Objective: To present the state of the art of scientific research on Community-based Tourism (CBT). Methodology: Systematic Literature Review and bibliometric study on scientific production in CBT. A base of world journals and search for articles in English, Spanish, and Portuguese were used, showing aspects such as the evolution of publications in the area, the most cited articles, main journals and authors, the most used keywords, along with analysis of the main themes covered in the articles, the applied methodologies and the mapping of the case studies performed. The articles were analyzed using Microsoft Excel, Iramuteq, and Gephi software. Originality / relevance: The article presents the scientific discussion on CBT. Although there are already studies in this direction, they include more limited cuts and a smaller number of articles analyzed. In addition, the use of software allowed a better organization and visualization of the information. Main results: It appears that research on CBT started in the 1980s, but gained volume in the last decade. The most recurring themes are community participation and environmental sustainability associated with CBT. Most articles use qualitative research techniques, including several case studies, with the Asian, American, and African continents being the most studied, respectively. Theoretical / methodological contributions: The current stage and the scope of the international academic discussion on the topic are highlighted. The correlations between the different methodological approaches can contribute to the internationalization of local debates and guide comparative analysis of public policies on CBT between countries.
- Autor/es: Bruna Ranção Conti, José Tavares Spinola, Luiz Saldanha
- Año de publicación: 2021
- País: Brasil
- Idioma: Ingles
- Fuente de indexación: WOS