Producción Científica



Background: Since human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is known as one of the main causes of cervical cancer, medical researchers pay significant attention to this issue2. The current study applies the bibliometric method to identify the trends and advancements of research on HPV worldwide. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted using a bibliometric approach. All HPV-related scientific publications in the Web of Science database until 2022, August 30 were included in the statistical population. The Bibliometrix package of the R programming language was used to analyze the data. Results: In the field of HPV, a total of 45,657 scientific publications were retrieved, the majority of which were articles. The countries with the highest publications were the USA (45,954 document), China (9977), and UK (6652). The words “Infection,” “Cancer,” and “Women” are the most important keywords of scientific publications on HPV. “Cancer,” “infection,” and “women” are the more developed and essential in HPV subject area. “Protein,” “gene-expression,” and “human-keratinocytes” are in this quadrant. “DNA,” “squamous-cell carcinoma,” and “head” keywords are basic themes in the HPV subject area. “Human-papillomavirus vaccination,” “knowledge,” and “attitude” are in this quadrant. Conclusion: The study suggests the need to enhance the focus on global and public health aspects within HPV research to encourage greater participation from various countries in international research endeavors.



Over the past several years, modularity methodology has drawn a lot of attention in the built environment and become a key area of emphasis for the construction sector. By disassembling a structure into standardised, prefabricated parts or modules that may be produced off-site and then assembled on-site, modularity is a construction technique. In order to identify possible research gaps for future studies, this study attempts to evaluate the research studies carried out on modularity technique in the built environment domain. The study also seeks to extract information from present research domain. The SCOPUS database was thoroughly searched for papers pertaining to modularity technique in the built environment using a scientometric review. Research articles from 2019 to 2024 were included in the study, which provided important insights into the themes and developments in the field of modularity methodology. The results showed that modularity technique is becoming more popular, as seen by the large number of publications in 2019. Interestingly, the study found a research gap and very little cooperation with other new developments in the built environment, like digital twins, novel materials, maximising land use, and circular economies. Cluster analysis revealed that the majority of research in this area focuses on the modularity methodology’s component parts, with little investigation into real-world applications across a range of disciplines. The study’s practical implications highlight the necessity for academics, practitioners, and policymakers in the construction sector to take modularity methodology into consideration as a workable and revolutionary strategy.



The race to develop the next generation of wireless networks, known as Sixth Generation (6G) wireless, which will be operational in 2030, has already begun. To realize its full potential over the next decade, 6G will undoubtedly necessitate additional improvements that integrate existing solutions with cutting-edge ones. However, the studies about 6G are mainly limited and scattered, whereas no bibliometric study covers the 6G field. Thus, this study aims to review, examine, and summarize existing studies and research activities in 6G. This study has examined the Scopus database through a bibliometric analysis of more than 1,000 papers published between 2017 and 2021. Then, we applied the bibliometric analysis methods by including (1) document type, (2) subject area, (3) author, and (4) country of publication. The study’s results reflect the research 6G community’s trends, highlight important research challenges, and elucidate potential directions for future research in this interesting area.



The tourism sector is directly related to high energy consumption. In this context, measuring the ecological footprint generated by tourism is crucial to address environmental challenges. Hotels play a prominent role in this footprint due to their size and daily operations, which consume large amounts of energy and natural resources. The objective of this research is to analyze the state of the question of the influence of this carbon footprint reduction in tourist accommodation, especially hotels. The method used is based on the application of the Knowledge Development Process—Constructivist (ProKnow-C), providing a structured, rigorous procedure that minimizes the use of randomness and subjectivity in the bibliographic review process, as well as its subsequent analysis in the Bibliometrix program. As results, 7 relevant articles are obtained and aligned with the research topic, making it possible to identify the main approaches proposed by the authors of this bibliographic portfolio in relation to the problem raised. The present research can be used as a guide for the construction of knowledge in a systematic way and provides, both academics and professionals, a better overview to understand the contributions of the carbon footprint in the accommodation reservation, especially hotels. Through the bibliometric analysis, it was possible to identify relevant data from the 7 articles in the final portfolio, such as the main words and their correlation, the main authors, the production of said authors over time, etc., which can be presented as an opportunity for future researchers.



