

Bibliometric analysis of sport 4.0: a reality for the development of contemporary sports culture


The article addresses the sport 4.0 trend from a bibliometric perspective. This type of sport emerging in contemporary sports culture uses information and communication technologies to enhance the sporting experience for athletes, coaches, fans, and other stakeholders in the sport. The objective was to analyze the characteristics, technologies and designs with lines of innovation in sport 4.0 from the bibliographic reviews and their practical implementation. The results highlight the importance of Big Data, the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence applied to sport 4.0. A systematic literature review was carried out in the Scopus database, examining 585 articles published from January 2012 to June 2022. The implementation stage of a sport 4.0 event with students from the Sports Administration and Management research hotbed was based on the pedagogical strategy of formative research, an initiative that allowed applying the knowledge acquired in the classroom in a real and practical environment. It required a careful and planned process on the part of the principal investigators, who made sure to involve all relevant stakeholders, both students and teachers. The sample consisted of 24 students in the role of athletes divided into 12 teams, 12 students in the role of Staff (organizing committee) and 100 students in the role of spectators. It is concluded that this trend addresses the complexity of contemporary sports culture with a holistic and interdisciplinary approach, which leads to changes in good sports practices. 
Sanabria-Navarro, José Ramón (57778160800); Pérez, Yahilina Silveira (57188979122); de Jesús Cortina- Núñez, Manuel (57296986300)
Bibliometric analysis of sport 4.0: a reality for the development of contemporary sports culture; [Análisis bibliométrico del deporte 4.0: una realidad para el desarrollo de la cultura deportiva contemporánea]
Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia; Universidad de Sucre, Colombia
All Open Access; Gold Open Access
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