Producción Científica



The rapid advancements in technology have opened up new doors for both teachers and students to explore, learn, and create in innovative ways. However, this progress has also brought forth new challenges and complexities that demand a deeper understanding of the use of technology in art education. In this context, bibliometric analysis has emerged as a potent tool to examine emerging trends in the intersection of technology and art education. Employing the PRISMA approach (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) and utilizing relevant Scopus databases with standardized procedures that ensure comprehensiveness and replicability, this bibliometric study identified 29 articles. The number of published articles in 2022, at 12, exceeded that of 2021, with only 6. Furthermore, the study highlighted the top 10 countries conducting research in technology and art education, with China having 17 studies, followed by the United States with 3 and Australia with 2. The top three keywords in current research trends are Education Computing, with 9 publications, E-learning, with 8, and Virtual Reality, with 7. Other keywords that relate to technology and art education are also pertinent to the research. These findings suggest that there is a growing interest in utilizing innovative research techniques to examine the intersection of technology and art education. As emerging technologies broaden the horizons of art-making and learning, they offer new avenues for creativity and innovation, but they also demand careful consideration of their potential benefits and risks. Educators and researchers will need to work in tandem to design effective strategies for integrating these technologies in ways that encourage creativity, learning, and social justice.



Gender-based violence is a global scourge advancing unchecked, penetrating all social and cultural strata. Physical, sexual and emotional abuse seriously affects women’s freedom, with consequences not only psychological and physical but also economic, in the form of health, labour, legal and police costs. Therefore, society demands effective governmental measures based on respect for human rights and aimed at promoting equality to avoid intimidation and ill-treatment. This paper proposes to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the literature to investigate the state of the art of public policy and gender violence or domestic violence or violence against women to detect the patterns of behaviour that have marked the lines of study over the last two decades (2001–2022), by analysing a sample of 355 articles. The results reveal that scientific production has grown exponentially recently, with Brazil and the USA having the most significant involvement. Furthermore, three clearly differentiated lines of research are evident: the detection of risk factors and prevention measures; feminist movements aimed at empowering women, seeking their independence; and the qualification of care services supported by public policies. However, they all have the same objective, to achieve gender homogeneity and stop any type of violence against women and girls.



The digital revolution has been shaking up the financial sector for some time now. This is also happening in the insurance industry, which has remained unchanged for a long time. Insurtech is a phenomenon that uses new technologies to revolutionize the traditional insurance business, and it deserves to be explored in depth to understand its risks and potential. This study examines the academic literature on Insurtech through a bibliometric analysis and a systematic review, which allowed us to identify the main contributors to the topic, the main research clusters and future research directions. The results show a growing trend in scientific production on Insurtech and a strong focus on the implications of artificial intelligence and blockchain on the insurance sector. Furthermore, the analysis highlighted a strong collaboration between information technology and economics disciplines and the need for an interdisciplinary approach to understand the Insurtech phenomenon fully.



Although there have been numerous studies on the heritage attributes, characteristics, and values of the historic garden as a special category of cultural heritage, the question is why a comprehensive review combining mainstream historic garden conservation with ways of understanding the garden in a landscape context has not been conducted. Landscape is an integrative concept that combines physical features and the diversity of functions with social and ecological processes throughout the scales of time and space. Therefore, this landscape context means applying the landscape approach to explore the organic connection between the scale of evolution and the architectonic elements in relation to each other. To elaborate, instead of viewing the garden as an object in one specific temporal-spatial frame, such an approach focuses on the evolution of the site in order to identify persistent structures and other values. The method used in this study involved paper coding as qualitative analysis combined with bibliometric visualization software. We reviewed 162 studies to explore the interconnections between the historic garden and landscape approach. The result is that there are three correspondences between landscape approaches and different stages of the historic garden’s conservation and development: studies identifying the historic garden’s characteristics using landscape mapping, studies demonstrating historic gardens’ conservation based on landscape planning, and studies exploring the potential of development and reuse through landscape design. Finally, we discuss the research gaps and outline an action framework for the conservation and development of heritage gardens in a landscape context.



The TikTok platform has become widely popular among younger generations and has influenced various industries and aspects of life. This systematic literature review, using bibliometric methods, aims to examine the evolution of TikTok research from its initial development to its current status. A total of 402 journal articles from 2019 to 2022 were systematically selected from the Web of Science Core Collection. Descriptive statistical analysis identified the most contributing academic institutions, nations, journals, scholars, and influential studies. Using CiteSpace, three visualization types were implemented: cluster views, timezone views, and timeline views. The study results indicate that several TikTok research clusters exist, which summarize important topics such as the platform’s overall impact on society, politics, culture, as well as human-centric issues such as social attachment, functional tics, and their implications for public health. According to the co-word analysis, TikTok research revolves around body consciousness, social behavior, consumer behavior, and news media. The comprehensive mapping of TikTok research provides valuable insights into the current state of knowledge and identifies numerous relevant technical and social areas for future investigation. As the first bibliometric review of TikTok research, this study offers an important foundation for future scholarly inquiry in various areas.



