

Scientific production about hospitals in the context of Data Science: a study from the Web of Science


Objective: to carry out the bibliometric analysis on the applications of Data Science in the context of hospital associations. Methods: Through research in the Web of Science database, it was verified the existence of terms related to Data Science, such as, big data, data analysis, businesss intelligence, data mining, data warehouse, text mining and data science, relating them to hospitals. Data analysis was based on the social network analysis technique. The period considered was from 2015 to 2019. Results: Machine learning and electronic health records emerge as relevant issues. The most expressive interactions reflect the inclination of Medical Informatics in matters related to decision making, information systems for hospitals and intensive care units. Regarding the fields, it is noted the expected predominance of the Health area and of the domains belonging or bordering on Technology. In addition, it can be seen that the wide variety of areas found accuses the interdisciplinary nature of the subject, including, with an important participation of Information Science. Regarding the geography of knowledge, there is a reasonable degree of decentralization, with representative productions in North America, Europe and Asia. As for the publication vehicles, emphasis is given to Studies in Informatics and Health.
Sobral, Natanael Vitor (57191333494); Lima, Gillian Leandro de Queiroga (57764892400); Sobral, Ana Sara Pereira de Melo (57765319000)
Scientific production about hospitals in the context of Data Science: a study from the Web of Science; [PRODUÇÃO CIENTÍFICA SOBRE HOSPITAIS NO CONTEXTO DA CIÊNCIA DE DADOS: UM ESTUDO A PARTIR DA WEB OF SCIENCE]
Universidade Federal da Bahia, Instituto de Ciência da Informação, Salvador, Brazil; Ciência da Informação nstituto Federal Baiano, Biblioteca, Salvador, Brazil
All Open Access; Gold Open Access
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