
Ecotourism’s analysis as source of research


Objective. Quantitatively identify the production about ecoturism as well as those responsible for these materials, providing researchers with an accessible source of information on publications and those related to theme materials. Method. It is a quantitative and qualitative research, and uses Bibliometric as method. The material collected for this study was captured through the “Google Scholar” data platform and was divided into three stages: the collection of the material, the sorting of the chosen material and the tabulation of the data and the drawing of the graphs with the use of Microsoft software Excel. Results. The data found resulted in 25 different platforms, presenting a total of 40 articles on the subject searched. The analysis of the data referred to the possible relationship between individuals responsible for the platforms with the authors of the articles, which reveals a possible fragility of the integrity of the evaluations and publications of scientific materials, showing the possibility of a closer relationship between magazines, authors and Evaluators, and can thus cause a vicious cycle, or endogenous. Conclusions. This work demonstrates a concern in the face of the propagation of ideas that elevate this theme, but that on the other hand may cause its stagnation. Ecotourism is a theme that is on the rise and that sharpens the interest of new researchers. Considering the possibility of endogeny, this practice results in weakening and this fragility may promote its stagnation instead of its conceptual progress.
Nascimento, BO; Pires, RG; De-Bortoli, R
Ecotourism’s analysis as source of research
Universidade Federal de Sergipe; Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
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Green Submitted, gold
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