Producción Científica



Honduras is the second largest country in Central America, but 63 % of its population lives in poverty and it is the Central American country with less scientific journals. Even though Honduras has been included in general studies about Latin American science, there are no specific bibliometric studies about the productivity of the country, so this is the first formal study about the most productive institutions, fields and authors in Honduras. The Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Web of Science Core Collection was used to collect the bibliographic data. There are no Honduras publications from 1903 to 1972 in SCI-EXPANDED. Honduras publications from 1973 to 2015 were further analyzed. A total of 1 146 Honduras publications with 13 document types in the Science Citation Index Expanded from 1973 to 2015 were found. Nearly 95 % of the articles in the database are in English, suggesting that articles in this language have the greatest visibility in the database, similar to other Central American countries. The countries with which Honduras publishes (e.g.. Mexico, other Central American countries) follow the geographic and cultural affinity model, i.e. researchers tend to collaborate with colleagues that have similar culture or that are geographically close. This pattern has been found for other Central American countries. The focus of Honduran scientists in health and agriculture problems is typical on the less developed countries; on this respect Honduras is more similar to its closest neighbor, Nicaragua, than to smaller but more developed Central American countries like Panama and Costa Rica. Overall, the situation of scientific research and output in Honduras is improving, with more articles and citation in the SCI-EXPANDED, and this positive trend should bring about benefits for the people of Honduras.



We mapped studies that involve relationships between ‘Physical Education and the media’ and identified how the media is touched by Physical Education, reflecting on the findings. The methodological procedures include bibliometrics analyses carried out on Web of Science for 1945-2019, and Content Analysis. The theme is emerging and has not been addressed globally. Brazilian participation is highlighted, but the total number of publications is low. The areas of knowledge that most discuss the subject are the Humanities, Health Sciences and Applied Social Sciences. There are challenges to be overcome regarding collaboration networks among authors, institutions and countries. Prominent categories include ‘influence of the media to form the audience’s subjectivities’ and those that, based on different specificities, are linked to the school.



The use of protected agriculture structures in tropical and subtropical countries is the main alternative for intensification of agricultural production selected by producers. In general, in these regions, passive and plastic-covered structures predominate, with natural ventilation as the only method of climate control. This phenomenon has been widely studied in different types of structures using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. Therefore, this review aimed to collect and analyze the publications generated in this field of knowledge between 2010 and 2020. The search for information included the main academic databases available on the web and the analysis was carried out using bibliometric techniques, from which it was possible to identify details inherent to the scientific production, such as countries of origin, main authors, journals, and citations. Likewise, a detailed breakdown of the relevant technical information of the three phases of numerical simulation, such as preprocessing, processing, and postprocessing, was carried out. A compilation of 118 papers published in 65 journals, written by 256 authors, originating from 24 countries was achieved, where it was evident that Mexico and Colombia were the countries with the highest scientific production in the last decade. These papers analyzed, together, a total of 17 different types of structures where polyethylene-covered greenhouses predominated, with steady state simulations, for daytime climate conditions and without the presence of crops. Within the current and future research trends, the predominance of studies analyzing passive climate control methods, new models of insect-proof mesh-house structures, and, finally, studies focused on the structural analysis of greenhouses was found.



More than two million species have been described so far, but our knowledge on most taxa remains scarce or inexistent, and the available biodiversity data is often taxonomically, phylogenetically and spatially biased. Unevenness in research effort across species or regions can interact with data biases and compromise our ability to properly study and conserve biodiversity. Herein, we assess the influence of biological, conservation, geographic and socioeconomic correlates of reptile research effort globally and across six biogeographic realms. We combine bibliometric data from the Scopus database with trait-based approaches and provide research effort information for 10 531 reptile species, modelling it as a function of 10 putative correlates of species-level variation in research effort through negative binomial generalised mixed effect models. We show that reptile research effort is highly skewed toward certain taxa and regions, such as turtles, crocodiles, tuatara, viperids, pythons and some anguimorph lizards, as well as for temperate compared to tropical regions. Our findings indicate that greater research attention is directed towards large-sized and early described reptile species, particularly those whose geographic range overlap with biodiversity institutions. Although we demonstrate that biological and socioeconomic factors more strongly affect reptile research effort variation, geography and conservation-related factors also matter. Global patterns are mostly consistent, but variation across realms were observed and likely reflects differences in socioeconomic attributes as well as in the amount of species to be studied in each realm. Directing researchers and citizen scientists’ attention toward understudied taxa will contribute to alleviate this biased biodiversity knowledge, although the sheer amount of species in tropical regions inevitably makes it a long-term solution. Performing comparative studies across species with similar levels of research attention could represent a more immediate and feasible alternative.



Objective: To evaluate, qualitatively, the Brazilian nursing journals and identify their strengths and weaknesses when compared to international journals in the area. Methods: A historic approach regarding the period from 2012 to 2016. We included national nursing journals indexed in the SciELO Database and international journals with an impact factor above 1.0 and below 1.8 indexed in the WoS and Scopus databases. Results: The national journals met SciELO requirements for internationalization and obtained visibility when they were included in international indexing bases. Their citations were mostly national, with the following mean values: 86% in Portuguese; 12% in Spanish and 2% in English. Conclusion: The excellence requirements of the national journals are being accomplished. The publication of articles in Spanish can impact on the increase of bibliometric indicators.



