

Scientometric analysis of trachoma research in Brazil, 2000-2020


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the scientometric profile of research on trachoma in Brazil. METHODS: Bibliographic survey of publications on trachoma in Brazil indexed by the Scopus database, from specific criteria in the period 2000 to 2020. Data on authorship, country of origin, institutions and descriptors were extracted and analyzed, with analyses of temporal trends. Bibliographic networks were built using the VOSviewer((R)) 1.6.16 scientometric visualization software. RESULTS: From the total of 42 publications analyzed on trachoma in Brazil, we observed an annual average of two articles, with an increase of approximately 50% in the period. There was an average of three authors per paper, and school surveys were the most common subject category. Most of the articles published were from Brazilian institutions (95.2%), mainly from the Southeast and North regions. Ten most productive authors were mentioned as first authors in 26.2% (11/42) of the publications and the predominant institutions were affiliated with the state of Sao Paulo. The term Trachoma (n = 18) presented the highest recurrence as a descriptor. CONCLUSION: This first scientometric analysis of trachoma in Brazil shows a limited number of studies on this disease. There is a discrete increase in scientific production, despite the concentration of the origin in geographical areas with lower endemicity of the disease. Greater investments are needed for a better understanding and control of this neglected tropical disease. The analysis of the literature production has a relevant role in strengthening the development of research and strategic planning of programs for the control of trachoma and neglected tropical diseases in general.
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