

Mapping the Literature on Asset Management: A Bibliometric Analysis


Asset management is a contemporary research area that coordinates activities to realize value from assets in organizations. Consolidated with the international ISO 55000 series, it has become an active field of infrastructure. In this context, this paper aims to map the literature on asset management through a bibliometric analysis. In order to have a comprehensive mapping, a bibliometric approach was conducted in three steps: data collection, data processing and extraction of results. The analysis processes focused on publication trends, key research areas, main sources of publication, contributing authors and countries and its collaboration as main topics of bibliometric. A total of 2,449 documents related to asset management was collected according to the search protocol. Publication trends identified a rapid growth over the past 15 years on asset management and a concentration of documents in five research areas: Financial and business, Infrastructure, Maintenance, Optimization and Management. The source of publications and contributing authors were both identified not only by the greatest number of documents on the field but their relevance by citation index. Lastly, the USA, England, Canada, Australia and China were found to be the most publishing countries and strong international collaborators on asset management. Thus, these findings are expected to contribute to researchers around the world as bibliometric mapping is an interesting approach to provide a detailed overview of a scientific field and insights for further research.
da Silva, RF; de Souza, GFM
Mapping the Literature on Asset Management: A Bibliometric Analysis
Universidade de Sao Paulo
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