
Bibliometric study with a gender approach of the cuban bufo theater


The Bufo Theater is a genre of mixed, satirical and musical style related to the zarzuela, the sainete, the parody and the purpose. It was developed in Cuba during the second half of the 19th century and constitutes a very personal chapter of the costumbrista aspect of Cuban culture. One of the most important collections of rare and valuable books in Cuba is located at the Universidad Central «Marta Abreu» de Las Villas (Cuba): the Coronado Collection. In it is the complete Collection of the Cuban Bufo Theater, made up of 551 works. The bibliometric analysis with a gender approach allows characterizing the gender issues in the period in which these works were developed. The gender approach present in the works and that they respond to a specific historical period where patriarchal society was most influential, mainly in literature and theater in particular.
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