
Top 100 most-cited articles on intraoral squamous cell carcinoma and its risk factors: a bibliometric study


This study aimed to analyze the 100 most-cited articles on intraoral squamous cell carcinoma and its risk factors. A literature search was conducted on November 12, 2020 using the Web of Science database. Bibliometric data were collected after study selection. Bibliometric maps were generated using VOSviewer software. Articles were ranked based on the number of citations, ranging from 108 to 1513 per study. Eleven studies presented at least 400 citations. Articles were published between 1950 and 2017 and were mostly case-control studies (n = 39) and narrative reviews (n = 29). The author and institution in most articles were S. Franceschi (n = 10) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (n = 10), respectively. The most prominent countries were the United States (n = 35), the United Kingdom (n = 16), and France (n = 9). Among the 100 most-cited articles, only one article was from Brazil, and the authors were affiliated with the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. Bibliometric maps showed strong associations between the terms alcohol, smoked/smokeless tobacco, and human papillomavirus. Emerging terms, such as areca nut and betel quid, were cited in recent articles. In conclusion, alcohol, tobacco, and human papillomavirus were the most prominent risk factors. Case-control design was the most common study design, and the majority of studies were conducted in the United States by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Melo, G; Flausino, CS; Darella, IK; Miguel, AFP; Martins, PA; Rivero, ERC
Top 100 most-cited articles on intraoral squamous cell carcinoma and its risk factors: a bibliometric study
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC); Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC); Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
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