Producción Científica



Objective: To present the state of the art of scientific research on Community-based Tourism (CBT). Methodology: Systematic Literature Review and bibliometric study on scientific production in CBT. A base of world journals and search for articles in English, Spanish, and Portuguese were used, showing aspects such as the evolution of publications in the area, the most cited articles, main journals and authors, the most used keywords, along with analysis of the main themes covered in the articles, the applied methodologies and the mapping of the case studies performed. The articles were analyzed using Microsoft Excel, Iramuteq, and Gephi software. Originality / relevance: The article presents the scientific discussion on CBT. Although there are already studies in this direction, they include more limited cuts and a smaller number of articles analyzed. In addition, the use of software allowed a better organization and visualization of the information. Main results: It appears that research on CBT started in the 1980s, but gained volume in the last decade. The most recurring themes are community participation and environmental sustainability associated with CBT. Most articles use qualitative research techniques, including several case studies, with the Asian, American, and African continents being the most studied, respectively. Theoretical / methodological contributions: The current stage and the scope of the international academic discussion on the topic are highlighted. The correlations between the different methodological approaches can contribute to the internationalization of local debates and guide comparative analysis of public policies on CBT between countries.



A notable diversity of marine mammals inhabits the Atlantic and Pacific waters of South America. For decades, South American countries have been producing scientific research focused on these species. However, still, there is no systematic assessment of the magnitude and main subjects on which this research has been focused. This study analyzes the trends and patterns in scientific research on marine mammals in South America, evaluating a pool of bibliometric indicators and mapping collaborative relationships among countries, authors, and research areas. Academic documents were retrieved from two bibliographic databases: SCOPUS and SciELO, from 1990 to 2020. Results showed a gradual increase in publications along the three study decades. Brazil played a central role in the number of publications in both databases, followed by Argentina and Chile. The South American publications on marine mammals were centralized in a small number of journals, and few authors were responsible for a large proportion of contributions. The authors showed a moderate level of collaboration, mainly reflecting stronger links among neighbor countries, including co-authorships with North American and European countries. The most frequent keywords reflected three clusters centered in taxonomic groups (Cetacea, Odontoceti, and Pinnipedia) and two centered in research subjects (pollution and phylogenetics). The scope of the contributions differed among collections. Nevertheless, both databases were complementary and contributed to show marine mammals’ research in South America.



Several bibliometric indicators have been proposed to evaluate the performance of researchers worldwide, one of them is the h index that takes into account both the number of publications and citations, and ranks researchers according to a scale proposed by Jorge Hirsch in successful researcher (h=20), excellent scientists (h=40) and as a singular individual (h=60). The objective of the study was to evaluate the performance of Paraguayan researchers from the disciplines of medicine, biochemistry and biology through the Hirsch h-Index comparing Google Scholar and Scopus. All Paraguayan researchers from the aforementioned areas whose data were available in Google Scholar and/or Scopus were included. It is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. For the initial identification of the researchers, the copy available on the CONACYT, Paraguay website was used, and the Publish or Perish software was used. 158 researchers were identified, eight of them are positioned on the Hirsch scale. 13% of researchers had an h index equal to or greater than 10 in Google Scholar and Scopus, with the highest value corresponding to the area of medicine, 54 in Google Scholar and 47 in Scopus. Researchers mostly publish in low-impact national journals with few citations. The performance of the researchers by the h-index is below the region.There is a need for greater investment in national scientific journals for their indexing in databases that collect journals with higher impact.



