

Undergraduate Student Retention Activities: Challenges and Research Agenda


Our study aims to identify effective activities to enhance student retention and promote student success in higher education institutions (HEIs) by reviewing the factors that affect student retention through a literature review. Our study used a systematic review with the bibliometric method to analyze 125 articles related to the retention of students in higher education from 2014 to 2022. We used PCA and network analysis to identify and describe three research fronts of activities to student retention in higher education, two of which are from the perspective of the higher education institution (HEI) and focus on actions for retention to reduce student dropout and activities developed for student success. The third research front is centered on the student, seeking to understand what can lead to persistence in finishing their course. Our bibliometric study enabled us to identify the works and themes that have influenced current research on retention in higher education. By analyzing the bibliographic coupling component, our study provides insights into the research streams in higher education and highlights areas that require further investigation.
Gonçalves, Gustavo Silva (59240549400); Serra, Fernando Antonio Ribeiro (36242358000); Storopoli, José Eduardo (57212483021); Scafuto, Isabel Cristina (57193386707); Rafael, Diego Nogueira (57208282516)
Undergraduate Student Retention Activities: Challenges and Research Agenda
Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park, United Arab Emirates; Universidade Nove de Julho, São Paulo, Brazil; Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing, São Paulo, Brazil
All Open Access; Gold Open Access
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