The literature recognizes and correlates the power of innovation and entrepreneurship as enabling factors for the economic development of localities. Aiming to examine the prevalence of such relationships, this paper aims to explore the development phenomenon of Brazilian cities considered the most innovative and entrepreneurial, aiming to identify the implications of stimulating technological entrepreneurship on the socioeconomic development of these cities. In the initial bibliometric survey on the themes discussed in Brazilian cities, no scientific papers were identified that explored the three constructs simultaneously, and established comparisons that could indicate some kind of relationship between them. Understood as an original gap, this absence inspired the preparation of the present article. To this end, a mixed approach and exploratory-descriptive research was adopted, using as a basis for comparison the Ranking of the Most Innovative Cities; Most Entrepreneurial Cities Index, FIRJAN Municipal Development Index, Human Development and Gini Coefficient. The cities with an outstanding position in one of the analyzed indexes were examined. The theoretical review allowed the formulation of four hypotheses that were tested and compared to the adopted indexes. The results obtained indicate that the most innovative and entrepreneurial municipalities have high Human Development Index, with emphasis on the dimension of Education, indicating that the training of quality human resources is a relevant asset in the context of innovation and entrepreneurship. However, it was not possible to confirm the relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship with economic development in those municipalities, since the cities with the highest economic development did not appear in the ranking of most innovative cities and in the Index of Most Entrepreneurial Cities, which indicates that it is a potentially valuable object for future studies.
- Autor/es: Carlos Augusto Nakano; Isabel Cristina dos Santos; Bárbara Alessandra Vieira de Brito; Marcelo Szmuszkowicz; Raquel da Silva Pereira
- Año de publicación: 2022
- País: Brasil
- Idioma: Portugués
- Fuente de indexación: WOS