Producción Científica



Aim: Indicators of international university rankings for institutional scientific production are described to help improve university positioning on an international scale. Methodology: The design is quantitative and bibliometric techniques were combined with documentary analysis. First, the Cuban positioning in the Scimago Institutions Ranking (SIR) is described at a global level and in the dimensions of indicators, then the scientific production of the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas (UCLV) is characterized, indexed in Scopus by some Scimago Institutions Ranking (SIR) indicators. Finally, the indicators of leadership, open access, number of citations and excellence between the UCLV and the University of Havana (UH) were compared in order to characterize the positions obtained in the SIR. Results: The positioning of the UCLV and the UH in the SIR is close, however the differences in the scientific production of the UH with respect to the UCLV are relevant. The UCLV has two faculties that provide the highest scientific production in Scopus (FMFC and FQF) and in total the institution obtained low results in the applied SIR indicators. At least 50% of the scientific production was carried out with leadership. Conclusions: The application of international university ranking indicators at the meso level enables a better understanding and approach to the positions obtained by the universities in the SIR. It offers information on what aspects to take into account to improve the positioning and therefore the international visibility of universities.The study is a pioneer in the application of ranking indicators in Cuban institutions to help improve their international positioning.



Aim of study: Land surface temperature (LST) is an essential variable to monitor and characterize forest ecosystems. This variable has been consistently captured for almost four decades by the Landsat program. The current study aimed at identifying trends, knowledge gaps and opportunity areas in the use of Landsat derived LST for the monitoring and analysis of forest ecosystems. Materials and methods: A bibliometric analysis of scientific articles indexed in Scopus in the period 1995-2020 was conducted. Main results: Annual increase rate in the number of publications on the topic analyzed was 22.58%. The journal with more publications on the topic was Proceedings of SPIE, followed by Remote Sensing. The authors with the highest productivity on this topic were C. Quintano, I. Vorovencii, O. E. Yakubailik and M. A. Zoran. Regarding productivity by country, 38 countries with publications on this topic were identified, with the highest productivity located in China, USA and India. This group of countries also represented the most solid network of cooperation between countries. Forest ecosystems more frequently analyzed were temperate forests, followed by tropical forests. The analysis of keywords highlighted topics such as remote sensing, NDVI, MODIS and evapotranspiration. The analysis of thematic evolution indicated that areas of research and interpretation of LST data has evolved in parallel with remote sensing areas. Research highlights: Landsat LST analysis is an evolving topic with potential to contribute to improve ecosystem knowledge and to support diverse challenges in forest resources decision-making.



This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of inventory models in a sustainable supply chain. The methodology contains reviewing previous research with a performance evaluation, network analysis, and science mapping to identify the applications, trends, and future research topics. Scientific mapping examines the periods and volumes of publications, authors, journals, countries, regions, organizations, subject areas, and citation analyses. The dataset was obtained with the Scopus database and analyzed using MS Excel and VOSviewer. The search equation identified 335 research papers, which resulted in 131 significant manuscripts on the subject after being screened and filtered. The most notable countries in developing research were Iran, India, China, the United States, Canada, Taiwan, France, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, and Denmark. Saha, S., Ajay, S.Y., and Baboli, A. were the most cited authors. The journals that publish the most research were Sustainability, the Journal of Cleaner Production, and the International Journal of Production Economics. Some research focuses on reducing carbon emissions and polluting agents applied in different industries in China, Brazil, India, and others. The main findings were the number of industry sectors researching this topic, increasing the number of publications, and promoting the proper use of resources within a sustainable supply chain. There are many investigations of theoretical models that have applications in real-life cases. There is also evidence of the high importance of promoting sustainable development. The emissions regulations in a green supply chain applied to agricultural products have allowed for more actions to achieve responsible production and consumption, as seen in applied research in the pulp and paper industry.



