
Influence of OECD and RICYT Manuals in Scientific Literature and Their Contributions to the Construction of Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators


The manuals of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and Red de Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnología -Iberoamericana e Interamericana- are methodological references for the measurement of science, technology and innovation activities. This study aims to understand the influence of these manuals on international scientific production, through bibliometric and scientometric methods and techniques (citation and co-citation). Articles that cited the manuals indexed by the Scopus database (from 1954 to 2016) were analyzed. Were found 1906 articles citing the OECD and 12 RICYT manuals. There was a significant increase in citations and co-citation (16 %) from 2007. The data show the influence of the manuals, especially of the OECD, on the international scientific community and the growing interest in the science, technology and innovation indicators at the present.
Maricato, João Melo (57927936800); Macêdo, Diego José (57190306691)
Influence of OECD and RICYT Manuals in Scientific Literature and Their Contributions to the Construction of Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators; [Influencia de los manuales de la OCDE y de la RICYT en la literatura científica y sus contribuciones para la construcción de indicadores de ciencia, tecnología e innovación*]
Universidadde São Paulo. Licenciatura en Biblioteconomía y Documentación, UniversidadFederalde São Carlos, Profesor de la Universidadde Brasília, Brazil; Universidadde Brasília. Licenciado en Sistemas de Información, Universidad Católica de Brasília, Tecnologista do Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, Brazil
All Open Access; Gold Open Access; Green Open Access
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