Introducción: Este trabajo examina la producción científica relacionada con los medios de comunicación públicos en el mundo digital, debido al aumento de la última década. Metodología: Se seleccionan 292 referencias indexadas en Web of Science entre 2012-2022 y se realiza un análisis bibliométrico de citación, co-citación y co-palabras de la investigación científica sobre el tema. Resultados: El análisis de citación determina que los países con mayor número de citas sobre el tema son Bélgica, Estados Unidos, Inglaterra y Austria; la fuente con mayor número de citas es Journalism Studies; los documentos más citados son los de Van Dijck y Poell, (2015) y Aalberg et al. (2013) y los autores más citados son Shanto Iyengar y Hilde Van den Bulck. Según el análisis de co-citaciones, los trabajos más mencionados son los de Bardoel, (2003), Hallin y Mancini (2004) y Brevini, B. (2013), y los autores más citados son Hallin, D. C., Van den Bulck, H. y Benson, R. En ambos casos, los agrupamientos temáticos son: servicios de televisión pública, medios de comunicación y política e influencia de los medios de comunicación en la opinión pública. En cuanto a la co-citación de fuentes, destacan Media, Culture & Society; Journal of Communication y Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, entre otras. El análisis de co-palabras muestra las principales temáticas de investigación: comunicación de noticias, comunicación de masas, periodismo europeo y periodismo global. Discusión y conclusiones: Este estudio permite identificar las principales tendencias y fundamentos teóricos del campo estudiado, así como detectar las tendencias emergentes.



During the Annual Operational Research Society Simulation Workshop in Worchester, UK, in 2010, a panel discussion entitled “discrete-event simulation (DES) is dead, long live agent-based simulation (ABS)!” was held. Subsequent debates on the topic have captured the interest of many simulation professionals and researchers. This study lends credence to the discourse with evidence. In January 2020, a global health crisis named coronavirus disease (COVID-19) occurred, infecting and killing millions of people globally, leading to community lockdowns and travel restrictions, and bringing the world to a standstill. Scientists scrambled for quick, practical solutions to stem the tide. Operational research (OR) and management science (MS) techniques, including modeling and simulation, provide effective methods to make COVID-19 infection forecasts, assign/optimize intensive care unit beds, initiate healthcare management/control strategies, and decision-making. The global pandemic problems offer an opportunity to evaluate the discourse on DES’s continuous relevance and potency as an OR/MS technique. Utilizing bibliometric performance evaluation and text analytics of publications addressing various COVID-19 pandemic problems, the results show an extensive use, relevance, and impact of the DES technique across multidisciplinary domains, including medical/healthcare, social and behavioral sciences, business, molecular biosciences, and more. The intellectual structure highlights strong multidisciplinary collaboration among sources in decision sciences, healthcare, natural, behavioral, and social sciences. The social network analysis of the publications shows the contributions and collaborations among authors, institutions, and countries. The study demonstrates that DES is still alive and robust, notwithstanding the hype about ABS.



A plethora of publications have shed light, particularly on the affordances of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered technology to maximize the language learning preparation, process, and outcomes. In search of the current portrait of empirical evidence in this context, this paper reports on a bibliometric mapping analysis of publications on the utilization of AI technology in language learning in the last five years (2018-2023). Relevant studies associated with the theme were collected from several journals sorted out using predetermined criteria. Eighty-eight titles and abstracts were further reviewed to generate a mapping of relevant keywords. The analysis results showed that studies on the utilization of AI technology for language learning have gradually increased in number and grabbed considerable attention among scholars in the Asia context. Several mainstream key terms attached to AI technology comprised personalized learning, mobile learning, and chatbot applications, indicating more concerns in reviewing the role of AI technology as a smart personal assistant for language learners. Furthermore, the use of AI technology was found to be beneficial for maximizing language learning preparation, language skills development such as reading and writing, and language learning evaluation particularly in providing feedback or assessing students’ works. However, challenges in using AI technology in a language learning context remain on the surface. The present mapping analysis can serve as a reference for contemplating the retrospect and envisioning the prospect of AI-powered technology use toward sustaining advanced and quality language learning.



The integration of technology into language learning has led to increased research on the use of technology and media in language learning in recent years. This study presents a bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature related to the use of Technology and Media in Japanese Language Learning. Bibliometric methods are used in the analysis of scientific articles indexed on the Google Scholar database from 2018-2023, and linked to the research areas of Technology/Media in Japanese Language Learning. The research results show that the number of publications related to technology and media in Japanese language learning has increased in recent years. As the results of this research, publication related to technology and media in Japanese language learning is a growing trend that will lead to more research in the coming years. This study identifies opportunities for future research and pedagogical advances in Japanese language learning. Thus, it can become a source of information about innovation research in Japanese language learning.



The academic discourse surrounding tourism’s interdisciplinary approach has long piqued the interest of the scholarly community. More recently, attention has pivoted towards the intersection of neuroscience and neuromarketing within the realm of tourism, giving rise to the concept of “neurotourism”. This emergence requires a comprehensive elucidation of the relevance of neuromarketing and neuroscience to the field of tourism, thereby addressing the imperative to bridge existing knowledge gaps. In light of this, the present paper endeavours to fulfil this objective by synthesizing global research in this domain. The study adopts an interdisciplinary approach, employing a hybrid systematic review methodology that encompasses a literature review encompassing nine key indicators and a bibliometric analysis through co-word analysis of author keywords. In total, our investigation unearthed 45 papers from Scopus, each exploring the application of neuroscience and neuromarketing theories and methods within the context of tourism. Among these, three papers delve into the concept of neurotourism. In this paper, we underscore the deep connection between neuroscience, neuroscientific methodologies, and neuromarketing within the realm of tourism research. The outcomes of this research significantly enhance our comprehension of the current state of neurotourism research, revealing both existing voids and emerging areas of interest. Furthermore, this study introduces a pioneering methodological approach, fusing Scival topic prominence and hybrid systematic review techniques into bibliometric analysis. Ultimately, our findings illuminate a notable research lacuna, presenting a fertile terrain for prospective investigations. Additionally, we deliberate on current trends and propose directions for future research within the neurotourism landscape.