
Producción Científica



This study aims to provide a systematic analysis of the literature of methods and resources supporting geoconservation and geotourism worldwide, while identifying current and future trends in the field. This paper offers a comprehensive bibliometric analysis which comprises the period of 2011-2021 after an in-depth systematic literature review of 169 papers, using Web of Science. The volume of research on these topics is growing rapidly, especially in Italy, Poland, Brazil, Russia, and China; these constitute the most productive countries. The main identified geomorphological environments are sedimentary, volcanic, aeolian, coastal, fluvial, and karstic. We discovered that the main methods for evaluating geoconservation and geotourism are geomorphological mapping, the study of economic values for geotourism, field work as a research tool, geoheritage management, documentation, exploration, and inventories of geoheritage at a regional level. The main determined resources are UNESCO Geoparks, educational activities, digital tools, geomanagement, economic values, geoitineraries, and geoeducation programs. To our knowledge, this is the first study dealing with methods and resources publicizing geoconservation and geotourism, worldwide. Knowing about the most successful methods and resources for promoting geoconservation and geotourism can definitely be useful for future endeavors in countries where geoheritage studies are starting to be developed.



The detection of analytes in complex organic matrices requires a series of analytical steps to obtain a reliable analysis. Sample preparation can be the most time-consuming, prolonged, and error-prone step, reducing the reliability of the investigation. This review aims to discuss the advantages and limitations of extracting bioactive compounds, sample preparation techniques, automation, and coupling with on-line detection. This review also evaluates all publications on this topic through a longitudinal bibliometric analysis, applying statistical and mathematical methods to analyze the trends, perspectives, and hot topics of this research area. Furthermore, state-of-the-art green extraction techniques for complex samples from vegetable matrices coupled with analysis systems are presented. Among the extraction techniques for liquid samples, solid-phase extraction was the most common for combined systems in the scientific literature. In contrast, for on-line extraction systems applied for solid samples, supercritical fluid extraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, and pressurized liquid extraction were the most frequent green extraction techniques.



The authors carried out a bibliometric study and a detailed analysis of the various variables of the final graduation projects developed in the Geography Career of the University of Costa Rica (UCR). This research responds to the need to quantify and analyze the different aspects of the scientific production of the student body, which had not been done exhaustively until now.The purpose of the publication is to disclose the results found, to make visible and demonstrate the efficiency and usefulness of these investigations. Similarly, it urges their leaders to strengthen those weak aspects and promote current issues and address the needs of the context. The basic methodological steps focused on document reviewed and consulted from the database of the System of Libraries and Documentation of the University of Costa Rica (SIBDI). Data were extracted from this base and processed with the tools of the Libreoffice and QGIS software. One of the most relevant results is that the School of Geography-UCR has supported the development of 141 final graduation projects from 1966 to 2021, for an annual average of 2.6, which have not only consisted on an academic requirement, but many of them have been input for the attention of national and international problems.



Bibliometric analyses provide a clear understanding of the scientific performance and relate them with standards of the global scientific production. Soil science is an outstanding and developing field among environmental sciences. Knowledge about soil characteristics and their distribution in the environment has been enriched by the use of new geotechnologies, resulting in what is known as digital soil mapping. Thus, the objective of this work was to characterize the scientific production in digital soil mapping in Brazil and in the world, in the period from 1996 to 2017, in databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. In the general context of increasing numbers of papers, the journal Geoderma published the highest number of related papers. Among the 10 with most published papers, the Revista Brasilcira de Ciencia do Solo is the only open access journal. Although there are countries at the cutting edge of digital soil mapping such as the United States and Australia, the position of Brazil in the number of papers and authors cannot be overlooked, showing the importance of the nation’s participation in digital soil mapping, as a field of science that can provide guidelines for public policies for the development of agriculture in the country.



A bibliometric analysis of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) content from a total of 15.020 research publications was conducted between 2008 and 2018, the papers being detailed in the online version of SCI-Expanded, Thomson Reuters Web of Science. Data processing tools such as Hitscite, CiteSpace, ArcGIS and Ucinet 6 were used to process the information. The parameters analyzed in the analysis were: type of document; the language of publication; volume and characteristics of publication output; publication by journals; performance of countries and research institutions; research trends and visibility. The study showed that “Fuel”, “Cell”, “Membrane” and “Proton” were found in most of the titles of the documents, while “Performance”, “Pemfc”, “Pem Fuel Cell” and “Fuel Cell” were the keywords most commonly used in documents. The analysis found that PEMFC studies have tended to be growing and that leading peer-reviewed journals have produced numerous publications on the subject. The investigation revealed that the country with the most significant production in the field is USA with a contribution of 3009; 20% of the total publications. Followed by China 2480; 16.5%, South Korea 1273; 8.5% and Germany 1121; 7.5%, showing to the main world powers as the most significant contributors to the research.



