to prepare future medical professionals and practitioners that can leverage on big data in their daily clinical prac-tice. Challenges in integrating, incorporating, and implementing big data teaching into medical school need to be overcome to facilitate the training of the next generation of medical professionals. Finally, in the present integrative review, state-of-art and future potential uses of big data in the field of biomedical discussion are envisaged, with a focus on the still ongoing “Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19) pandemic, which has been acting as a catalyst for innovation and digitalization.



The manuals of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and Red de Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnología -Iberoamericana e Interamericana- are methodological references for the measurement of science, technology and innovation activities. This study aims to understand the influence of these manuals on international scientific production, through bibliometric and scientometric methods and techniques (citation and co-citation). Articles that cited the manuals indexed by the Scopus database (from 1954 to 2016) were analyzed. Were found 1906 articles citing the OECD and 12 RICYT manuals. There was a significant increase in citations and co-citation (16 %) from 2007. The data show the influence of the manuals, especially of the OECD, on the international scientific community and the growing interest in the science, technology and innovation indicators at the present.



While the amount of telecommunications services grows rapidly in the whole world, humans get potentially more exposed to Non-Ionizing Radiation (NIR) from a number of different sources. Measurements of NIR levels are relevant in order to compare the results with national and international standards, aiming at the preservation of human health. Thus, it is of great interest to explore a variety of topics regarding this subject. Based on this need, this paper has a number of goals, including monitoring radiation levels in an everyday situation, an investigation of how national and international regulations organs address NIR levels and a demonstration of scientific production trends regarding this topic. The work also presents a bibliometric study about the main scientific productions and trends related to NIR measurements, with focus on the field of Telecommunications. The analysis is based on the databases of Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus, computing publications in the last 10 and 3 years, showing a trend evaluation. Among the main results from this exploratory investigation, there is an exponential growth in the number of publications about NIR, ranging from research in physics to medicine. The way research contribution in different countries is also shown, in order to support the relevance of the topic in defining new tendencies for new investigations. Furthermore, the NIR exposure limits and measurement criteria are presented both in Brazilian and in international norms, demonstrating how different national regulations can be when compared to international guidelines. Another contribution is a case study in Natal, Brazil, where NIR levels were monitored in four distinct locations over a period of 24 hours each and compared to the current regulations. The result is a quantitative analysis of the amount of radiation that some populations might be exposed to in distinct moments of the day. Measurements were carried out in the proximity of an antenna spot, since it could represent a source of high NIR levels (a worst case of human exposure). This campaign differs from older studies by including a more intense usage of microwaves frequencies due to operating 4G and pre-5G systems in Brazil. Finally, a statistical study involving the measurements is conducted, concluding the analysis of how some population groups might be affected by NIR.