
Analysis of ten years of the academic production published in the scientific studies published in the congress ANPCONT


The objective of this study was to analyze the profile, characteristics and behavior of the scientific production published in the studies published in the Anpcont Congress from 2007 to 2016. Methodologically, bibliometric and social network analysis techniques were used in 847 published articles. The main results were: Beuren, Frezatti, Teixeira, Espejo, Macedo, Rodrigues, Miranda, Cornachione Junior, Almeida and Sarlo Neto are the authors that stood out in this study and that were evident in the proficuity of the publications and the centralities of degree and intermediation. Institutions include: USP, UFMG, UFPB and FURB, which were highlighted both in the production of articles, as well as degree and in-between. Corporate governance, cost management, disclosure, management accounting, investment, budgeting, results management, accounting information, international accounting and public management were all highlighted. In general, the profile, characteristics and behavior of the scientific production evidenced in the papers published in the Anpcont Congress from 2007 to 2016 is concluded, considering in the bulge of this study data and information that help to better reach and cover the advancement of the area of knowledge Accounting through bibliometric and sociometric indicators that envisage the collaborations between the actors that are primordial for the diffusion and socialization of scientific knowledge, through the publication of insipient themes, emerging, maturing and / or legitimized in the national scientific literature. This fact contributes to a better understanding and knowledge of the scientific field of Accounting, influencing its understanding, and later impacting on its advance in the area of the knowledge of Applied Social Sciences, creating academic value in the scientific literature; and helping in its disclosure and growth, through the themes that make Accounting Sciences evolve and improve in the business landscape in Brazil.
Ribeiro, HCM; Ribeiro, GKM
Analysis of ten years of the academic production published in the scientific studies published in the congress ANPCONT
Universidade Federal do Piaui
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