Climate deterioration and environmental pollution has been widely studied by a wide scientific community. The effects of the ecosystem deterioration impacts directly to human activities. In this scenario, the building industry has increased the pressure on proposing new materials to replace the cementicious component and natural resources (water, sand, gravel, and limestone) on mortar and concrete to reverse this trend. To this end, organic residues can offer opportunities as an available alternative for construction applications. Therefore, this paper aims to broaden the scope of research in this field by investigating the potential use of organic residues as cementicious building material based on bibliometric-statistical analysis using scientific information. A preliminary bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer was carried out to define the keywords co-ocurrence from Scopus database. Type of organic material, constructive use, and its properties (physicochemical, mechanical, and thermal) were extracted from scientific publications. Then, a systematic analysis criteria was defined to limit the scope of the study. Finally, statistical variance analysis and multiple correlation for identifying constructive application were applied. From the co-ocurrence analysis of keywords, we determined that 54% of the selected scientific publications were closely related to the scope of this study. State-of-the-art study established that related researches grew exponentially at a rate of about 30%/year. Moreover, scientific publications reported the use of a wide variety of organic residues, such as wheat, paper, hemp, rice, wood, molluscs, olive, coconut, among others. Mainly, agricultural residues (82%) with building applications related to structural concrete, mortar, bricks, and blocks, had been evaluated. Physicochemical properties from organic residues (extractives content, lignin content, and density) were correlated to mechanical (compressive, flexural and tensile strength) and thermal properties (thermal conductivity). The identification of the physicochemical properties of the organic residues allow us to predict the mechanical and thermal behavior of the material with residues. In summary, agricultural residues are the most promising organic building material due to their abundance and lignin content, exhibiting better mechanic and thermal properties than any other organic residues.



Objective: To present and discuss the academic production about stakeholders management, their attributes and the influence of project portfolio success. Methodology: The method used was bibliometric with co-citations analysis. Novelty: The paper can be considered as novelty due to scarce published papers. Main results: The results showed a gap in the theory about the related constructs. Theoric contributions: The study proposed a conceptual framework that can be used in future quantitative and qualitative researchs.



The objective of this article is to analyze the scientific production on the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS) in the areas of economics, econometrics, finance, business, management and accounting; through the use of bibliometric techniques. The study is carried out in a period of 50 years, between 1971 and 2021, whose main source is the Scopus database; additionally, the information is analyzed using the VOSviewer software. The search yielded a total of 727 documents related to the field addressed, finding that the United States is the leading country in scientific production; 93 % of the works consulted were scientific articles, the topics related to the SSE are: solidarity, sustainability, microfinance, inequality, autonomy, social movements, cooperatives, social justice, gender, women, agroecology, and social responsibility. It is important to consider that scientific progress in all fields increases day by day, therefore, the data changes. It is conclud- ed that it is essential to understand the processes related to the SSE in the mentioned areas, as it is a poten-tial to develop economic activities based on values such as justice, equity, transparency, and cooperativism.



Internet of Things (IoT) is a key technology trend that supports our digitalized society in applications such as smart countries and smart cities. In this study, we investigate the existing strategic themes, thematic evolution structure, key challenges, and potential research opportunities associated with the IoT. For this study, we conduct a Bibliometric Performance and Network Analysis (BPNA), supplemented by an exhaustive Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Specifically, in BPNA, the software SciMAT is used to analyze 14,385 documents and 30,381 keywords in the Web of Science (WoS) database, which was released between 2002 and 2019. The results reveal that 31 clusters are classified according to their importance and development, and the conceptual structures of key clusters are presented, along with their performance analysis and the relationship with other subthemes. The thematic evolution structure describes the important cluster(s) over time. For the SLR, 23 documents are analyzed. The SLR reveals key challenges and limitations associated with the IoT. We expect the results will form the basis of future research and guide decision-making in the IoT and other supporting industries.



This work describes a systematic and bibliometric review of the factors that contribute to the expansion of leishmaniasis in urban areas. Three scientific databases were used: Scientific Electronic Library (SciELO), Scopus and Web of Science, encompassing all original and review articles between 1959 and 2021. Three descriptors were used: “leishmaniasis” AND “urban” AND “rural.” Planning, execution, summarization, and selection processes were performed using StArt (State of the Art through Systematic Review) software. We obtained a total of 304 articles, 60 of which concerned canine leishmaniasis. The factors associated with the expansion of leishmaniasis in urban areas are interrelated, including socioenvironmental and economic complexity, the type of leishmaniasis, the reservoirs, vectors, deforestation, disorderly occupation of space, poor sanitary conditions, and human migration trends. A lack of diagnosis and underreporting of cases in some regions may reflect the increase of cases seen in urban areas. A majority (n = 121) of studies were conducted in Brazil, followed by Iran (n = 43). In relation to publications; in general, output has increased over the years, particularly in 2021. The majority of published studies were in the area of epidemiology (n = 158).

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