This article presents a review of 50 scientific articles based on the Action Research methodology that were published during 2003-2017. A hypothesis is set out that the dialogic relationship between theory and practice in this kind of methodology favors the production of innovative actions in the teaching-learning process. The results from the analysis show that the participatory Action Research is the modality most frequently studied in the educational context. The study confirms that the teacher is one of the main actors who have positively appropriated the principles of Action Research in order to transform their teaching practice.



Water supply is strategic for the development of society. The water distribution in nature follows patterns linked to geographic and territorial issues. Climate fluctuations aggravate shortage problems in semi-arid regions. This study aims to develop a systematic review of research on water scarcity in semi-arid areas through bibliometric methods that allow the analysis of its structure, performance, evolution, and future trends. The methodology considers three phases: (i) literature review, (ii) data cleaning and processing, and (iii) analysis of the research field and future trends. The intellectual structure of water scarcity in semi-arid zones covers 2206 documents with the collaboration of sixty-one countries, distributed in studies carried out in 54 years (1967 to 2021). This field of research has been growing, especially since the 21st century (93.1% of the documents). The countries that study the issue the most are those with high population rates and large consumption patterns, such as the United States and China. There are two central areas of interest led by the terms “water scarcity” and “water stress” due to the intensive use of the resource for agriculture and the management of the water-energy-climate nexus. Thus, the most significant journals studied relate remote sensing to resource management, and the most cited are related to agriculture. This research made it possible to consider future topics such as the study of anthropogenic effects and climate change, the accuracy and applicability of models, and future trends in conventional and unconventional agriculture and resources.



Objective. Analyze the scientific production in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry in Colombia in the period 2010-2019. Materials and methods. A retrospective cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out, through the bibliometric analysis of articles published in nine journals in the area of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry in Colombia. The information was obtained by searching the Internet for each journal’s website. The articles included were original articles, literature reviews, brief communications, clinical cases and editorials. Results. The total number of articles was 3.000; 2.250 (75%) published in Spanish, 673 (22.4%) in English and 77 (2.6%) in Portuguese. 2.282 (76.1%) were original, 224 (7.5%) literature reviews, 165 (5.5%) clinical cases, 105 (3.5%) brief communications, 204 (6.8%) editorials and 21 (0.6%) others. There were 10,296 authors; 7.109 (69%), nationals and 3.187 (31%) foreigners. Of the total Authors, 6.659 (64.7%) were men; 3.199 (31%) women and 438 (4.3%) without identification, with an average of 3.38 authors/article. Public entities contributed 77.9% of scientific production and private entities 22.1%. The areas with the highest number of publications were zootechnics, animal health, agriculture and wildlife. The top 5 of affiliations of the authors corresponded to public universities. Conclusions. The journal that publish in English achieve a better international positioning and in them the largest number of foreign authors publishes. The most published articles were the original ones. The top 10 of the most cited articles yielded a total of 810 citations that contribute to the internationalization of Colombia and Colombian journals.



Goal: We aims to map the literature that correlates uncertainty management and Open Innovation at project level, identifying the main contributions of knowledge management.Design/Methodology/Approach: We applied the Systematic Literature Review – SLR approach associated with Bibliometric analysis. To sample compose we use the Scopus and Web of Science databases. We also use the Bibliometrix R package to managed the sample process compose and bibliometric analysis and content analysis to identify the main topics.Results: The contributions mainly discuss the performance of OI projects to generate competitive advantage for organizations. The sample are categorized in technical, market, organizational and resource uncertainties. There is a greater focus on market and organizational uncertainties justified by the propagation of uncertainty.Limitations of the investigation: Even with transparency in the analysis and sample composition, the discussions may be subject to subjective interpretations by the authors.Practical Implications: This study has managerial implications. Our study helps managers identify core KM mechanisms in OI projects that enable sharing, integration, and knowledge flow between the network partners. Our findings show that the main challenge lies in organizational culture and the change of mindset, which influences the opening to new partnerships, knowledge sharing, and internal and external partners’ trust to leverage innovation. For that, managers have to be aware of the KM barriers such as lack of trust or information asymmetry.Originality/ Value: We correlate uncertainties management in the OI projects, considering the influence of KM. We present conceptual maps. We identified emerging topics and we suggest a theoretical model of the research.



