
Education in environmental health: scientific contributions of the last 20 years


Man’s attitudes about the environment have generated irreversible damage to the planet, emerging as an alternative to this problem Environmental Education, which aims to reorient social awareness towards a friendly and thoughtful culture. Through environmental education, we seek to make people aware of the problems of the natural and social environment from their school education in childhood to generate values, new attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs aimed at caring for the environment and learning new relationships between people. Likewise, to carry out these environmental education strategies, it is important to know some specific parameters, such as biological diversity and conservation, in addition to the conservation policies carried out by each nation. In this sense, in this work a bibliometric study was carried out based on high-impact scientific production and stipulated by ScienceDirect related to Environmental Education during a period of the last 20 years. The results were grouped into five clusters: “Environmental Education” OR “Education for Sustainable Development” OR “Education for Sustainability” OR “Education for Climate Change” OR “Eco citizenship”. The union of all these clusters are connected and intertwined with each other. Them in a dependent way, which is a consequence of the study carried out.
Campos-Ugaz, Walter Antonio (57903342400); Saavedra-López, Miguel A. (57219977151); Sierra-Liñan, Fernando (57483223000); Garay-Argandoña, Rafael (57211796338); Aguilar, Oscar Omar Álcazar (57219963842); Hernández, Ronald M. (57211992911); Rodríguez-Vargas, Martha C. (57212303953)
Education in environmental health: scientific contributions of the last 20 years; [Educación en salud ambiental: aportes científicos de los últimos 20 años]
All Open Access; Bronze Open Access
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