

Scientific production on public communication of science in Dimensions between 2017 and 2021.


The research proposes a bibliometric analysis with the aim of characterizing the disciplinary status of public communication of science based on indicators of scientific productivity, scientific collaboration and thematic production in the Dimensions database between 2017 and 2021. The study falls within the field of descriptive bibliometrics with a quantitative methodological approach. The results show the leadership of the United States and the United Kingdom with 41% of the articles published in specialized journals. The most productive journals have high levels of impact. The highest rates of productivity are found at the University of The West of England. The large participation of Latin American authors stands out with 96 articles, 26.37% of the total. From the thematic point of view, the studies focus on: theories of scientific communication, attitudes/behaviors and the development of mechanisms between science and public policies.
Barceló-Hidalgo, Mayre (58294182500); Dávila-Lorenzo, Marianela (57218904565)
Scientific production on public communication of science in Dimensions between 2017 and 2021.; [Producción científica sobre comunicación pública de la ciencia en Dimensions entre el 2017 y el 2021]
Universidad de Cienfuegos Carlos Rafael Rodriguez. CubaCentro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación., Cuba
All Open Access; Gold Open Access
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