

Student Interpersonal Intelligence in the Age of Science and Technology: Bibliometric Analysis


The purpose of this research is to analyze students’ interpersonal intelligence in the era of science and technology with the VOSviewer application. In addition to VOSviewer, Publish or Perish method is also employed in this study. The keywords used are “interpersonal intelligence” and “Era of science and technology” on the search which resulted in 1000 relevant articles published from 2018-2022. Based on the research results, the number of published articles on interpersonal intelligence has increased from 2018 to 2021, but there has been a very drastic decrease in 2022. In more detail, the article findings can be described as follows: in 2018, there were 189 articles found; in 2019 there were 191 articles; 202 articles in 2020; 195 articles in 2021; and 138 articles in 2022. This research is intended to assist researchers who will conduct and determine research on the same theme
Sakman, S. (59308222600); Abdulkarim, Aim (57203758979); Komalasari, Kokom (56596830500); Masyitoh, Iim Sitti (57217105153); Hasni, H. (59307615500); Nur, Muhammad (58754117200)
Student Interpersonal Intelligence in the Age of Science and Technology: Bibliometric Analysis
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia; Universitas Palangka Raya, Palangka Raya, Indonesia; Universitas Negeri Makasar, Makasar, Indonesia
All Open Access; Hybrid Gold Open Access
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