
Electric Vehicle Supply Chain Management: A Bibliometric and Systematic Review


With the advancement of electric mobility, critical materials that are used in the batteries and electronic equipment of electric vehicles tend to become scarce. This work aims to analyse the state-of-art of the electric vehicle supply chain through bibliometric and systematic reviews, using quantitative and qualitative indicators, to find critical points that represent risks to the supply chain and that should be focused on and to identify trends for further studies. The bibliometric review was carried out with the support of the Bibliometrix software. The systematic review was performed using the PRISMA method. The bibliometric analysis showed the importance of the costs associated with electric vehicles, as well as trends in studies related to sustainability and transparency in the supply chain. Although risk management in the supply chain appears to be relatively little studied when considering the authors’ keyword analysis, the systematic review showed that this process was the most studied topic. Even so, raw materials supply appeared as the topic most focused on, followed by an environmental impact assessment and cost analysis. There were also studies aiming to achieve competitiveness and analyse ecologically correct practices. The battery was the most studied component, but other components must be analysed in search of greater competitiveness in relation to conventional vehicles.
Soares, LO; Reis, AD; Vieira, PS; Hernandez-Callejo, L; Arismel Mancebo, BR
Electric Vehicle Supply Chain Management: A Bibliometric and Systematic Review
Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET-RJ); Universidad de Valladolid
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gold, Green Published
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