The expansion of the internet over the last few decades has been accompanied by a wide range of ethical discussions. In the culture of social media, the buying and selling of friends, followers, likes and views has become frequent. The question that arises is whether these goods, actions and behaviors may or may not be bought, as well as what the consequences of this market, it operations and what it represents. The objective of this investigation is to point out that the market can only acquire the appearance of these goods and that the internet, when it becomes a place of appearances, loses credibility and gains distrust. Through a methodology based on bibliographic research, as well as on internet sites and statistical data collection, it is concluded that this market is immoral and detrimental to the virtual environment and to social life.
- Autor/es: Flores, NCD (da Silva Flores, Nilton Cesar); Martínez, T (Martínez, Tiago)
- Año de publicación: 2020
- País: Brasil
- Idioma: Portugués
- Fuente de indexación: WOS