Producción Científica



The present study aims to analyze five years of scientific production on the aforementioned theme in scientific productions of the Graduate Program in Accounting from 2015 to 2019. With regard to methodological aspects, regarding the objective of the research, it is classified as descriptive , since the procedures of the present study assume documental aspects, the approach to the problem is defined as quantitative. The study identified and analyzed 41 studies in accounting journals published in Brazil listed by ANPCONT. It was observed that 36.5% of the surveys focused on management accounting were carried out in journals with A2 qualis. Advances in Scientific and Applied Accounting – ASAA was identified as the journal with the largest number of publications on the aforementioned theme, followed by Revista Contemporanea de Contabilidade – RCC. Among the most cited authors, Carlos Lavarda and Ilse Beuren stand out with the highest numbers. Through the elaboration of the word cloud, the main terms were identified in order of popularity: Management accounting, artifacts, bibliometrics, institutional theory and management accounting practices. The southern region has stood out as the one that publishes the most, especially the Federal University of Santa Catarina, with 35 publications. Despite always presenting publications in relevant journals, bibliometric research with topics on management accounting in Brazilian journals demonstrate that there are still gaps to be developed, especially in emerging themes.



Objective. Quantitatively identify the production about ecoturism as well as those responsible for these materials, providing researchers with an accessible source of information on publications and those related to theme materials. Method. It is a quantitative and qualitative research, and uses Bibliometric as method. The material collected for this study was captured through the “Google Scholar” data platform and was divided into three stages: the collection of the material, the sorting of the chosen material and the tabulation of the data and the drawing of the graphs with the use of Microsoft software Excel. Results. The data found resulted in 25 different platforms, presenting a total of 40 articles on the subject searched. The analysis of the data referred to the possible relationship between individuals responsible for the platforms with the authors of the articles, which reveals a possible fragility of the integrity of the evaluations and publications of scientific materials, showing the possibility of a closer relationship between magazines, authors and Evaluators, and can thus cause a vicious cycle, or endogenous. Conclusions. This work demonstrates a concern in the face of the propagation of ideas that elevate this theme, but that on the other hand may cause its stagnation. Ecotourism is a theme that is on the rise and that sharpens the interest of new researchers. Considering the possibility of endogeny, this practice results in weakening and this fragility may promote its stagnation instead of its conceptual progress.



This research analyzes the scientific production related to convergence culture through bibliometric indicators of production, citation and relational co-citation. Specifically, it evaluates scientific production using production and citation indicators, and characterizes the main influencers on the recovered work through the analysis of co-citation between authors. For this, it searches for the term convergence culture in the Web of Science database and evaluates the production of articles over the years together with the citations received and reveals, through the analysis of co-citation between authors, the main influencers on the retrieved work. To analyze the co-citations, it uses the concept of diachronic recitations of authors per document to build the intellectual structure of the domain in question. As a result, it presents a low productivity of articles close to saturation, 34% of the articles without citations received and with a clear deceleration of citations per article. It illustrates that the intellectual structure of the theme is composed of 46 authors most cited in the entire work, with emphasis on Henry Jenkins, Scolari, Williams, Bruns, Couldry, Deuze, Carpentier and Andrejevier. It concludes with low productivity on the subject and with strong influences from the pioneer Henry Jenkins, who is the most cited, recited and co-cited author among all cited authors.



Objective: The object of this theoretical-empirical work is to analyze the evolution of the Triple Helix movement based on the analysis of the scientific publications database through bibliometric techniques. Methodology: This is an applied exploratory research. The publications database is structured as an MS Excel file fed manually from the annals of international conferences and other publications. The database is periodically frozen and the main authors, institutions, countries of origin, and topics are counted. Originality: The work is original in the idea of knowing an academic movement through its results. Main results: The database gathers 2,700 inputs (24% journal papers, 70% conferences communications, and 6% books, chapters, and others). These communications were written by 3,465 authors, an average of 1.28 authors per work. As expected, the creators of the concept, Henry Etzkowitz and Loet Leydesdorff, together or with partners, are responsible for 9.4% of all communications. Countries such as Brazil, the UK, the USA, Russia, and Italy are very active in the movement and organizing a conference was crucial to the dissemination of the concept in their countries. Theoretical contributions: The work contributes to a better understanding of the field of action of the Triple Helix theme. It is useful for researchers looking for literature, gaps, and research topics. Management contributions: The work presents contributions to the Triple Helix Association in the management of the movement and to conference organizers, in general universities, and their partners.



Objective: Bibliometric analyses are commonly used to document publication trends over time; however, this methodology has not been used to investigate possible trends concerning publishing about psychotherapy brands. In this study, the authors sought to identify the publication trends of peer-reviewed articles about 30 psychotherapy brands. Methods: Analyses were focused on the past 50 years and on each decade from 1970 to 2019. All searches were performed between October 2018 and January 2019 on the EbscoHost platform. Two databases were selected for the searches: PsycINFO and PubMed. Results: In the 28,594 articles reviewed, most published articles concerned cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and five brands accounted for almost78% of all publications: CBT, psychoanalysis, family systems therapy, behavioral therapy, and cognitive therapy. Three trends were identified across decades: five therapies consistently yielded the largest number of publications, the number of publications focused on therapies with less research support declined from the 1970s to the 1990s, and publications about therapies with more of a research basis increased in the 1990s through the 2010s. Publications on meditation and mindfulness presented the most salient growth area for all psychotherapies across the 5 decades. A few psychotherapy brands have dominated the publishing realm during the past 50 years and across each decade. Conclusions: Possible explanations for these publication trends were considered, including the emergence of the evidence-based therapy movement and various sociohistorical changes. Potential psychotherapy publications trends in the future are discussed.



