
Epigraphs in the science rewards system theoretical notes and analysis model


Introduction: Epigraphs are language phenomena that occur in various areas of knowledge and in the scientific field they are a fundamental part of the language and historical culture of science. Theoretically based on Information Science, Sociology of Science, Literature and Linguistics, this article defends the idea that epigraphs in scientific texts can be part of the science reward system because, like citations, they signal the importance and contribution of epigraphed authors to the field of knowledge in which they belong. Objectives: To scrutinize theories and methodologies about the meaning of epigraphs in scientific texts; develop and apply a model for the analysis of epigraphs inserted in doctoral theses in the field of Information Science. Method: Exploratory and descriptive research based on bibliometric and content analysis. Results: The theoretical notes addressed the origin and functions of epigraphs; the analysis model included information related to the epigraph, the epigraphed and the epigrapher. The types (authentic, inexact, apocryphal, autograph and anonymous), genre (prose, poetry), functions (direct, oblique and epigraph-effect), implicit scientific, literary, religious, political and institutional discourses of the epigraphs and the authors most epigraphed were identified. Conclusion: The analysis of the epigraphs demonstrated strategies of legitimation, affiliation and intellectual influences of the epigraphers and the scientific recognition of the epigraphed for the field of knowledge in which they belong
Hayashi, Maria Cristina Piumbato Innocentini (24467812100)
Epigraphs in the science rewards system theoretical notes and analysis model
Federal University of Sao Carlos, SP, Sao Carlos, Brazil
All Open Access; Gold Open Access
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