

Bibliometric analysis and visualization of the Journal of Management & Organization


Journal of management & organization (JMO), which started its publication life in 1995, publishes scientific studies in the field of management and organization. This research aims to make a bibliometric analysis of 780 documents published since 2007 when JMO first started indexing in WoS. Research data were taken from the Web of Science database in plaintext format. The journal’s conceptual, intellectual, and social structure was revealed by applying techniques such as co-citation, co-authoring, and co-creation through the Vosviewer software. When the research results are examined, it is seen that there is an increasing trend in the number of citations after 2007, when JMO started to be indexed in the WoS database. Research findings show that 1516 authors contributed to the JMO, with “Tui Mckeown” being the most prolific author with fifteen documents. A total of 651 universities contributed to the JMO during the period under review. The top contributing university is Griffth University, with 38 papers. The country that has contributed the most to the JMO since 2007 is Australia, with 241 documents. “Leadership” is the most used keyword in the journal. “Academy of Management Journal” is the most used journal in the documents sent to the journal. The fact that the journal does not comply with Lotka’s law and the studies with multiple authors are more than single studies means that the cooperation between the authors is strong.
Bibliometric analysis and visualization of the Journal of Management & Organization
Hasan Tutar; Canan Baysal
Bolu İzzet Abant Baysal Üniversitesi; Istanbul Arel University
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