
Bibliometric analysis of the scientific articles published in Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics in Colombia 2010-2019


Objective. Analyze the scientific production in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry in Colombia in the period 2010-2019. Materials and methods. A retrospective cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out, through the bibliometric analysis of articles published in nine journals in the area of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry in Colombia. The information was obtained by searching the Internet for each journal’s website. The articles included were original articles, literature reviews, brief communications, clinical cases and editorials. Results. The total number of articles was 3.000; 2.250 (75%) published in Spanish, 673 (22.4%) in English and 77 (2.6%) in Portuguese. 2.282 (76.1%) were original, 224 (7.5%) literature reviews, 165 (5.5%) clinical cases, 105 (3.5%) brief communications, 204 (6.8%) editorials and 21 (0.6%) others. There were 10,296 authors; 7.109 (69%), nationals and 3.187 (31%) foreigners. Of the total Authors, 6.659 (64.7%) were men; 3.199 (31%) women and 438 (4.3%) without identification, with an average of 3.38 authors/article. Public entities contributed 77.9% of scientific production and private entities 22.1%. The areas with the highest number of publications were zootechnics, animal health, agriculture and wildlife. The top 5 of affiliations of the authors corresponded to public universities. Conclusions. The journal that publish in English achieve a better international positioning and in them the largest number of foreign authors publishes. The most published articles were the original ones. The top 10 of the most cited articles yielded a total of 810 citations that contribute to the internationalization of Colombia and Colombian journals.
Gonzalez, M; Salgado-Arroyo, L
Bibliometric analysis of the scientific articles published in Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics in Colombia 2010-2019
Universidad de Antioquia
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gold, Green Submitted
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