The production of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) has increased in capacity by almost eight fold in the past ten years due to growing demand for consumer electronics and electric-drive vehicles. The social and environmental implications of increased lithium demand is significant not only in the context of policy initiatives that are incentivizing electric vehicle adoption, but also because electric vehicle adoption is part of the vision of sustainability transitions that are being put forth in a variety of contexts. Any evidence that suggests that the externalities of the technology uptake are not being addressed would directly counter the intent of such initiatives. For LIBs to be fully sustainable, it is imperative that impacts along life cycle stages be adequately addressed, including lithium mineral extraction. This study investigates how the scope and focus of research in this area are changing and what drives their evolution. Based on a bibliometric analysis, we evaluate the state of research on the issues of lithium mineral extraction, use, and their impacts. The article identifies research hotspots and emerging research agendas by mapping the evolution of research focus and themes. Our analysis finds that research on the socio-environmental impacts of lithium extraction at local level has been very limited. We discuss some research directions to address the knowledge gaps in terms of specific research topics, methodologies, and broader system perspectives.



This paper sought to identify trends in the research of “public opinion”, allowing for an analysis of the field in a systematized manner. We carried out a bibliometric study of 2,536 articles selected from the Web of Science. We aimed to characterize the research front and intellectual base of the field. In relation to the research front, we noted an increase in publications between 1945 and 2016; we identified Robert Shapiro and Lawrence Jacobs as the most productive authors; among the most referenced articles were those by Gamson and Modigliani (1989) and Page and Shapiro (1983). We also identified that the majority of articles are: by North American authors; were published in the journals Public Opinion Quarterly and Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya; are indexed in the categories of Government & Law and Political Science and represented by the keywords public opinion, attitudes, support, policy, the United States and politics. With regard to the intellectual base in the journal co-citation network, the Public Opinion Quarterly, American Political Science Review and American Journal of Political Science stood out. In the author co-citation network the most prominent authors were Page and Zaller. In the analysis of the references co-citation, the most frequent texts in the network were by Zaller (1992) and Page and Shapiro (1992). We concluded that scientific output on public opinion is on the increase, with a dynamic expansion of the research front and intellectual base.



The objective of the article is to analyze, retrospectively, the performance of the Journal Apuntes Contables (AC). For this endeavor, the profile of their authors, and the impact of the publication. The information about AC was obtained from the files available on its website; it was organized in Microsoft Excel and analyzed in vosviewer. When analyzing the performance of AC during the two decades of its existence (2002-2023), it is evident that the articles are characterized by study-ing, mainly, issues associated with the thematic areas of financial accounting and finance, and accounting pedagogy and education. However, the study of emerging issues related to Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), economic crimes, and organizational fraud has gained presence. The analysis of the authors’ profile shows that, in its majority, they contribute individually; gender does not make a relevant difference and there is a higher qualification of the authors. The impact of AC is lower than that of other local journals, but it has been growing for the last five years. Therefore, with the trend issues identified and the influence of its actors and impact, the journal’s contribution to the accounting field is undeni-able and demonstrated. I offer a diagnosis that serves as the basis for the design of a strategy that allows AC increase its quality, relevance, and impact for the future.



Objective. The present study presents a bibliometric research that aimed to raise the state of the art of Gastronomy in the international scenario. As this is a new area that has few scientific publications, there was a need to seek clearer data about the discussions that are being held within the scientific academy in this area of science. Method. Through a qualitative exploratory documentary research, a total of one hundred scientific articles were studied in a simple statistical way, 27 of which were analyzed based on content analysis. The quantitative analysis brought up general data related to information such as: names of authors, affiliation, areas of publication, names of journals and keywords. Regarding qualitative analysis, specific manuscripts published in a journal that stood out in the analysis scenario were selected. Results. It was noted throughout the study that the largest number of publications is based on a specific journal, with most of the authors affiliated with higher institutions in Spain. In this context, the association between Gastronomy and the area of Nutrition in specific areas was notorious. Conclusions. It is concluded that Gastronomy has been left in the background in scientific discussions specific to the area and it has proved to be of great value to stimulate new studies that involve it as a field of science. The work evidenced that the field of study really has, in the stipulated criteria, a low of published materials, which can compromise the relevant studies and necessarily demand the association with other areas of science.



The motorcycle market has experienced an upward trend. That growth brings along mobility, accidents, and environment-related issues; nevertheless, there is a scarcity of literature on evaluating the impact of motorcycle market policies. Consequently, it has been challenging for researchers and policymakers to develop evidence-based strategies to promote or control the growth of this market. This paper aims to review and analyze the scientific literature about motorcycle market policies, using tech-mining techniques and a cluster analysis of keywords, to provide insights about the most relevant world trends in this research area. For this purpose, the bibliographic information of publications in the field was retrieved from the Scopus database. As a result, three thematic clusters (sustainability, mobility, and electric motorcycles) were identified and explained. According to our findings, greenhouse gas emissions, sustainability, environmental impact, and developing countries are the hot research topics. The research leader countries on said topics are the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom. This study can, therefore, be used as a reference to define a future research agenda in the area. Consequently, it permits researchers and policymakers to identify trending topics and gaps in knowledge, as a baseline to include motorcycles in sustainable and affordable transport systems design.