

Transmedia or crossmedia? A multidisciplinary analysis of its terminological use in the academic literature


The difference between transmedia and crossmedia is frequently found to be confusing in the studies regarding communication. The purpose of this research work is to review the use of both concepts in the scientific literature published in Web of Science and SciELo Citation Index. The research starting point is a sample of 895 articles to which a bibliometric analysis and a network analysis are applied to discover the existing relationships among the texts. The results of the study are useful for knowing the configuration of the knowledge field from a perspective that integrates the diverse disciplines involved, and they open the spectrum to understand the transmedia and crossmedia communication as related objects of study that must be studied in an interdisciplinary manner.
Villa-Montoya, María Isabel (36198962800); Montoya-Bermúdez, Diego (57221037159)
Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia; Departamento Comunicación y Lenguaje, la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia
All Open Access; Gold Open Access; Green Open Access
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