
An analysis of the main research topics investigated by Brazilian researchers with doctoral degrees


The production and publication of scientific papers presented an impressive growth in the last decades, being the Internet the main factor of access and diffusion of these to the community. Given this context, there is a global interest in all areas of knowledge regarding studies of scientific production data, in order to know what has been done about science. The understanding of how the researches have evolved may serve as a basis to build scientific policies that accelerate the progress of science or to impel research groups to become more productive. In this context, the aim of this study is to analyze the research topics published during the last 55 years in the Brazilian Science trajectory of researchers with a doctoral degree, in order to map scientific knowledge and identify hot topics. For this, the general characterization and an analysis of data related to the keywords of the articles published in congresses annals and in periodicals are carried out, written by the researchers who have curricula registered in the Lattes Platform. The results showed an overview of the keywords used by the PhDs, and identification and analysis of the main research topics developed by them. Also the validity of the results from the quantitative point of view was verified, to help the understanding about the development of the Brazilian science.
Gomes, JO; Dias, TMR; Moita, GF
An analysis of the main research topics investigated by Brazilian researchers with doctoral degrees
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Green Published, Green Submitted, gold
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