Background Osteoporosis is a common metabolic disorder that significantly impacts quality of life in the elderly population. Macrophages play a crucial role in the development of osteoporosis by regulating bone metabolism through cytokine secretion. However, there is a lack of scholarly literature in the field of bibliometrics on this topic. Objective This study provides a detailed analysis of the research focus and knowledge structure of macrophage studies in osteoporosis using bibliometrics. Methods The scientific literature on macrophage research in the context of osteoporosis, retrieved from the Web of Science Core Collection (WoSCC) database spanning from January 1999 to December 2023, has been incorporated for bibliometric examination. The data is methodically analyzed and visually represented using analytical and visualization tools including VOSviewer, CiteSpace, Scimago Graphica, the Bibliometrix R package, and Pajek. Results and Conclusions In the last quarter-century, there has been a consistent rise in the quantity of scholarly publications focusing on the relationship between macrophages and osteoporosis, resulting in a total of 1499 research documents. These studies have originated from 45 different countries, with China, South Korea, and the United States being the most prominent contributors, and the United States having the highest frequency of citations. Noteworthy research institutions involved in this field include Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Wonkwang University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Seoul National University. The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research is widely regarded as the premier and most frequently referenced publication in the field. These publications involve the collaboration of 8744 authors, with Lee Myeung Su contributing the most articles, and Takayanagi being the most co-cited author. Key emerging research focal points are encapsulated in keywords such as “mTOR,” “BMSCs,” “bone regeneration,” and “exosome.” The relationships between exosome from macrophage sources and those from BMSCs, along with the regulatory role of the mTOR signaling pathway on macrophages, represent crucial directions for future development in this field. This study represents the inaugural comprehensive bibliometric analysis detailing trends and advancements in macrophage research within the osteoporosis domain. It delineates recent frontiers and hotspots, providing valuable insights for researchers in this particular area of study.



The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted all facets of human existence, notably the agricultural sector. The term “resilience” has regained popularity as a means of coping with pandemics. The primary objective of this article is to discern and compile scholarly works pertaining to the concept of resilience in agriculture, specifically in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, it seeks to establish connections between various research domains and the specific research goals outlined in the synthesis articles. The publishing data utilized in this study comprises of research publications written in the English language, with a specific focus on the field of agriculture. The data was sourced from reputable databases such as Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Wiley, covering the period from 2020 to 2023. There is a total of 110 articles that meet the specified inclusion criteria. The articles were stored on the Mendeley platform and afterwards subjected to bibliometric analysis using the VOSviewer software. In addition, it is important to note that papers are categorized according to their geographical location and the specific aims of the research. The primary findings indicate that resilience has been a longstanding research focus, which has regained popularity due to its association with COVID-19. The number of publications pertaining to COVID-19 is steadily rising, with a focus on several keywords including market disruption, case studies, community-supported agriculture, agroecology, and disaster recovery. study primarily targets countries in the Asian continent based on their geographical location. The result shows mostly revolve around investigating the effects of lockdown measures on agricultural production, the agri-food supply chain, livelihoods, and market access. Several study objectives were also focused on examining the resilience of various farming systems and smallholder farmers. This analysis serves as a valuable point of reference for future research pertaining to the resilience of the agricultural sector in the face of various shocks.



Objective: In this study, we used a bibliometric and visual analysis to evaluate the characteristics of the 100 most cited articles on axon regeneration. Methods: The 100 most cited papers on axon regeneration published between 2003 and 2023 were identified by searching the Web of Science Core Collection database. The extracted data included the title, author, keywords, journal, publication year, country, and institution. A bibliometric analysis was subsequently undertaken. Results: The examined set of 100 papers collectively accumulated a total of 39,548 citations. The number of citations for each of the top 100 articles ranged from 215 to 1,604, with a median value of 326. The author with the most contributions to this collection was He, Zhigang, having authored eight papers. Most articles originated in the United States (n = 72), while Harvard University was the institution with the most cited manuscripts (n = 19). Keyword analysis unveiled several research hotspots, such as chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, alternative activation, exosome, Schwann cells, axonal protein synthesis, electrical stimulation, therapeutic factors, and remyelination. Examination of keywords in the articles indicated that the most recent prominent keyword was “local delivery.” Conclusion: This study offers bibliometric insights into axon regeneration, underscoring that the United States is a prominent leader in this field. Our analysis highlights the growing relevance of local delivery systems in axon regeneration. Although these systems have shown promise in preclinical models, challenges associated with long-term optimization, agent selection, and clinical translation remain. Nevertheless, the continued development of local delivery technologies represents a promising pathway for achieving axon regeneration; however, additional research is essential to fully realize their potential and thereby enhance patient outcomes.