Purpose: The evolution of the socio-cognitive structure of the field of knowledge management (KM) during the period 1986-2015 is described. Design/methodology/approach: Records retrieved from Web of Science were submitted to author co-citation analysis (ACA) following a longitudinal perspective as of the following time slices: 1986-1996, 1997-2006, and 2007-2015. The top 10% of most cited first authors by sub-periods were mapped in bibliometric networks in order to interpret the communities formed and their relationships. Findings: KM is a homogeneous field as indicated by networks results. Nine classical authors are identified since they are highly co-cited in each sub-period, highlighting Ikujiro Nonaka as the most influential authors in the field. The most significant communities in KM are devoted to strategic management, KM foundations, organisational learning and behaviour, and organisational theories. Major trends in the evolution of the intellectual structure of KM evidence a technological influence in 1986-1996, a strategic influence in 1997-2006, and finally a sociological influence in 2007-2015. Research limitations: Describing a field from a single database can offer biases in terms of output coverage. Likewise, the conference proceedings and books were not used and the analysis was only based on first authors. However, the results obtained can be very useful to understand the evolution of KM research. Practical implications: These results might be useful for managers and academicians to understand the evolution of KM field and to (re) define research activities and organisational projects. Originality/value: The novelty of this paper lies in considering ACA as a bibliometric technique to study KM research. In addition, our investigation has a wider time coverage than earlier articles.



A high number of citations can indicate the potential of any specific paper to influence other research and generate changes in clinical practice. Analyzing the most-cited papers in a certain scientific field may assist researchers to identify the influential papers as well their main characteristics. The present study aimed to analyze the 100 most-cited papers concerning dental fluorosis (DF) through a bibliometric review. A search was performed in the Web of Science Core Collection database (WoS-CC) in November 2021. The papers were displayed in descending order according to the number of citations in WoS-CC. Two independent researchers performed the selection. Scopus and Google Scholar were used to compare the number of citations with WoS-CC. The following data were extracted from the papers: title, authors, number and density of citations, institution, country, continent, year of publication, journal title, keywords, study design, and theme. Collaborative networks were generated using the VOSviewer software. The top 100 most-cited papers were published between 1974 and 2014 and were cited 6,717 times (ranging from 35 to 417). Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology (24%), Journal of Dental Research (21%), Journal of Public Health Dentistry (17%), and Caries Research (13%) published the most papers. Observational studies (60%) and literature reviews (19%) were the most common study designs. The main topics were epidemiology (44%) and fluoride intake (32%). The countries with the highest number of papers were the United States of America (USA) (44%), Canada (10%), and Brazil (9%). The University of Iowa (USA) had the most papers (12%). Levy SM was the author with the highest number of papers (12%). The 100 most-cited papers on DF were mainly observational studies focused on epidemiology and originated in North America. There were few interventional studies and systematic reviews among the most-cited papers concerning this topic.



Nanotechnology has emerged as a promising tool in the clinic to combat several difficult-to-manage diseases, such as cancer, which is the second leading cause of death world-wide. Chemotherapeutic drugs present several limitations such as undesired side effects, low specificity, resistance, and high relapse rates. Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is caused by cells that lack specific receptors in their membrane, such as estrogen (ER+) and progesterone (PR+) receptors, or by cells that do not express the amplification of human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER-2+). This cancer type has poor prognosis, high relapse rates, and no targeted therapies. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the trends of nanotechnology research in TNBC and compare the contribution of research from different regions, institutions, and authors. A search of the studies published between 2012 and 2017, related to nanotechnology and TNBC, with different keyword combinations, was performed in the Scopus database. The keywords found in this search were grouped into four clusters, in which “breast cancer” was the most mentioned (1,133 times) and the word “MCF-7 cell line” is one of the latest hotspots that appeared in the year 2016. A total of 1,932 articles, which were cited 26,450 times, were identified. The USA accounted for 28.36% of the articles and 27.61% of the citations; however, none of its centers appeared in the list of 10 most productive ones in terms of publications. The journals Biomaterials and International Journal of Nanomedicine had the highest number of publications. The USA and China had the highest number of articles produced and cited; however, the highest average citation per article was from Singapore. The studies focused on the research of antineoplastic agents in animal models and cell culture, and these were the most used topics in research with nanotechnology and TNBC.



It is fundamental to adopt a Design for Reliability (DfR) approach at the stage of new product development in order to guarantee the reliability of an item at all stages of its life cycle. The amount of publications about DfR is not very extensive and it is somewhat dispersed. Thus, the main objective of this article is to collect and perform an analysis of the most recent literature. Fifty publications were analysed with the purpose of identifying the theoretical foundations regarding this topic. Moreover, the main applications, challenges and limitations of DfR were identified aiming the direction for future research. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.



This study aimed to verify the contributions made in the articles of the main Brazilian journals about the management of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Through the analysis of 80 articles, this study lists the main academic contributions in 5 main axes identified: successes of small companies, cost and production management practices, management practices such as strategies and planning, accountants, managers and entrepreneurs, and the internationalization and export in small companies. This study found a descriptive tendency of the Brazilian studies about the MSMEs, going against international studies, which search for relations between managerial practices and organizational characteristics. Finally, the study has as main contribution the proposal of future studies on MSMEs.