
Electronic Governance: A Bibliometric Analysis of National and International Academic Journals


This study sought to identify the academic articles, citations and constructs that involve the issue of electronic governance. This research was carried out through a bibliometric study to collect the main academic articles on electronic governance published in national and international academic journals. The bibliographical survey was carried out on the Scopus, Web of Science, Spell and Scielo databases, covering the years 2005 to 2015. The justification for the theme is given by the fact that electronic governance comprises the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) by the government in order to improve the delivery of its services to citizens, to businesses and even to government agencies themselves. The study found 364 articles, with a considerable increase from 2009. Most of the studies were conducted in India, the United States and the United Kingdom, representing 43.95% in the period, however, South Korea obtained the highest average citations per article, followed by the United States and Spain. The findings of this study are based on those of Evans and Yen (2006), who argue that the different developments in electronic governance are a reflection of the population’s culture. In Brazil, the studies found, have focused both on the contribution as well as the monitoring of government’s e-governance practices. The journals that had the highest publications on the subject were Government Information Quarterly, International Journal of Electronic Governance and Electronic Government. After identifying the words of the titles and the abstracts, five clusters were found that define the main ideas of the topic addressed. For future research, a comparison of services provided through ICTs in countries that already have a culture shaped by e-governance practices with those provided in Brazil is suggested.
Fabriz, SM; Gomes, ARV; de Mello, GR
Electronic Governance: A Bibliometric Analysis of National and International Academic Journals
Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana
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