Comprehending the state of the art of certified B Corps and sustainable business ecosystems (SBE) is crucial to affirming the role of B Corps in SBE development. The aim of this paper is to systematise the scientific knowledge related to both concepts and explore the role and contributions of these enterprises in the SBE. To date, no study has jointly carried out a bibliometric analysis and discussed the state of the art of B Corps and SBEs in management literature. A sample of 696 research documents from 2006 to 2024, extracted from the Web of Science and Scopus databases, has been analysed. The results show a strong relationship with the stakeholder and circular economy theories and a weaker relationship with the institutional theory, among others. The SBE literature is closely connected to sustainable and innovation business models, social entrepreneurship, and it is especially associated with social and environmental impact.



Este trabajo pretende evidenciar que el sistema de comunicación científica en su conjunto y, muy en particular, la edición de revistas científicas se ha convertido en un puro negocio, gobernado más por las leyes del mercado editorial que por las leyes de la ciencia. Si hasta no hace mucho las revistas germinaban y florecían en función de las necesidades comunicativas de las distintas áreas del saber y sus comunidades epistémicas sin un explícito e intencionado ánimo de lucro hoy las revistas nacen, crecen y mueren en función exclusivamente de las expectativas de negocio de los emporios editoriales que las comercializan. Se detallan cuáles son las leyes que gobiernan la publicación científica (desarrollo epistémico por división del conocimiento y de las comunidades científicas que lo cultivan para cristalizar en su institucionalización social a través de revistas) y se contraponen a las leyes que rigen el mercado editorial (crear revistas de amplio espectro temático, facilitar la publicación suavizando los criterios de selección de artículos, construcción de grandes resort editoriales con una oferta amplia y diversificada de medios que satisfagan las necesidades de los clientes-autores y conglomerados editoriales que fagociten todo el sistema de comunicación). Narrar el proceso que llevó del ocio al negocio editorial y dentro de este del negocio de las revistas a las revistas negocio será objeto de los primeros epígrafes. Se desvela el nudo gordiano que explica la transmutación de la esencia de la publicación científica: el paso del pagar por leer al pagar por publicar que desata unas dinámicas que conducen a la edición científica al puro negocio. Los caminos que llevan al negocio editorial son diversos. Cada editorial ha desplegado la estrategia que mejor se adapta a su reputación como marca empresarial. Tres son las rutas del negocio editorial descritas: al negocio por la reputación (vendiendo reputación mediante la clonación de revistas), al negocio por la eficiencia (vendiendo publicación fácil y rápida a módicos precios), al negocio por el engaño (vendiendo humo con las revistas depredadoras o comprando reputación en la periferia científica). Todo este negocio editorial es alimentado por las políticas de evaluación del rendimiento científico basadas en las métricas de publicación y citación. Sobre estos cimientos se edifica otro negocio: el negocio bibliométrico. Las exigencias de los sistemas de evaluación conducen al uso indiscriminado de indicadores bibliométricos y a la proliferación de rankings de revistas y rankings de universidades que proporcionan el combustible que hace girar todo el motor del negocio editorial.



The escalating production of Microplastics in marine environments has become a critical environmental issue. This in-depth study examines the worrying issue of microplastic pollution in aquatic environments, revealing notable gaps in the literature and presenting significant research opportunities. Microplastics, derived from the degradation of plastic waste, represent a major challenge for aquatic ecosystems due to their ease of ingestion by wildlife, with common polymers as the main sources. Major pathways of introduction include urban wastewater discharges and the mass disposal of plastic waste. Bioaccumulation, effects on marine ecosystems and identification techniques are areas requiring further exploration. At the same time, the increasing production of microplastics in marine environments is a critical environmental issue. Bibliometric analysis reveals key themes, including sources, production pathways, ecological impacts, and mitigation strategies. This research not only highlights current concerns, but also identifies emerging topics such as advanced monitoring technologies and sustainable production alternatives. Together, these findings offer crucial insights to guide future investigations aimed at mitigating the growing challenges associated with microplastic production in marine ecosystems.