
Qualitative effect in the Post-Graduation Programs of the Federal University of Sao Carlos: an analysis based on co-occurrence


The evaluation criteria of postgraduate programs can be used as contributions to management insofar as they allow the development of bibliometric indicators for the monitoring, especially of scientific production. This is due in large part to the higher valuation of this item at the time of valuation. In this context, this research aims to investigate the dynamics of intellectual production, particularly scientific articles in periodicals, of the Post-Graduation Programs of the Federal University of Sao Carlos, through the elaboration of bibliometric indicators and network analysis in order to observe the relationship between the publication of articles in Qualis strata and the program notes. Quantitative approach, applied nature and exploratory character, data extraction from the Lattes Platform was done using the SyncLattes tool from a list of 1,215 teachers accredited in the permanent category in the period 2010-2017, which resulted in 16,275 bibliographic records referring to scientific articles in periodicals. The data were imported into the VantagePoint software and treated with thesauri who associated the IDLattes of the teachers with the accreditation period in the programs and thesauri associating the ISSN of the periodicals with the Qualis Periodic strata. The bibliometric indicators were elaborated in the software Microsoft Excel and VOSviewer and demonstrated the possibility of monitoring the production of articles of the programs with a view to the management.
Maciel, RS; de Faria, LIL; Milanez, DR; Lanca, TA
Qualitative effect in the Post-Graduation Programs of the Federal University of Sao Carlos: an analysis based on co-occurrence
Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos
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Green Published, gold, Green Submitted
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