Objective: Artificial intelligence, as an interdisciplinary field, presents its literature in several areas of knowledge, and its applications offers important contributions for the scientific fields that it dedicates. This study aim is to analyze the scientific production on artificial intelligence in open access scientific articles in the health field and understand its indicators of impact. Methods: It is a descriptive, exploratory and quantitative research, that uses bibliometric and altmetric techniques in complementarity with the aim of ascertaining academic impact through citations data and the on-line attention through the mentions found in the sources of the Social Web. The production data and its metrics were obtained in consultation in Dimensions; and altmetric data retrieved via Altmetric Explorer. Results: In total, 3,121 articles published between 2014 and 2019 were analyzed. The temporal distribution shows increase, with 2019 showing the highest concentration of articles. The academic impact was considered moderate, 70.81% have citation data and, for the visibility, 61.93% presented altmetric data regarding the mentions in the sources of the Social Web. Citations are frequent in old articles and on-line attention is greater for recent publications. Social media as sources with a greater number of mentions, followed by news portals and blogs. Conclusions: It is considered that, by complementing traditional metric studies, such as bibliometrics and citations, altmetrics and its alternative indicators enable a broader understanding of the real impact caused by scientific productions.



This research aimed to analyze the characteristics of scientific productions from 2010 to 2020, within the scope of stricto sensu graduate studies, which focused on internal auditing in the public sector. The theme was chosen because it is an area that can contribute to public institutions in the fulfillment of principles considered essential, such as legality, legitimacy, effectiveness and economy. Regarding the methodology, this research is classified as descriptive, bibliometric and qualitative-quantitative. Data regarding theses and dissertations were collected in February 2022 from the CAPES Theses and Dissertations Catalog Database and analyzed using the Excel and Atlas TI programs. Among the indicators analyzed, the following stand out: year, level and modality, genre (author and advisor), location, institution of affiliation, keywords, topic addressed, methodological approach, etc. The results evidenced the predominance of productions in the states of Sao Paulo, Parana and Rio de Janeiro; from professional master’s degrees; and applied mainly in the context of Federal Education Institutions and Financial Institutions. In addition, not all works used theories, emphasizing predominantly practical aspects through the adoption of the case study methodology, observing, therefore, a greater need to explore theories and methodologies in future studies on the subject. Finally, there was an intensification in the number of researches from 2017, opening the possibility of a growth in productions. In this sense, some underused themes can be objects of future research, such as risk management and knowledge management.



Background and Objectives: Latarjet is among the procedures indicated to treat shoulder instability, producing excellent results, including low instability rates and high patient satisfaction. The aim of this study was to report the characteristics of scientific articles that address the subject of the Latarjet procedure through the use of bibliometric analysis. Materials and Methods: Bibliographic searches were performed for original articles published in journals indexed by the Web of Science database until 2021, with no language restrictions. Results: A total of 668 articles published in 87 journals were included. The first publication was in 1981; the most registered publications were in 2018 and 2021 (89 articles), with an annual percentage growth rate of 11.9. Provencher MT was the author with the most published articles, and the institutional affiliation with the most original articles was the Steadman Philippon Research Institute. The most cited article was a study by Burkhart and Beer, and the scientific journal with the most publications on the subject was the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. Most published studies included keywords such as dislocation, instability, and meta-analysis. Conclusion: There has been a sustained increase in original articles on the Latarjet procedure. However, the greatest growth in articles has occurred during the last decade, demonstrating the considerable interest among the world scientific community.



Objective: To carry out a scoping review of the meta-analyses published regarding about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), evaluating their main characteristics, publication trends and methodological quality. Methods: A bibliometric search was performed in PubMed (R), Scopus and Web of Science, focusing on meta-analyses about COVID-2019 disease. Bibliometric and descriptive data for the included articles were extracted and the methodological quality of the included meta-analyses was evaluated using A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews. Results: A total of 348 meta-analyses were considered eligible. The first meta-analysis about COVID-19 disease was published on February 26, 2020, and the number of meta-analyses has grown rapidly since then. Most of them were published in infectious disease and virology journals. The greatest number come from China, followed by the United States, Italy and the United Kingdom. On average, these meta-analyses included 23 studies and 15,200 participants. Overall quality was remarkably low, and only 8.9% of them could be considered as of high confidence level. Conclusion: Although well-designed meta-analyses about COVID-19 disease have already been published, the majority are of low quality. Thus, all stakeholders playing a role in COVID-19 deseases, including policy makers, researchers, publishers and journals, should prioritize well-designed meta-analyses, performed only when the background information seem suitable, and discouraging those of low quality or that use suboptimal methods.



