
Inclusive physical education in secondary schools: a bibliometric analysis of publications from 2000 to 2024


Introduction: Inclusive physical education has gained attention globally due to its importance in fostering equity and participation for all students. However, research on this topic, particularly in secondary schools, remains limited. Objective: This study investigates the field of inclusive physical education in secondary schools using a bibliometric analysis based on data from the Scopus database. Methodology: A total of 129 articles were selected through keyword searches analyzed with the Publish or Perish software to extract relevant data, alongside VOSviewer for visualizing and interpreting results. The findings reveal that research on inclusive physical education in secondary schools remains relatively underexplored, with only 129 publications identified between 2000 and 2024. Results: The analysis uncovered ten primary keyword clusters: including (1) Attitudes, (2) Health, (3) Secondary Schools, (4) Education, (5) Physical Education, (6) Inclusion, (7) Disabilities, (8) Self-efficacy, (9) Participation, and (10) Physical Impairments. These clusters provides a comprehensive overview of the field’s thematic areas and trends. Discussion: The study concludes that significant gaps persist in the literature, emphasizing the need for further exploration to enhance understanding and practice in this field. Conclusions: Recommendations include extending research to inclusive physical education at the elementary level and focusing on methods to improve the skills and participation of children with disabilities within inclusive settings.
Rubiana, Iman (58046902300); Purwanto, Sugeng (58113036300); Anwar, Muhammad Hamid (59521599100)
Inclusive physical education in secondary schools: a bibliometric analysis of publications from 2000 to 2024; [Educación física inclusiva en la enseñanza secundaria: un análisis bibliométrico de publicaciones de 2000 a 2024]
Siliwangi Tasikmalaya University, Indonesia; Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
All Open Access; Gold Open Access
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