

Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Routines of Higher Education Institutions: A Global Perspective


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe disturbances in the work of hundreds of millions of people around the world. One of the groups affected is the academic staff at higher education institutions, whose original business model, i.e., presence teaching, suddenly changed to online learning. This has, in turn, exacerbated pre-existing problems such as shortage of time, busy schedules, and challenges to a work-life balance. Since academic staff plays a key role in respect of teaching and research, often acting as leaders in their fields, it is important to reflect on the influences of the lockdowns on their work routines. In order to address this research need, this paper reports on a study that examined the impacts of the lockdowns on the work of academic staff at universities. Using a bibliometric analysis and investigation of a set of case studies, the study sheds light on the difficulties encountered and the means deployed to address them. Our study did not identify a one-size-fits-all response to manage the manifold changes brought on HEIs by the COVID-19 pandemic. Selected arising priorities include creating a culture of educational resilience through a container of complementary measures.
Leal, W; Salvia, AL; Abubakar, IR; Mifsud, M; Azadi, H; Sharifi, A; LeVasseur, T; Luetz, JM; Velazquez, L; Singh, P; Pretorius, R; Akib, NAM; Savelyeva, T; Brandli, L; Muthu, N; Lombardi, P
Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Routines of Higher Education Institutions: A Global Perspective
Manchester Metropolitan University; Hochschule Angewandte Wissenschaft Hamburg; Universidade de Passo Fundo; Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University; University of Malta; Ghent University; Hiroshima University; Hiroshima University; College of Charleston; University of the Sunshine Coast; University of New South Wales Sydney; Universidad de Sonora; University of South Africa; Universiti Sains Malaysia; Universiti Sains Malaysia; Pondicherry University; Polytechnic University of Turin
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Green Published, Green Accepted, gold
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