Sociology, since its emergence in the nineteenth century, was approximated to Natural Sciences in search for its scientificity. For this, objectivity and neutrality have become fundamental criteria. In spite of this tradition, Feminist Theory has argued in defense of a critical, engaged, and transparent scientific position. In this scenario, the methodological proposals around Situated Knowledge and Action Research emerge. The present paper aims to: (1) describe Situated Knowledge and Action Research; (2) analyze how these perspectives are being used in Latin American Gender Studies; (3) encourage the use of these methodologies. For these purposes, we use the Bibliometric Research Method. The conclusions show a small number of articles using these methodologies, thus emphasizing the need to strengthen and spread this discussion.
- Autor/es: Mariana Selister-Gomes, Eduarda Quatrin-Casarin, Giovana Duarte
- Año de publicación: 2019
- País: Brasil
- Idioma: Portugués
- Fuente de indexación: WOS