Architecture has a wide range of disciplinary action that encompasses social sciences, art and humanities, and engineering. Thus, this paper aims to characterize the practices of editorial production, information consumption and impact present in the Revista de Arquitectura (Bogota). To achieve this end, a descriptive and retrospective study was carried out, based on bibliometric indicators and founded on original articles, peer reviewed and published in the three main sections of the journal. As a result of this, a constant and homogeneous publication was identified in the three sections, but with differences in the dynamics of production and consumption of information, being in the TMS section where there is a greater number of bibliographic references and a better Price index; also, the use of journals and literature in English stands out. In the CUE section, a concentration of literature in Spanish was observed, and a balance between the dates of the references every five years. In the case of PAU, a greater internationalization and a preference for books and use of references dated over 15 years was observed. In general, a positive impact was observed by citation and alternative metrics.
- Autor/es: César Eligio-Triana
- Año de publicación: 2020
- País: Colombia
- Idioma: Español
- Fuente de indexación: WOS