
Scientific Production of Productivity Fellows In Information Science about Human–Computer Interaction


Objective: to characterize the scientific production in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) of productivity fellows in Information Science in Brazil (PQ-CI-CNPq). Method: it used bibliometric techniques to characterize the universe of 53 articles published by the PQ-CI-CNPq on Human-Computer Interaction. Result: it presents how themes related to the HCI domain were explored by the scientific community of PQs in Information Science. Among the results, the data obtained indicate that publications on this topic appear from 2001, without publications in the 1990s; studies in “information architecture”, which is the most used keyword in the analyzed articles, stand out in the HCI domain in Information Science, and; there is a prominent influence of the authors Morville and Rosenfeld on the publications. Conclusions: the journals chosen to publish on this topic are mostly well qualified by Capes, and this fact may attest to the quality of the production, due to the seriousness and legitimacy of the journals in which such a production is published. It seems that the HSI had information architecture as the most representative theme in the scope of CI, among the PQ-CI-CNPq, which can be considered as a basic theme in this universe and that offers theoretical and practical support to other concepts and applications, which have also been studied such as usability, accessibility, and findability.
Cruz, Tatyane Lúcia (57222166193); Siebra, Sandra de Albuquerque (13006848500); Silva, Fábio Mascarenhas E. (34880877400)
Scientific Production of Productivity Fellows In Information Science about Human–Computer Interaction; [PRODUÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DOS BOLSISTAS DE PRODUTIVIDADE EM CIÊNCIA DA INFORMAÇÃO SOBRE INTERAÇÃO HUMANO-COMPUTADOR]
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Departamento de Ciência da Informação, Recife, Brazil
All Open Access; Gold Open Access
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