This study analyzes the characteristics and development of Brazilian research on women’s and gender studies using a new comprehensive data source that is still hardly explored in bibliometric studies called 1Findr. The search expression forms a part of a methodological proposition for similar studies, based on the literature review of other analogous studies and on the historical and current characteristics of Brazil. We analyzed 31,609 Brazilian articles on women’s and gender studies based on bibliometric indicators including activity, collaboration, and thematic association, with excerpts from the 1970s to 2019. Our results show that, initially, research was linked to the health sciences and was carried out in institutions in the Southeast and South of the country; however, this trend started changing since the 1990s, when two journals specialized in the area were first developed in Brazil and when researchers in the human and social sciences started working with this subject. Since then, the volume of articles, collaboration, and research has grown throughout the country, although production is still concentrated in the Southeast and South. Federal public universities are the main research actors, and researchers prioritize national journals and the Portuguese language. However, the main characteristic, which increases over time, is plurality: in relation to science in general and to other areas of Brazilian research, women’s and gender studies present a greater plurality in terms of its publication characteristics, for example, in relation to the amount and percentage of languages. Plurality is also observed in the fact that, over the years, researchers from new disciplines have started to publish on gender studies, making the area more and more inter- and multidisciplinary, and also consolidating it scientifically, in the sense that it has become a subject of interest for all areas of research. Its presence in journals with the best ratings in the Brazilian research system supports the understanding that this is a scientifically consolidated area. In contrast, despite its continuous growth, collaboration is a rare phenomenon, and specific characteristics of studies carried out with foreign partners can be observed. Collaboration clusters among national institutions are characterized, among other factors, by their geographic proximity and the central role of major universities, such as Universidade de Sao Paulo, and others associated with the history of the area in the country, such as Universidade de Campinas, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. The dataset obtained, prepared, and used in the present research is available for new studies.



Teleworking is a flexible way of working, developed totally or partially at a distance. Through a bibliometric review on this subject, with a quantitative approach, exploratory nature and applied nature, we intend to present an overview of the publications available in ANPAD, Scielo and Spell databases, published between 1995 and 2017. Were found 280 publications, being discarded duplicates and those that did not approach telework as the central theme, resulting in 73 articles. Based on the results obtained, we have an overview of the publications on the subject of telework in the studied bases, as well suggestionsfor future studies.



Objective To evaluate the global productivity regarding original articles on maternal near-miss (MNM). Methods We conducted a bibliometric analysis of original articles published from 2008 to November 2019 in the journals indexed in the Scopus database. The averages of the number of articles by author, of the number of authors by article, of the number of citations by article, and the total number of documents with one or more authors were obtained. An analysis of the co-citation of authors and a co- occurrence analysis of the terms included in the titles and abstracts were performed and were presented as network visualization maps. Results A total of 326 original articles were analyzed. There was an increase in the number of articles (p < 0.001; average annual growth rate = 12.54%). A total of 1,399 authors, an average number of articles per author of 4.29, with an index of authors per document of 0.23, and an index of co-authors per document of 8.16 were identified. A total of 85 countries contributed with original articles on MNM. Among the top ten countries regarding the contribution of articles, five were low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Brazil had the highest volume of production (31.1%), followed by the US (11.5%). Terms related to countries and the measurement of the rates and cases of MNM and the associated factors were found in recent years in the analysis of the cooccurrence of terms. Conclusion There was an increase in the production of original articles on MNM, with a significant participation of authors and institutions from LMICs, which reveals a growing interest in the use ofMNMindicators to improve the quality ofmaternal health care.