
Bibliometric and Thematic Analysis of Postgraduate Theses Addressing the Phenomenon of Earthquakes in the Context of Psychology


This study aims to examine the theses that address the topic of earthquakes with psychological variables at the Higher Education Council’s National Thesis Center (YÖK) using bibliometric and thematic analysis methods. Therefore, the theses uploaded to the YÖK National Thesis Center until 24.09.2023 were scanned with the keywords “deprem” and “earthquake”, resulting in access to 2650 theses. When the relevant theses were limited to the psychology dimension within the context of the topic, 50 postgraduate theses were accessed. In the research, bibliometric analysis was conducted on the theses; university type, city-university name, year, thesis type, advisor title, institute, department, topic, sample group, and thesis methodology were examined. Thematic analysis was used to discuss the similarities and differences of the psychological variables addressed in the theses. Bibliometric studies provide support in offering ideas for new research. Thematic studies, on the other hand, evaluate the existing situation in detail. As a result of bibliometric analysis, it was observed that the studies addressing earthquakes in the psychological dimension were prepared in different types, departments, and institutes. It was concluded that quite different groups were selected as samples, and research method was mainly quantitative in design. In the thematic analysis, two themes were obtained; the psychosocial consequences of earthquakes and the factors affecting the consequences of earthquakes. In conclusion, this study provides an opportunity to evaluate studies that address individuals’ psychological experiences during earthquake processes. Moreover, considering Turkey is a country in an earthquake zone, it can be said that the research results will provide a perspective for different psychosocial studies related to earthquakes.
Dursun, Asiye (57696275400)
Bibliometric and Thematic Analysis of Postgraduate Theses Addressing the Phenomenon of Earthquakes in the Context of Psychology; [Deprem Olgusunu Psikoloji Bağlamında Ele Alan Lisansüstü Tezlerin Bibliyometrik ve Tematik Analizi]
Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Psikolojisi Bölümü, Kütahya, Turkey
All Open Access; Gold Open Access
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