
The Use of Technology and Media in Japanese Language Learning: A Bibliometric Analysis


The integration of technology into language learning has led to increased research on the use of technology and media in language learning in recent years. This study presents a bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature related to the use of Technology and Media in Japanese Language Learning. Bibliometric methods are used in the analysis of scientific articles indexed on the Google Scholar database from 2018-2023, and linked to the research areas of Technology/Media in Japanese Language Learning. The research results show that the number of publications related to technology and media in Japanese language learning has increased in recent years. As the results of this research, publication related to technology and media in Japanese language learning is a growing trend that will lead to more research in the coming years. This study identifies opportunities for future research and pedagogical advances in Japanese language learning. Thus, it can become a source of information about innovation research in Japanese language learning.
Dewanty, Via Luviana (57913536900); Haristiani, Nuria (57193796810); Sadewo, Leo (58899450300); Tasman, Annisa Qamara (58899061900)
The Use of Technology and Media in Japanese Language Learning: A Bibliometric Analysis
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia
All Open Access; Hybrid Gold Open Access
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