Additive manufacturing (AM) technology has attracted the interest of industrial professionals and researchers in the last years. This interest lies primarily in understanding the trends, benefits, and implications of AM technology on supply chain (SC) and logistics, as it requires reconfiguring the supply chain based on a distributed manufacturing strategy, closer to the consumer market, with shorter lead times and less raw materials. It still is an emerging field, and needs further study. Therefore, a better understanding of main trends will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about AM technology and its consolidation. This article seeks to investigate the implications of AM, as an advanced manufacturing model, on SC and logistics. A four-step research method was used to develop a systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis on the AM implications in SC and logistics. The main implications of AM on SC and logistics were classified in seven key issues gathered as result of the literature review. Additionally, bibliometric study allowed understanding researches major trends in this field. The key aspects highlighted and characterized as major implications of AM on SC and logistic are: supply chain complexity reduction; more flexible logistics and inventory management; better spreading and popularization of mass customization; decentralization of manufacturing; greater design freedom and rapid prototyping; increasing of resource efficiency and sustainability, and the need to have clearly defined legal and safety aspects.



Soil arsenic pollution issues have received increasing attention over the past decades. This review focuses on recent advances in remediation practices of arsenic-contaminated soils from 7400 articles. It critically evaluates the significant literatures of the various methods and proposes research trends and hotspots through bibliometric analysis. Soils or other sites remediation technology could be divided into two categories: ones having received in situ remediation and ones subjected to ex situ treatments. Among them, this review classifies the in situ remediation technology of arsenic-contaminated soils into extraction/migration, immobilization/stabilization, and transformation/degradation from the perspective of remediation goals. From the perspective of treatment pathways, the ex situ treatment technologies for arsenic-contaminated soils are divided into soil washing and solidification/stabilization. Various remediation methods present different levels of adaptability. By introducing six tolerance indices, the adaptability of all the arsenic-contaminated soil remediation technologies to contamination level, costs, time, efficiency, the existence of co-pollutants, and secondary pollution risks is proposed. Solidification/stabilization is considered as the most efficient and the most cost effective is the phytoextraction technique. The research hotspot and trend in the field of arsenic-contaminated soil remediation is the application of biochar-related amendments in paddy soils.



Background: Antimicrobial resistance is a serious public health problem that has become a global threat. Special attention should be given to polymyxins (polymyxin B and colistin) which, since their reintroduction into clinical practice, are considered “last resort” drugs. The objective of this study is to perform a bibliometric analysis of scientific research on polymyxin resistance. Methods: Scopus was used to retrieve documents relevant to polymyxin resistance from 2010 to 2019. Data was exported to Microsoft Excel for table presentation. SciVal was used for volume and citation analysis as well as collaboration patterns. Also, we extracted data regarding the top documents, authors, countries, institutions, and the metrics of journals. VantagePoint and VOSviewer were used for geographical distribution of worldwide research and keyword co-occurrence analysis, respectively. Results: A total of 1,409 documents were retrieved. The retrieved documents received 25.0 citations per document. Articles (73.88%) and letters (18.09%) were the most frequent types of documents. During 2010-2019, there was a significant growth in publications (p-value < 0.001). The received citations were 35,209 with a peak in 2016 (11,250 citations). China and the United States led the scientific production with 299 (21.2%) and 238 (16.9%) publications, respectively. Little or no contribution came from central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America. Chinese institutions have caused the greatest impact, with University of Zhejiang (China) being the most prolific institution on the subject (88 documents). In terms of the most productive journals, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy ranked first with 196 (13.9%) documents. Most of the documents were published in quartile one journals and only had national collaboration (43.2%). Analysis of keyword co-occurrence revealed that research on polymyxin resistance during the last decade has focused on its relationship with public health, pharmacology, and genetics. Conclusion: The number of documents on polymyxin resistance has increased significantly in the recent years, with a steep growth from 2016 onwards. China and the United States led the scientific production. Most of the documents were published in high-quality journals. Greater joint efforts and more contribution from central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America are still needed to tackle this global problem.