
Web of Science as a research tool and support for scientific activity: lights and shadows of their collections, products and indicators


A description of the collections, products and bibliometric indicators of Web of Science is made, with special emphasis on its usefulness and importance in scientific evaluation activities. The main limitations of coverage and indicators, which have an impact on the analysis of scientific production in peripheral countries and/or regions and in areas of knowledge with less representation in the source, are also discussed. The specific contributions of the database to the different activities and phases of scientific research, such as researchers, journals, publishing groups and libraries, are also discussed. Specifically, the volume of data is shown, its collections, products and indicators are detailed, together with the evaluation of some positive and negative aspects. Comparisons are made with other sources of information existing in the scientific research market, which also allow bibliometric research to be carried out, providing the reader with an important characterization of the tool and its competitors, which helps to know its perspectives of use within the research scenario. The ideas developed and systematized in the text lead to the conclusion that despite its relevance for scientific activity at different levels and aggregates, the biases of its indicators, the impossibility of accessing the source in many institutions and the existence of other tools with similar features and ease of use, are aspects that should be taken into account because they affect its application, future use and permanence in the research ecosystem.
Gregorio-Chaviano, O; Mesa, EKL; Limaymanta, CH
Web of Science as a research tool and support for scientific activity: lights and shadows of their collections, products and indicators
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Universidad La Gran Colombia; Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
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