
Trend and visualizing of historical tourism in education research during last twenty years: A bibliometric review and analysis


This study provides a bibliometric analysis of research findings on Historical Tourism in Education from 2003 to 2022. The analysis focuses on research results indexed by Scopus over the past twenty years. The investigation was conducted systematically by categorizing the data according to topics or themes, identifying the authors with the highest productivity, determining the countries which provided the most significant contributions, identifying the publications that had the highest involvement, and selecting the most relevant articles for the research study. The analysis of Historical Tourism using the term “Historical Tourism” reveals a significant increase in the study of Historical Tourism in Education over the past two decades. This research has been widely published in many academic publications. The Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia has a total of 208 citations. The United States provides the greatest contribution with 47 articles. In general, the findings of this study analysis indicate that there are still opportunities for additional research pertaining to historical tourism in education, particularly in the field of History Education.
Kusnoto, Yuver (57217102731); Supriatna, Nana (57196247717); Wiyanarti, Erlina (57202302605); Hasan, Said Hamid (58817716200)
Trend and visualizing of historical tourism in education research during last twenty years: A bibliometric review and analysis
School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia; IKIP PGRI, Pontianak, Indonesia
All Open Access; Bronze Open Access
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